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- Area 2 100 Graphic Designers, 10 Curators, 10 Design Classics
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Titel: | Area 2 100 Graphic Designers, 10 Curators, 10 Design Classics |
ISBN: | 9780714848556 |
Uitgever: | Phaidon |
Bijzonderheid: | Goed, 2008, Linnen band, 623p |
Prijs: |
€ 30,00
€ 4,50
Meer info | Area 2 is the second volume in the graphics version of Phaidon's award-winning series of curated compendiums, which includes Cream, Fresh Cream, Blink, 10x10, 10x10_2, and Spoon. Covering all manifestations of printed graphics created by the world's most visionary designers, Area_2 presents the posters, books, magazines, typography, packaging, and ephemera that has influenced visual culture over the past five years. |
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