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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Monumenten in Nederland. Dr... Stenvert, R. et al. Monumenten in Nederland. Drenthe. Zwolle, Waanders, 2001. 246 pp., ills, groot 4to, linnen/omslag € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarb... Leids Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek. Vol. 3. Bouwen in Nederland. Vijfentwintig opstellen over nederlandse architectuur opgedragen aan Prof. Ir. J.J. Terwen. Delft, Delftsche Uitgevers Maatschappij, 1985. 556 pp., nums. ills. in b/w, large 8vo, orig. cloth € 15.00
€ 3,90
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aardsch paradijs. buitenpla... Gelderman, E., Hagedoorn, J. (ed.) aardsch paradijs. buitenplaatsen Boschwijk, Landwijk en Veldwijk nabij Zwolle. Zwolle, Waanders, 1994. 184 pp., ills, 4to, gebonden/omslag € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Maartensdijk. Geschiedenis ... Kruidenier, M.; Spek, J. van der Maartensdijk. Geschiedenis en architectuur. Zeist, Kerckebosch, 2000. 238 pp., ills. in z/w. 8vo, softcover. Nieuw exemplaar. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Maarssen. Geschiedenis en a... Bous, M. et al Maarssen. Geschiedenis en architectuur. Zeist, Kerckebosch, 2007. 424 pp., ills. in z/w. 8vo, softcover. Nieuw exemplaar. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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is poppe goet en anders nie... Pijzel-Dommisse, J. is poppe goet en anders niet. Het poppenhuis in het Frans Halsmuseum. Haarlem, De Haan, 1980. 112 pp., 54 ills., ills, 8vo, pap. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Willem Kalf, 1619-1693. Giltaij, J.; Meijer, F.G. Willem Kalf, 1619-1693. Exhib. cat. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, 2006. 169 pp., sumpt. ill. in col. and b/w, sl... € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Madonnas of Jan van Scorel ... Faries, M. and L. H. Helmus Madonnas of Jan van Scorel (1495-1562). Serial production of a cherished motif. Utrecht, Centraal Museum, 2000. 126 pp., 30 ill. in b/w + 13 in col. Small 4to, orig wrappers. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Vestingwerken in Nederland. Schukking, W.H. Vestingwerken in Nederland. Zutphen, Terra, 1988. 107 pp., 61 ills., 8vo, pap. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Altrussische Baukunst. Faensen, H.; Iwanow, W. Altrussische Baukunst. The Hague, Gaade, 1972. 537 pp., ill, maps, small folio, cloth/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Delfts aardewerk. Lahaussois, Chr. Delfts aardewerk. Amsterdam, AUP/Mercatorfonds, 2008. 223 pp., sumpt. ill. in col., small folio. boards/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Silver  carving of the old ... Irons, Neviile, J. Silver carving of the old China trade London, The House of Fans, 1983.280 pp., ills, large 4to, cloth. € 100.00
€ 3,90
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verzameling van Eeghen. Ams... Bakker, B. verzameling van Eeghen. Amsterdamse tekeningen 1600-1950. Text and cat. by B. Bakker, E. Fleubaay, A. W. Gerlagh. Zwolle, Waanders, 1989. 510 pp., ills, linne... € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Improvisations: The drawing... Karras, OZ Improvisations: The drawings of Miles Davis Lincolnwood, 2001 ( The Estate of Miles Davis). 79 pp., ills, oblong cloth/d-j. € 75.00
€ 3,90
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Sounding forms. African mus... Brincard, M.Th. Sounding forms. African musical instruments Washington, 1989. 205 pp., ills, large 4to, wrps. € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Russians and Dutchmen. Proc... Braat, J. et al. Russians and Dutchmen. Proceedings Rijksmuseum Amsterdam 1989 Groningen, 1993. 230 pp., ills, 4to, cloth/d-j € 20.00
€ 3,90
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King Tut. The journey throu... Vannini, S. King Tut. The journey through the underworld Taschen, 2018. 447 pp., ills, folio, boards/d-j. € 50.00
€ 3,90
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Death of Ivan Ilyitch and O... Tolstoy, L. Death of Ivan Ilyitch and Other Stories. New York, Dodd Mead and Company, 1927. 362 pp., 8vo, cloth. Gilt decorated spine. VERY RARE. € 75.00
€ 3,90
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orchideeen van Nederland. E... Kreutz, C.A.J.; Dekker, H. orchideeen van Nederland. Ecologie, verspreiding, bedreiging, beheer Landgraaf, 2000. 512 pp., ills, folio, gebonden/omslag € 25.00
€ 3,90
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On the State of Business. T... Twijnstra, R.W. On the State of Business. Trade, Entrepreneurship and Real Economic Governance in South Sudan. Wageningen, Wageningen University, 2014. 195 pp., ills in b.w, 4to, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Calvinist Preaching and Ico... Crew, P.M. Calvinist Preaching and Iconoclasm in the Netherlands 1544-1569. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1978. 221 pp., 4to, cloth with d-j. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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1001 spells. The complete b... Eason, C. 1001 spells. The complete book of spells for every purpose New York, Sterling Ethos, 2014. 533 pp., 4to, boards € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Ethica. Ethica Nicomachea Aristoteles Ethica. Ethica Nicomachea Groningen, Historische Uitgeverij, 1999. 358 pp., 8vo, h.linnen/omslag. Naam eigenaar op schutblad € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Beauty and the Sublime Healy, P. Beauty and the Sublime Amsterdam (SUN Publishers), 2003. 160 pp., 8vo softcover, no ill. € 14.00
€ 3,90
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gothic cathedral. The origi... Simson, O. von gothic cathedral. The origins of gothic architecture. FIRST EDITION London, Routledge, 1956. 307 pp., ills, large fold plate included, 4to, cloth € 30.00
€ 3,90
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History of collage. An anth... Wolfram, E. History of collage. An anthology of collage, assemblage and event structures Studio Vista, 1975. 192 pp., ills, 4to, cloth/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Nicolette, J.M. - diable Nicolette, J.M. diable Paris, Les humanoides associes, 1978. plates in col., folio, wrps. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Illusie en werkelijkheid. N... Weisberg, G.P. Illusie en werkelijkheid. Naturalistische schilderijen, foto's... Exhib. cat. Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam, 2010. 223 pp., ills, oblong 4to, gebonden € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Christian IV and Europe. Th... Heiberg, S. (ed.) Christian IV and Europe. The 19th art exhibition of the Council of Europe. Exhib. cat. Det Nationalhistoriske Museum pa Frederiksborg, 1988. 607 pp. , sumpt. ill. in b/w and c... € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Goya and the spirit of enli... Perez Sanchez, A.E. Goya and the spirit of enlightenment. Cat. by A. E. Pérez Sanchez and E. A. Sayre. Exhib. cat. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1989. 407 pp.... € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Kinderen op hun mooist. Het... Bedaux, J.B.; Ekkart, R. (ed.) Kinderen op hun mooist. Het kinderportret in de Nederlanden 1500-1700. tent. cat. Frans Halsmuseum, Haarlem, 2000 (Ludion, Ghent). 319 pp., ills. in kleur en zwart/wit. 4t... € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Liotard in Nederland. Grijzenhout, F . Liotard in Nederland. Exhib. cat. Centraal Museum, Utrecht, 1985. 189 pp., ills, slappe kaft € 10.00
€ 3,90
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natuur als atelier. Het Fra... Mazetier, S. et al. natuur als atelier. Het Franse landschap van Corot tot Cézanne. Exhib. cat. Gemeentemuseum, The Hague (Waanders, Zwolle), 2004. 192 pp., sumpt. ill., mostly in col.... € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Onsterfelijk. In negen stap... Kurzweil, R.; Groddman, T. Onsterfelijk. In negen stappen naar een blijvende gezondheid. Tilburg, De Wereld, 2009. 366 pp., ills in z/w, 4to, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Madagascar. Island of the a... Mack, J. Madagascar. Island of the ancestors. London, British Museum, 1986. 96 pages, numerous ills in colour and b/w, 8vo, softcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Storm, H. - Lightningbolt. Storm, H. Lightningbolt. New York, Ballantine Books, 1997. 534 pp., ills in b/w, 4to, softcover. Some markings in pencil. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Nature revealed. Selected w... Wilson, Edward O. Nature revealed. Selected writings, 1949 - 2006. Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, 2006. 719 pages, ills in b/w, 4to, cloth with d-j. Fin... € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Klimsch's Jahrbuch 1900. Ei... Klimsch Klimsch's Jahrbuch 1900. Eine Ubersicht uber die Fortschritte auf graphischem Gebiete Frankfurt, Verlag von Klimsch, 1900. Band I. 228 pp., ills, orig. decorated cloth. First issue, nums... € 150.00
€ 3,90
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Herzogin Anna Amalia Biblio... Grunwald, W. et al. Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek. Nach dem Brand in neuen Glanz Berlin, Otto Meissners Verlag, 2007. 182 pp., ills, 4to, cloth/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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boekillustratie ten tijde v... Depauw, C. boekillustratie ten tijde van de Moretussen Exhib. cat. Museum Plantin-Moretus, Antwerp,1996. 208 pp., ills, 4to, pap. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Collected stories. FIRST ED... Salter, James Collected stories. FIRST EDITION London, Picador, 2013. 302 pp., 4to, boards/d-j. Fine condition € 120.00
€ 3,90
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Kiss my fist ! Chase, James Hadley Kiss my fist ! New York, Eton Books (E112), 1952. 190 pp., 8vo, pap. Name owner on corner title-p. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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There's a whip in my valise Pearson, Angela There's a whip in my valise Ophelia Press, 1969. 190 pp., 8vo, pap. Fine condition € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Tardi - Vaarwel morgendauw Tardi Vaarwel morgendauw Casterman, 2011. 60 pp., 4to, gebonden € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Kraa. De schaduw van de arend Sokal, B. Kraa. De schaduw van de arend Casterman, 2012. 63 pp., ills, 4to, gebonden € 20.00
€ 3,90
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art of Batman begins. Shado... Vaz, Mark Cotta art of Batman begins. Shadows of the dark knight Titan Books, 2005. n.p., ills, oblong 4to, boards/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Bad boy Miller, Frank; Bisley, S. Bad boy Dynamite Entertainment, 2008 ( first printing). 4to, ills, hardback € 15.00
€ 3,90
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atelier d'Alberto Giacometti. Genet, Jean; Scheidegger, E. atelier d'Alberto Giacometti. Decines, Marc Barbezat l'Arbalete, 1967. Unpaged, 33 ills in b/w, 8vo, softcover. Text in French. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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loved one. An Anglo-America... Waugh, E. loved one. An Anglo-American tragedy. New York, Crosset Dunlap, 1948. 164 pages, 8vo, hardcover. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Oxford Latin dictionary. Glare, P.W.G. Oxford Latin dictionary. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1990. 2126, large 4to, cloth/d.j. Fine copy € 200.00
€ 3,90
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