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KENNICOTT, BENJAMIN - The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew Mss. of the Old Testament; Begun in 1760, and compleated in 1769.

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Titel: The Ten Annual Accounts of the Collation of Hebrew Mss. of the Old Testament; Begun in 1760, and compleated in 1769.
Uitgever: Oxford, Sold by Mr
Bijzonderheid: Fletcher & Prince, in Oxford, Mr Woodyer in Cambridge; Mr. Rivington, Payne, Dodsley and Fletcher, in London., 1770. 206 pp.. title-page a bit too narrowly cut. Good copy. Modern halfleather, marbled boards, goldprinted spine, moroccan titlepieces...
Prijs: € 283,40
Meer info With a list of subscribers in 1760 (4 pp.). Benjamin Kennicott was librarian at Oxford, and a member of the Royal Society of Sciences in Göttingen and of comparable academies in Mannheim and Paris. Study of Hebrew Bible in England.
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