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- Handwritten manuscript on the coats of arms of the family Beaumont ("Wapens uit genealogie van Beaumont e.a.")

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Titel: Handwritten manuscript on the coats of arms of the family Beaumont ("Wapens uit genealogie van Beaumont e.a.")
Bijzonderheid: 19th century, 20 pages, 150 coats of arms (familiewapens) in ink, Some coats of arms have been taken from the genealogy of Beaumont, owned by Mr W.B. Baron van Brakell te Arnhem in januari 1894. The book starts with coats of arms from a testament...
Prijs: € 247,50
€ 7,95
Meer info Handwritten manuscript on the coats of arms of the family Beaumont ("Wapens uit genealogie van Beaumont e.a.") 19th century, 20 pages, 150 coats of arms (familiewapens) in ink, Some coats of arms have been taken from the genealogy of Beaumont, owned by Mr W.B. Baron van Brakell te Arnhem in januari 1894. The book starts with coats of arms from a testament made up in Doetinchem by A. Planten and Everdina de Bruijn in 1759. With register. small booklet with different kinds of paper in the binding.
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