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Anderson, R. Earle - Liberia: America's African Friend
De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:
Afbeelding: | |
Schrijver: | Anderson, R. Earle |
Titel: | Liberia: America's African Friend |
ISBN: | |
Uitgever: | University of North Carolina Press |
Bijzonderheid: | 1952, 305 pages, hardcover, nice copy for a 60 year old book, spine and cover dirty, signs of use but no tears or other damage; |
Prijs: | € 15,00 |
Meer info | With notes and Index, ills, maps. No dust jacket. A classical work on the West-African country of Liberia, created with the help of the American Colonization Society and supported by the government of the United States of America. |
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