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Baby Professor - Virus vs. Bacteria - Knowing the Difference - Biology 6th Grade Children's Biology Books

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Afbeelding: Baby Professor - Virus vs. Bacteria - Knowing the Difference - Biology 6th Grade Children's Biology Books
Schrijver: Baby Professor
Titel: Virus vs. Bacteria - Knowing the Difference - Biology 6th Grade Children's Biology Books
ISBN: 9781541938915
Uitgever: Baby Professor
Bijzonderheid: 2017 64pp Paperback / softback
Prijs: € 27,10
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Did you know that how you got sick will determine what treatment methods will work for you? If you were infected by a virus, doctors normally would just allow your immune system to fight it. If you were infected by a bacteria, on the other hand, antibiotics would work. In this book, you're going to learn to spot the differences between the virus and the bacteria.

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