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Stacey, Michelle - The Fasting Girl: A True Victorian Medical Mystery

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Afbeelding: Stacey, Michelle - The Fasting Girl: A True Victorian Medical Mystery
Schrijver: Stacey, Michelle
Titel: The Fasting Girl: A True Victorian Medical Mystery
ISBN: 9781585421350
Uitgever: Tarcher/Putman
Bijzonderheid: Hardcover, 2002, 334 pp, Conditie : Als nieuw, ongelezen
Prijs: € 14,95
Meer info The riveting true account of Mollie Fancher, who, in 1865, was plagued with a vast array of ailments including paralysis and trances, all of which caused her to "live on air" for the rest of her life, examines such intriguing phemonena as fasting saints and the dawn of the Age of Neurosis, detailing the social and technoligical turmoil of the time.
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