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Spence, Lewis - Myths of the North American Indians.

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Afbeelding: Spence, Lewis - Myths of the North American Indians.
Schrijver: Spence, Lewis
Titel: Myths of the North American Indians.
Uitgever: Gramercy Books
Bijzonderheid: Avenel, Gramercy Books. 1994. Hardcover. Very Good. l 393 pp. In this time Spence's interest was sparked in the myth and folklore of Mexico and Central America, resulting in his popularisation of the Mayan Popul Vuh, the sacred book of the Quiché...
Prijs: € 16,00
Meer info Myths of the North American Indians. Avenel, Gramercy Books. 1994. Hardcover. Very Good. l 393 pp. In this time Spence's interest was sparked in the myth and folklore of Mexico and Central America, resulting in his popularisation of the Mayan Popul Vuh, the sacred book of the Quiché Mayans (1908). He compiled A Dictionary of Mythology (1910) and numerous additional volumes. [Bron: Wikipedia]
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