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REYNOLDS, L.D. and N.G. WILSON, - Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek & Latin Literature.

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Schrijver: REYNOLDS, L.D. and N.G. WILSON,
Titel: Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek & Latin Literature.
ISBN: 9780198721468
Uitgever: Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991
Bijzonderheid: 3rd rev.and enlarged ed. IX,321,XVIp. ills. Paperback. Nice copy.
Prijs: € 28,00
€ 4,50
Meer info 'The first edition (1968) of this now celebrated book was succeeded by a second (1974) which added a chapter on post-Renaissance scholarship and a section of discursive bibliographical notes (...). for the third edition the authors have not only brought the bibliographical notes up to date but also made extensive amendments and additions both small and large, throughout the text. (...) Nos ter beatos.' (JAMES DIGGLE in The Classical Review (New Series), 1992, p.484).
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