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Quataert, Donald - The Ottoman Empire. New Approaches to European History
De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:
Schrijver: | Quataert, Donald |
Titel: | The Ottoman Empire. New Approaches to European History |
ISBN: | |
Uitgever: | Cambridge University Press |
Bijzonderheid: | 2004; in zeer goede staat |
Prijs: |
€ 16,00
€ 5,45
Meer info | verzending naar DHL-afhaalpunt in uw omgeving € 5,45 thuisbezorging € 6,45 The Ottoman Empire 1700-1922 is the latest addition to the successful textbook series New Approaches to European History, and strikes a balance between social, economic, and political history. The Ottoman Empire was one of the most important non-Western states to survive from medieval to modern times, and played a vital role in European and global history. It continues to affect the peoples of the Middle East, the Balkans and central and western Europe to the present day. This major new survey examines the most important trends during the latter years of the empire; it pays attention to gender issues and to hotly-debated topics such as the treatment of minorities. Donald Quataert, a distinguisehed Ottoman scholar, has written a lively, authoritative and accessible narrative. The text is supported by maps illustrations and genealogical and chrononological tables, which will be of enormous value to student and non-specialists alike. |
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