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DREVET, PIERRE, - M. Leonardus Delamet Sac. Fac. Doctor Theol.

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Schrijver: DREVET, PIERRE,
Titel: M. Leonardus Delamet Sac. Fac. Doctor Theol.
Bijzonderheid: Portrait of theologian and professor Léonard de Lamet (1625-1705). Engraving on hand laid paper, sheet size 380 x 505 mm., platemark 342 x 470 mm., engraved by Pierre Drevet (1663-1738) after Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743), 1699. In good condition,...
Prijs: € 192,50
€ 7,95
Meer info M. Leonardus Delamet Sac. Fac. Doctor Theol. Portrait of theologian and professor Léonard de Lamet (1625-1705). Engraving on hand laid paper, sheet size 380 x 505 mm., platemark 342 x 470 mm., engraved by Pierre Drevet (1663-1738) after Hyacinthe Rigaud (1659-1743), 1699. In good condition, some small tears in the top margin (not affecting image) with odl restoration. A small nick in the right margin. Some scattered marginal foxing. References: IFF XVIII vii.326: 67; LeBlanc ii.143: 76.
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