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copy after Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603) after Sadeler, Raphael I (1560-1632) - AMOR (four allegorical prints)

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Afbeelding: copy after Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603) after Sadeler, Raphael I (1560-1632) - AMOR (four allegorical prints)
Schrijver: copy after Vos, Maarten de (1532-1603) after Sadeler, Raphael I (1560-1632)
Titel: AMOR (four allegorical prints)
Bijzonderheid: First print of the series: Love. In the foreground a young man playing a lute under a tree with Cupid aiming an arrow at him; beyond is a park with a loggia and figures making music, eating and drinking at a table in the open air; at left is a Dia...
Prijs: € 715,00
€ 8,25
Meer info AMOR (four allegorical prints) First print of the series: Love. In the foreground a young man playing a lute under a tree with Cupid aiming an arrow at him; beyond is a park with a loggia and figures making music, eating and drinking at a table in the open air; at left is a Diana fountain, a female torso spurting water from her breasts atop a turtle; by the musician's feet are various musical instruments, a sport racket, a sword, gloves and a moneybag. Inscribed on the bottom:'Dum mihi... foelix qui potuit dicere talis eram.'; number '253' added with brown ink, titled above:'AMOR' Inscription Content: Lettered above with “AMOR”. Below left “Martin de vos inventor / Raphael Sadeler scalpsit et excudit” and date “1591”. In the margin two columns of Latin, each four lines “Dum mihi … eram”. l Engraving on paper, pasted on cardboard, rimmed within paltemark; total: 216 x 251; Hollstein 1462, copy c
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