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Saunders, Joseph (fl. 1772-1808) after Gucht, Benjamin van der (1753-1794) - Mr Moody and Mr Packer in the farce of the Register Office

De vraag gaat over de volgende titel:

Afbeelding: Saunders, Joseph (fl. 1772-1808) after Gucht, Benjamin van der (1753-1794) - Mr Moody and Mr Packer in the farce of the Register Office
Schrijver: Saunders, Joseph (fl. 1772-1808) after Gucht, Benjamin van der (1753-1794)
Titel: Mr Moody and Mr Packer in the farce of the Register Office
Bijzonderheid: Two characters in costume for the play by Joseph Reed: Mr Moody on the left sitting at a table and holding a pen over an open book, looking at Mr Packer, on the right, with a cane/stick in his left hand and his hat in his right hand; painting and ...
Prijs: € 605,00
€ 6,00
Meer info Mezzotint on paper with small margins; plate mark: 451 x 446 mm, total: 462 x 460 mm; mounted on thick sheet of paper.
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Arine van der Steur


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