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Sebastian, Tim - Saviour's Gate - A scintillating novel of espionage and war

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Afbeelding: Sebastian, Tim - Saviour's Gate - A scintillating novel of espionage and war
Schrijver: Sebastian, Tim
Titel: Saviour's Gate - A scintillating novel of espionage and war
ISBN: 9781800328433
Uitgever: Canelo
Bijzonderheid: 2022 352pp Paperback / softback
Prijs: € 13,90
€ 1,75
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How many have to die to save one man?
Each night a small jet leaves Moscow heading for a lonely outpost in the frozen Soviet North. It takes no passengers and brings none back.
Intelligence shows this is neither a cargo flight nor a military flight. The British believe it's an escape route for the beleaguered General Secretary, who will use it, just moments before he's toppled from power.
But to do so he must first pass through the deadly Saviour's Gate in the Kremlin itself...
A taut and tense espionage thriller with a terrifying dose of reality, ideal for readers of David Young, Simon Scarrow and Alex Gerlis.Praise for Saviour's Gate
'The best spy novel since The Spy Who Came in from the Cold' Stephen Coonts
'Absorbing, tense, and all too credible, this is all a prophetic thriller should be' Observer
'It is a lucid, intelligent and utterly absorbing novel about international intrigue... so brilliantly perceptive that I often caught myself holding my breath' Daily Mail

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