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Kaschub, Michele (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, University of Southern Maine), Smith, Janice (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, Queens College) - Experiencing Music Composition in Grades 3-5

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Afbeelding: Kaschub, Michele (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, University of Southern Maine), Smith, Janice (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, Queens College) - Experiencing Music Composition in Grades 3-5
Schrijver: Kaschub, Michele (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, University of Southern Maine), Smith, Janice (Professor of Music Education, Professor of Music Education, Queens College)
Titel: Experiencing Music Composition in Grades 3-5
ISBN: 9780190497644
Uitgever: Oxford University Press Inc
Bijzonderheid: 2017 154pp Gebonden
Prijs: € 170,55
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This book provides a unique and practical series of materials that help music teachers connect music education to young composers' everyday emotions and activities. Authors Michele Kaschub and Janice Smith, both veteran music educators, offer new ways to promote not only creative intuition in children but also independent thought, preparing students for a fulfilling relationship with music.

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