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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Kadsura Cauliflora. antique print (prent) Kadsura Cauliflora. Lithography by Hutz Latour et Sixtus delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Impr.Simonau... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Kadsura Scandens. antique print (prent) Kadsura Scandens. Lithography by Hutz Latour et Sixtus delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Impr.Simonau... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Uvaria Littoralis. (Pepisang). antique print (prent) Uvaria Littoralis. (Pepisang). Lithography by Sixtus Archenhausen delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Impr.Simonau. Ta... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Castanea Javanica. antique print (prent) Castanea Javanica. Lithography by Vivien Sixtus delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Impr. P. Simonau. Take... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Myrica Javanica. antique print (prent) Myrica Javanica. Lithography by G Simonau. Sixtus delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand, [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Impr. P. Simo... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Quercus pseudomolucca. antique print (prent) Quercus pseudomolucca. Lithography by J Vivien. Latour delineavit. Orig. coloured by hand, [ca.1850]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Taken from Flo... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Uvaria Aurita. antique print (prent) Uvaria Aurita. Lithography by Sixtus Arckenhausen et Sixtus delineavit. Impr. Simonau. Orig. coloured by hand, [ca.1850]. Total size ca.2... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Uvaria Rufa. antique print (prent) Uvaria Rufa. Lithography by Hutz Sixtus delineavit. Impr. Simonau. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1850]. Total size ca.27x42 cm. Taken f... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Reguliers klooster, buiten ... antique print (prent) Reguliers klooster, buiten de Reguliers poort. Karthuizer klooster, buiten de de Haarlemmer of Karthuizers poort 1602. Kopergravure, [ca.1760] 2 gravures op een blad. ca.26x16 cm. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Uvaria Javana. antique print (prent) Uvaria Javana. Lithography by Severeyns Sixtus delineavit. Impr. Simonau. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1840]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Taken f... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Uvaria Purpurea. antique print (prent) Uvaria Purpurea. Lithography by Hutz Sixtus delineavit. Impr. Simonau. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1840]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Some mi... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
(B. Picart) Pretres mendian... antique print (prent) china. (B. Picart) Pretres mendians de la Chine. Chatiment d`un pretre impudique. Punition d`un autre pour avoir abandonne la vie monastique. Copper engraving, 1728, by B Picart. Total size ca.20x16 cm. Small margins. Top lacks margin. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Amsterdam. Jan Rodenpoorts ... antique print (prent) Amsterdam. Jan Rodenpoorts toren. Kopergravure Copper engraving. [ca.1750]. Size ca.18x30 cm. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Liquidamber altingiana. antique print (prent) Liquidamber altingiana. Lithography by Hutz Sixtus delineavit. Impr. Simonau. Orig. coloured by hand. [ca.1840]. Total size ca.28x42 cm. Some mi... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Het dorp Zwammerdam. antique print (prent) Het dorp Zwammerdam. Copper engraving Kopergravure. Gezicht op het dorp Zwammerdam in ovaal. [1793]. Geplakt op board. Mounted. ca.12x18 c... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Rotterdam. Laurenskerk. antique print (prent) Rotterdam. Laurenskerk. Staalgravure Bartlett, [ca.1835]. ca.16x13 cm. Under passepartout. 1 zijde heeft smalle marge. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Prism. Third quarter 1990. LITTLE ARTHUR D. (ED.), Prism. Third quarter 1990. 80 pp Softcover. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
(Amsterdam) Lustrum almanak... RED. (Amsterdam) Lustrum almanak der Unitas Studiosorum Amstelodamensium. Amsterdam, 1926, 107 pp Softcover. Illustr. Met de originele ingeplakte foto van de Senaat. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Jubileumnummer de Banketbak... red. Jubileumnummer de Banketbakkerij ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarig bestaan der Nederlandsche Banketbakkers-vereeniging 1885-1935. Amsterdam, 31e jaargang nr 37. Linnen met fraaie bandtekening. Illustr. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Una famiglia, un'industria.... CEMENTI BUZZI, Una famiglia, un'industria. 75 anni di Lavoro 1907-1982. Instituto Grafico Bertello, Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN) 101 pp. Hardcover. Illustr. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
STEEMERS, WIJNAND, - Haaknagels. STEEMERS, WIJNAND, Haaknagels. Arnhem, Leida, 1987 1e druk. Losse kaartjes in kunststof doosje. Oplage van 100 genummerde exemplaren. Dit is nummer 51.... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Delftsche (Delftse) Student... (Delft) Delftsche (Delftse) Studenten bond. 10e Lustrum 1947. 9 verschillende items: Programmaboekje 15 pagina`s Delftsche Courant 3 november 1947. Menukaart van galadiner gesigneerd door verschillende studenten. ... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Shoe bottom costing. A syst... BREAM, E.S. BROOKES, R.H., Shoe bottom costing. A system for Ascertaining and Checking Costs of Shoe Soles. Factors which Affect the Cost and Value of Cut Bottom Stock. London, The British Boot, Shoe and Allied Trades Research Association, 1936 1st. 34 pp. 1 fold. out-table. Hardcover. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
GRUNBAUM, RITA, - Larchmont. GRUNBAUM, RITA, Larchmont. NY, Hackett, 1961 1st. ca. 80 pp. Hardcover. Oblong. Illustr. Frontcover is slightly waterstained. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Thomas Joshua Cooper. Betwe... COOPER, THOMAS JOSHUA MURRAY, GRAEME, Thomas Joshua Cooper. Between Dark And Dark. Edinburgh, 1986 Hardcover. Illustr. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire de France depuis l... VILLARET, M., Histoire de France depuis l`etablissement de la Monarchie; jusqu`au regne de Louis XIV. Paris, Saillant/Desaint, 1767 487 pp. Full leather. Volume 17 of the series Histoire de France. Top of spine is slightly split. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Historia Ecclesiastica duor... LECLERC, JEAN (JOHANN CLERICUS), Historia Ecclesiastica duorum primorum a Christio Nato saecolorum, e veteribus monumentis depromta a (..). Amsterdam, David Mortier, 1716 813 pp. Full leather. Index. Front cover and first 4 pages loose. Need to be rebound. Is being sold ... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. Bruxelles, Fricx, 1740 600 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tags. (history 1585-1595). 17x10 cm. (=volume 36 of ... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. Bruxelles, Fricx, 1739 630 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tags. (history 1570-1585). 17x10 cm. (=volume 35 of ... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. Paris, Guerin, 1728 616 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tag. (history 1456-1484). 17x10 cm. (=volume 23 of t... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. Bruxelles, Fricx, 1734 518 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tag. (history 1562-1563). 17x10 cm. (=volume 33 of t... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. Bruxelles, Fricx, 1734 530 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tag. (history 1563-1569). 17x10 cm. (=volume 34 of t... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. (History 1536-1545). Bruxelles, Fricx, 1732 511 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tags. 17x10 cm. (=volume 28 of the series). € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. (History 1545-1550). Bruxelles, Fricx, 1736 639 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tag. 17x10 cm. (=volume 29 of the series). € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. (History 1508-1528). Bruxelles, Fricx, 1729 671 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. Tag. 17x10 cm. (=volume 25 of the series). € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Histoire ecclessiastique, p... FLEURY, MR., Histoire ecclessiastique, pour servir de continuation a celle de M. l`Abbe Fleury. (History 1521-1528). Bruxelles, Fricx, 1729 608 pp. Leather. Giltstamped spine. Marbl.endp. 17x10 cm. (=volume 26 of the series). € 100.00 antiq.Victory
The naked and the dead. MAILER, NORMAN, The naked and the dead. New York, Rinehart, 1948 1st edition. 721 pp. Hardcover. Top of spine damaged. Some wear on edges. Parts of dustjacket (front... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Rapport van eene reis naar ... CLEYNDERT PZN HENDRIKS, R.U., Rapport van eene reis naar Argentinie door de heren H. Cleyndert Pzn en R.U. Hendriks, in zake eene aldaar op te richten Olieslagerij. Amsterdam, de Bussy, [1917] 53 pp. Or.omsl. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Der Atlantische Ocean. (Ant... antique map (kaart). Der Atlantische Ocean. (Antique map of the atlantic ocean). Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1851 Steelengraving by F. von Stulpnagel. Orig.coloured in outlines. From: Stieler's Hand-Atlas. Plate s... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Sud-America (Antique map of... antique map (kaart). Sud-America (Antique map of the northern part of South America: (Brasil, Guyana, Venezuela, Bolivia, Suriname). Gotha, Justus Perthes, 1851 Steelengraving by F. von Stulpnagel. Orig.coloured in outlines. From: Stieler's Hand-Atlas. Plate s... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Ost-Polynesien (Antique map... antique map (kaart). Ost-Polynesien (Antique map of Eastern-Polynesia, Hawaii, Tahiti, Galapagos, map) Steelengraving by F von Stulpnagel. From: Stieler's Hand-atlas, 1851. Orig.coloured in outlines. Plate size ca.40x34 cm. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Iran und Turan, Persien, Af... antique map (kaart). Iran und Turan, Persien, Afghanistan, Beludschistan, Turkestan. Antique map. Steelengraving by F von Stulpnagel. From: Stieler's Hand-atlas, 1851. Orig.coloured in outlines. Plate size ca.34x39 cm. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Der Sudliche Theil von Sud-... antique map (kaart). Der Sudliche Theil von Sud-America (Antique map of Southern South America) Steelengraving by F von Stulpnagel. From: Stieler's Hand-atlas, 1851. Orig.coloured in outlines. Plate size ca.31x39 cm.... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Hendrik van Brederode te Am... SCHELTEMA, P., Hendrik van Brederode te Amsterdam in 1567. Geschiedkundig overzicht uit echte bronnen geput en met authentieke bewijzen gestaafd. Amsterdam, G Portielje, 1846. 1st. 128 pp. Or.omsl. Frontispice. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Manuel de l`ame pieuse, ou ... RICHARD, C.L., Manuel de l`ame pieuse, ou l`on trouve l`abrege methodique des pratiques les plus propres les plus efficaces pour le sanctifier Liege, 1783. 264 pp. Calf. 17x10 cm. Stamp on title page. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Forschen und schaffen. Beit... (ed.), Forschen und schaffen. Beitrage der AEG zur Entwicklung der Elektrotechnik bis zum Wiederaufbau nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin, AEG, 1965 3 volumes. 472 472 518 pp. Hardcover. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Considerations ou meditatio... CRASSET, JEAN, Considerations ou meditations chretiennes sur les plus importantes veritez de l`evangile pour l`entretien de l`ame. Maastricht, Lambert Bertus, 1711 195 pp. Calf. 14x8 cm. Stamp on titlepage. Giltstamped spine. Signed by former owner M.A. Stryckwant... € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Oeuvres de Virgile, traduit... VIRGILE, (Vergillius), Oeuvres de Virgile, traduites en Francais avec des remarques par M. Binet. Paris, Le Normant, 1808 Volume 1 2 only. Half leather. 10x17 cm. HB. Bilingual latin-french. (livre 1-4) € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Brieven, nevens eenige brie... GELLERT, C.F., Brieven, nevens eenige brieven zyner vrienden, tot dezelven betreklyk; na zynen dood uitgegeven. Amsterdam, Pieter Meijer, 1774 456 pp. Hldr. Scratch on spine. Kras op rug. € 100.00 antiq.Victory
Philippiques de Demosthene ... OLIVET, ABBE D' (transl.), Philippiques de Demosthene et Catilinaires de Ciceron. Paris, Gandouin, 1744 3rd edition. 427 pp. Calf. Gilt.back. 17x10 cm. Avec des remarques de M. le President Bouhier. Marbl... € 100.00 antiq.Victory

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