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Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 219694, Albert Einstein 20969, Hermann Minkowski 83812, Hermann Weyl 16972 - The principle of relativity a collection of original memoirs on the special and general theory of relativity

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Afbeelding: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 219694, Albert Einstein 20969, Hermann Minkowski 83812, Hermann Weyl 16972 - The principle of relativity a collection of original memoirs on the special and general theory of relativity
Schrijver: Hendrik Antoon Lorentz 219694, Albert Einstein 20969, Hermann Minkowski 83812, Hermann Weyl 16972
Titel: The principle of relativity a collection of original memoirs on the special and general theory of relativity
ISBN: 9780486600819
Uitgever: Dover
Bijzonderheid: Goed, 1952, Paperback, 216p
Prijs: € 8,00
€ 4,50
Meer info Here are the 11 papers that forged the general and special theories of relativity: seven papers by Einstein, plus two papers by Lorentz and one each by Minkowski and Weyl. \"A thrill to read again the original papers by these giants.\" — School Science and Mathematics. 1923 edition.
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