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Peter Merry - Why Work?

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Afbeelding: Peter Merry - Why Work?
Schrijver: Peter Merry
Titel: Why Work?
ISBN: 9780998031729
Uitgever: Amaranth Press
Bijzonderheid: Goed, 2019, Paperback, 144p
Prijs: € 8,00
€ 4,50
Meer info We humans are born to be full of life, expressing all different parts of ourselves through creativity while building a vibrant world together. The current world of work deadens this human potential by only valuing that which adds to abstract economic indicators and deprives us of the time and space to contribute in ways that are meaningful and empowering. Why Work? shows us how we can change our policies, take action directly in our communities to carve out the space for us to reclaim our humanity, and engage in activities that reward our deeper needs, our communities and our planet as a whole. This is the Why of Work.
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