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Lange, Dagmar; Schippmann, Uwe - Checklist of medicinal and aromatic plants and their trade names covered by CITES and EU Regulation 2307/97 Version 3.0, BfN Skripten 8

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Afbeelding: Lange, Dagmar; Schippmann, Uwe - Checklist of medicinal and aromatic plants and their trade names covered by CITES and EU Regulation 2307/97 Version 3.0, BfN Skripten 8
Schrijver: Lange, Dagmar; Schippmann, Uwe
Titel: Checklist of medicinal and aromatic plants and their trade names covered by CITES and EU Regulation 2307/97 Version 3.0, BfN Skripten 8
Uitgever: German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Bonn
Bijzonderheid: 1999, 48 pp., paperback, large format, incl. bibliography, condition very good
Prijs: € 5,00
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