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Jean-Antoine du Cerceau 269865 - Poésies du Père Du Cerceau [2 vols.] Nouvelle edition

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Afbeelding: Jean-Antoine du Cerceau 269865 - Poésies du Père Du Cerceau [2 vols.] Nouvelle edition
Schrijver: Jean-Antoine du Cerceau 269865
Titel: Poésies du Père Du Cerceau [2 vols.] Nouvelle edition
Uitgever: Eugène Onfroy
Bijzonderheid: Goed, 1785, Contemp. leather
Prijs: € 145,00
€ 4,50
Meer info Vol. 1: Poésies - Vol. 2: Fables et Contes. Complete in 2 vols. \nJean-Antoine du Cerceau (12 November 1670 – 4 July 1730) was a French Jesuit priest, poet, playwright and man of letters. Du Cerceau taught at several Jesuit colleges, where he composed several plays for the benefit of his students, who performed them on the college grounds. His work became popular, with performances being held at court, and Du Cerceau was made private tutor go the prince of Conti. In 1730 du Cerceau was accidentally shot and killed by his pupil. He was the most popular Jesuit dramatist, and his plays would be republished many times for more than a century after his death.
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