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Cody, Jeffrey W. - Building in China Henry K. Murphy's "Adaptive Architecture" 1914-1935

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Afbeelding: Cody, Jeffrey W. - Building in China  Henry K. Murphy's "Adaptive Architecture" 1914-1935
Schrijver: Cody, Jeffrey W.
Titel: Building in China Henry K. Murphy's "Adaptive Architecture" 1914-1935
ISBN: 9780295980959
Uitgever: University of Washington Press
Bijzonderheid: 2001, 1e druk, 264 pp, gebonden met stofomslag
Prijs: € 10,00
Meer info Building in China is about striking an architectural balance between the pull of monumental tradition and the push of technological novelty. Centering on the dynamic period of post-imperial and pre-Communist China, the book focuses on the building and city planning initiatives of Henry Murphy, a little-known American architect who initially ventured to China in 1914 to design a campus for the Yale-in-China program, but who then found himself captivated by a professional and cultural challenge that lasted two decades how to preserve China's rich architectural traditions while also designing new building using up-to-date Western technologies.
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