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KONING, J.;, - La vie de Jean-Charles-Joseph van Speyk extraits de l'ouvrage de Jacques Koning, traduits du Hollandais par Ch. Gallas

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Schrijver: KONING, J.;,
Titel: La vie de Jean-Charles-Joseph van Speyk extraits de l'ouvrage de Jacques Koning, traduits du Hollandais par Ch. Gallas
Bijzonderheid: Paris, Gustave Piquoin, 1895, 23 pages, large fold out family tree of Van Speyk, original softcover paper wrapper with lettering and decoration, front soiled, some foxing throughout, Jan Carolus Josephus van Speijk, also written Van Speyk (31 Janu...
Prijs: € 49,50
€ 7,95
Meer info La vie de Jean-Charles-Joseph van Speyk extraits de l'ouvrage de Jacques Koning, traduits du Hollandais par Ch. Gallas Paris, Gustave Piquoin, 1895, 23 pages, large fold out family tree of Van Speyk, original softcover paper wrapper with lettering and decoration, front soiled, some foxing throughout, Jan Carolus Josephus van Speijk, also written Van Speyk (31 January 1802 - 5 February 1831), was a Dutch naval lieutenant who became a hero in the Netherlands in 1831 for his opposition to the Belgian Revolution. He allegedly blew up his gunboat with its crew to prevent it being taken by the Belgian revolutionaries.
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