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Dion, Mark - Mark Dion - a collection of 3 invitations / documents

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Schrijver: Dion, Mark
Titel: Mark Dion - a collection of 3 invitations / documents
Bijzonderheid: No Binding, Fine, Invitation
Prijs: € 35,00
Meer info 1) 'The Macabre Treasury', Museum Het Domein, Sittard, 2013. Ditpych. Page size: 21 x 15 cm. Front: color photograph. --- 2) Marta Herford, 2016. Program/flyer (text in German) + invitation for the opening of the exhibition 23.10.2015. --- 3) Sticker sheet with planning of the exhibitions at Marta Herford
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