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Freeman, Margret B. - The Unicorn Tapestries

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Afbeelding: Freeman, Margret B. - The Unicorn Tapestries
Schrijver: Freeman, Margret B.
Titel: The Unicorn Tapestries
ISBN: 9780525226437
Uitgever: Metropolitan Museum of Arts
Bijzonderheid: Hardcover, 1976, 244 pp, Conditie : Als nieuw, ongelezen
Prijs: € 39,95
Meer info As the Curator Emeritus of The Cloisters of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Margaret B. Freeman is THE authority on the unicorn tapestries. That tapestries are similar in make and model to The Lady and The Unicorn Tapestries in the Cluny Museum in France. The author traveled the globe to museums and libraries and the great homes where these tapestries were commissioned or housed. In her research, she discovered the unpublished 1680 inventory of the Duke Francois VI de La Rochefoucauld in the National Archives in Paris, France.
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