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Maupin, Armistead - Babycakes

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Schrijver: Maupin, Armistead
Titel: Babycakes
Uitgever: Harper & Row
Bijzonderheid: 1984/1e dr./222 p./paperback [18,7 x 23,3 cm]
Prijs: € 10,00
Meer info When a ordinary husband and his ambitious wife decide to start a family, they discover there's more to making a baby than meets the eye. Unexpected help arrives in the form of a British monarch, a grieving gay neighbour, and an international ring of mail-order brides.
From the Upper Crustaceans of San Francisco to the leather bars of London, Armistead Maupin takes you on a heartfelt romp celebrating the fundamental absurdities of modern romance. The characters that made cult classics of 'Tales of the city', 'More tales of the city', and 'Further tales of the city' are at it again in 'Babycakes', a comedy of manners for our times.
Armistead Maupin has been compared to Dickens, Waugh and Wodehouse, but his storytelling style is distinctively - and delightfully - his own. His tranchant wit, keen ear for dialogue, and compassionate insight into the human condition have earned him avid fans throughout the English-speaking world.
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