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Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623) after Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550) - The fountain of youth

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Schrijver: Bry, Jan Theodor de (1561-1623) after Beham, Hans Sebald (1500-1550)
Titel: The fountain of youth
Bijzonderheid: Representation visually divided in two: on the one side a loggia qieh bathing people below and music making personages above. On the right a fountain where elderly and people are entering to bathe to become healthy and young again. Below a Latin i...
Prijs: € 1320,00
€ 8,25
Meer info The fountain of youth Representation visually divided in two: on the one side a loggia qieh bathing people below and music making personages above. On the right a fountain where elderly and people are entering to bathe to become healthy and young again. Below a Latin inscription: 'Balnea Mundanae non ultima gaudia vitae...Circum ignem ducunt, multus quem scipio pascit.'. Signed below in the center:'Io. Theo de bry fe.' monogrammed above on the right:'HSB'. On the verso Collector's mark of D.U. Lugt 796. l Engraving on paper; total: 88 x 214 mm; only state; Hollstein 11, W 11 OMP (Old Masters Prints Black Folders) Br-Bz (4)
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