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Noble Frankland 29359 - Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester

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Afbeelding: Noble Frankland 29359 - Prince Henry  Duke of Gloucester
Schrijver: Noble Frankland 29359
Titel: Prince Henry Duke of Gloucester
ISBN: 9780297777052
Uitgever: Weidenfeld and Nicolson
Bijzonderheid: Goed, 1980, Linnen band met stofomslag, 343p
Prijs: € 30,00
€ 4,50
Meer info Henry William Frederick Albert Windsor (1900-1974) was born at York Cottage, Sandringham, England as the fifth in line to the English crown. Henry was the third son of the Duke of York who eventually became George V of England. Henry's elder brothers, David and Bertie, eventually became Edward VIII and George VI. In 1928 he was made the Duke of Gloucester, Earl of Ulster and Baron Culloden. In 1935 he married Lady Alice Montangue-Douglas-Scott and they became the parents of two children. Descendants live in England and are part of the extended House of Windsor.
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