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GUNSTON, Bill - Classic Aircraft - Bombers - Profiles of major Combat Aircraft in Aviation History

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Afbeelding: GUNSTON, Bill - Classic Aircraft - Bombers - Profiles of major Combat Aircraft in Aviation History
Schrijver: GUNSTON, Bill
Titel: Classic Aircraft - Bombers - Profiles of major Combat Aircraft in Aviation History
ISBN: 9780600349969
Uitgever: Optimum, Hamlyn Publishing Group Ltd
Bijzonderheid: Hard cover, in good condition. Published 1978, 160 pages, 29 X 22 cm, full of photographs and cut away drawings
Prijs: € 20,00
Meer info Through a series of informed profiles, this book traces the stories of the great bombers of the world's air forces, from the strange Capronis which were flown on heroic missions across the Alps in the First World War to do Viggen, representative of a new generation of strike aircraft when the traditional definitions of military aircraft ceased to apply. Is illustrated with over 100 photographs and cutaway drawings many in colour.
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