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Neidhardt, Gary - Bobbie B. The Untold Story of A.A.'s "Fantastic Communicator"
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Afbeelding: | |
Schrijver: | Neidhardt, Gary |
Titel: | Bobbie B. The Untold Story of A.A.'s "Fantastic Communicator" |
ISBN: | 9798886409031 |
Uitgever: | Ewings Publishing LLC |
Bijzonderheid: | 2023 384pp Gebonden |
Prijs: |
€ 33,80
Meer info | Flaptekst Step back in time when A.A. was so new and small that their Headquarters carried an unlisted phone number. The only way most prospects could contact this new recovery phenomenon was through the mail. From 1942 through mid-1949, Bobbie answered thousands of written requests from all over the world, which earned her love and respect from many A.A.s she would never meet. She was the only alcoholic employed there until 1946. She also carefully protected Bill W.'s reputation during periods when news of his difficulties might have jeopardized the future of Alcoholics Anonymous. Previously unknown letters written by Bill showing his gratitude for Bobbie's contributions are documented here for the first time after being hidden away for seventy years. |
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