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Pitz, Henry C. - 200 Years of American Illustration: Masterpieces of graphic art from posters, books, magazines, newspapers, and advertising art. Foreword by Norman Rockwell

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Afbeelding: Pitz, Henry C. - 200 Years of American Illustration: Masterpieces of graphic art from posters, books, magazines, newspapers, and advertising art. Foreword by Norman Rockwell
Schrijver: Pitz, Henry C.
Titel: 200 Years of American Illustration: Masterpieces of graphic art from posters, books, magazines, newspapers, and advertising art. Foreword by Norman Rockwell
Uitgever: Random House, New York.European Illustration, London in Association with the American Society of Illlustrators
Bijzonderheid: gebonden boek met stofomslag, 1977, 1e druk, 436 pag., rijk geïll. in zeer goede staat
Prijs: € 14,00
Meer info Met een voorwoord van Norman Rockwell
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