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Tripp, Alonzo - Crests from the ocean-world: Or, Experiences in a voyage to Europe principally in France, Belgium and England, in 1847 and 1848, comprising sketches . miniature worlds, Paris, Brussels, and London

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Afbeelding: Tripp, Alonzo - Crests from the ocean-world: Or, Experiences in a voyage to Europe principally in France, Belgium and England, in 1847 and 1848, comprising sketches . miniature worlds, Paris, Brussels, and London
Schrijver: Tripp, Alonzo
Titel: Crests from the ocean-world: Or, Experiences in a voyage to Europe principally in France, Belgium and England, in 1847 and 1848, comprising sketches . miniature worlds, Paris, Brussels, and London
Uitgever: Tappan and Whittemore
Bijzonderheid: By Traveller and theacher -
Prijs: € 25,00
€ 6,50
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