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- D-Day 50 Years On

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Afbeelding:  - D-Day 50 Years On
Titel: D-Day 50 Years On
ISBN: 9771353246001
Uitgever: Anthony J. Mullarkey
Bijzonderheid: 1994- 1e druk - 190 blz - Paperback - in goede staat
Prijs: € 14,95
€ 5,95
Meer info D-Day 50 Years On

D-Day 50 Years On. This book provides a link between Britain's Armed Forces today and their forbears who landed on D-Day 6th June 1944. The first part is devoted to brief descriptions of some of the events of D-Day and the subsequent battle of Normandy. Part two covers, in outline, the roles and tasks of the Armed Forces today. A comprehensive account of every unit, ship and squadron's part in the events of 6th June 1944 and the following weeks is beyound the scope of a short book, and the editors apologise to any of those who took part who feel that undue weight has been given to some participants at the expense of others.
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