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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Violon  Volume III (Méthode... FUZEAU, Jean-Marc MOCCIA, Alessandro Violon Volume III (Méthodes Traités 13 / Série IV Italie 1600-1800 Europe) Courlay, Éditions J.M. Fuzeau Table of contents: Fanzago Francesco: Elogi di Giuseppe Tartini - 1792. Tartini Giuseppe: Libro de r... € 45.00
€ 3,95
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Wurlitzer Phonograph: Model... The Wurlitzer Company Wurlitzer Phonograph: Model 1050 The Jukebox Service Supplement (meer info) A.M.R Publishing Co. Softcover spiral binding, in near fine condition, a bit worn and wrinkled around the edges. Pictures... € 16.00
€ 3,95
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The Girl Explosion SINGER, Norman The Girl Explosion (meer info) The Ophelia Press, Inc. Softcover copy in very fine condition. Pictures on request € 16.00
€ 3,95
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Nordsjælland; 12 ægte Fotog... Nordsjælland; 12 ægte Fotografier (No.4) (meer info) Small postcard folder containing index and 12 black/white photographs of North Zealand. In overall g... € 12.00
€ 3,95
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Alt-Hamburg; 10 original-ph... Alt-Hamburg; 10 original-photos für das album (meer info) Wiener Postkarten-Verlag Small postcard folder containing 10 black/white photographs of Old-Hamburg. In overall good conditio... € 12.00
€ 3,95
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De zwarte bruid: Opera Paro... KELK, C.J. FRID, G. De zwarte bruid: Opera Parodistica in drie bedrijven (meer info) Het Model voor de Uitgever Schaars! 1959, 32 (2) pp, softcover met stofomslag, wat vergeeld maar verder in zeer goede staat € 7.50
€ 3,95
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Burri e Fontana: 1949-1968 CORÀ, Bruno. (cur.) Burri e Fontana: 1949-1968 (meer info) Skira Scarce,1996, 243 pp, soft cover, near fine condition, cover and pages show some discoloration, name ... € 22.40
€ 3,95
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Super advanced course numbe... YOGANANDA, Swami Super advanced course number 1 lessons / 1 to 12 Kessinger Reprint, paperback. 12 lessons each app. 11 pp. € 12.38
€ 3,95
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Spannungsherrscher und Schi... PARM Spannungsherrscher und Schicksalstypus; eine neue Beurteilung des gesicherten psychologischen Elemente der Strologie (meer info) Uranus-Verlag Reprint from 1939. 136, (6) pp. Original stiff paper wrappers. Kosmische Formen und Lebensgesetze 3.... € 12.00
€ 3,95
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What's wrong with China GILBERT, Rodney What's wrong with China (meer info) John Murray Repr. July 1926 (2nd printing). 316, (4) pp. Original orange cloth with black dragon printed on the ... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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Astro-Logic: part two 'the ... ORAMAAT, Omra Astro-Logic: part two 'the synthesis' (meer info) IAO Publications Rare volume 2! 1976, 204 (6) pp, soft cover, in near fine condition. Pictures on request. € 60.00
€ 3,95
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Exposé de la méthode d'éduc... JULLIEN, Marc-Antoine (de Paris) Exposé de la méthode d'éducation de Pestalozzi, telle qu'elle a été suivie et pratiquée sous sa direction pendant dix années (de 1806 à 1816) dans l'Institut d'Yverdun, en Suisse (meer info) L. Hachette Rare and important 2nd edition! 1842, xl, 568 pp, half leather hardcover of later date. Book is in ... € 112.00
€ 3,95
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die Französische armee in i... die Französische armee in ihrer Uniformierung vor dem Weltkriege (meer info) Verlag von Moritz Ruhl Rare and complete with prints! 1927, 56 (4) pp + extensible plates (fig 1-18 complete), stapled soft... € 24.00
€ 3,95
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Iranian Town  Village Carpe... ASCHENBRENNER, Eric Iranian Town Village Carpets and Rugs (meer info) Farhang Sara Publications Rare! 1995, xxiv, 160 pp, hardcover with dust jacket in fine condition, some library stamps on front... € 22.40
€ 3,95
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Symmetry properties of Nucl... BRINK, D.M. MOTTELSON, B.R. JUDD, B.R. FRENCH, J.B. etc. Symmetry properties of Nuclei: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Solvay Conference on hysics Septermber 28-October3, 1970 (meer info) Gordon and Breach Rare! 1974, xi (1) 362 pp, hardcover, cloth binding with dust jacket, in fine condition, pages are a... € 54.40
€ 3,95
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The challenge of Jerusalem ... ELDAD, Israel ELDAD, Aryeh The challenge of Jerusalem betwixt thicket and altar Privé uitgave, zonder jaartal [1991?], 276 pp., softcover, lichte sporen van gebruik € 13.50
€ 3,95
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1935: Bulletin officiel de ... Various Issues 1935: Bulletin officiel de l'Exposition Universelle et Internationale de Bruxelles / 1935: officieel blad der algemeene wereldtentoonstelling van Brussel (meer info) Hirsch de la Mar Price is each number. Numbers available; 14, 17, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 30, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42, 45,... € 7.50
€ 3,95
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4 boekjes met beschrijvinge... KRAMM, Christiaan e.a. 4 boekjes met beschrijvingen van de geschilderde ramen in de St.Janskerk te Gouda J. van Bentum / A. Brinkman periode 1860/1920, 4 boekjes in papieren omslagen, bijzondere collectie (zie foto) € 35.00
€ 3,95
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Breda, the making of the su... MASBOUNGI, Ariella (ed.) Breda, the making of the sustainable city (meer info) Groupe Moniteur Paris, 2008,143 pp., paperback, nieuw in plastic! € 9.50
€ 3,95
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Deutsches Notgeld 1914-19. ... SCHRAMM, Albert Deutsches Notgeld 1914-19. Band I: Kleingeldersatz 1914-18. (meer info) Deutscher Verein fur Buchwesen und Schrifttum Only Volume I. 1918, 150 (2)pp, half leather binding, in near fine condition, traces of age and use,... € 45.00
€ 3,95
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Voor roomsche kleuters 1 / ... TERESA, Zuster Maria (versjes van) en GRAAFLAND, Rob (illustraties) Voor roomsche kleuters 1 / Myn broertje en zusje (meer info) Malmberg ongedateerd en ongepagineerd, oblong, softcover geniet, gebruikssporen en gevlekte pagina's € 6.00
€ 3,95
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SCHIJF, Frits J. - Verzen SCHIJF, Frits J. Verzen Eigen beheer i.s.m. A.W. Sijthoff, Leiden Ongedateerd (ca. 1923), 47 pp, softcover, cover versleten aan de randen, verder goed exemplaar, pagi... € 10.00
€ 3,95
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Garmisch - Partenkirchen un... ANONIEM Garmisch - Partenkirchen und Umgebung (meer info) Ottmar Zieher, München Ongedateerd, 17 gekleurde "Heliotintkarte" in harmonica binding in papieren omslag. Omslag met een 1... € 15.00
€ 3,95
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 - Souvenir of Chicago in colors Souvenir of Chicago in colors (meer info) V.O. Hammon Publishing Co No year (ca1910), 23 color plates, loose plates bound in wrapper, cover is worn at the edges, torn a... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Aluminium Foil Aluminium Union Limited Aluminium Foil (meer info) Aluminium Union Limited No year (ca 1950s), 28pp, soft cover stapled brochure, in very good condition, cover shows wear and ... € 30.00
€ 3,95
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 - Ventnor and Vicinity Ventnor and Vicinity (meer info) H.M. K. Briddon No year (ca. 1900), Unpaginated (16 pp), leather cover with gold print, very good condition, cover s... € 41.60
€ 3,95
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Goblin Market ROSSETTI, Christina Goblin Market (meer info) TC EC Jack No year (ca. 1905), 32 pp + color plates, very good condition, soft leather (suede) cover with gold... € 32.00
€ 3,95
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Das Spitzenkloppeln: Illust... DER BAZAR DIE ELEGANTE MODE Das Spitzenkloppeln: Illustrierte Anleitung zum Selbstunterricht im Kloppeln (meer info) Bazar- Actien-Gesellschaft No year (ca. 1930), 64 (4) pp, softcover, in near fine condition,slight traces of use and age, cover... € 28.00
€ 3,95
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Souvenir Du Col des Aravis:... Souvenir Du Col des Aravis: 1498 mètres d'altitude (12 Cartes Postales -Vues détachables) (meer info) Edition du Chalet-Hotel du Col des Aravis / Photo Morand No year (ca. 1900?), 12 Postcards in booklet, soft cover, in near fine condition, some traces of use... € 12.00
€ 3,95
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Lassen  Co. - Lassen  Co. Lassen Co. Lassen Co. (meer info) Nijgh Van Ditmar, Rotterdam No year (ca. 1924), 93 (3)pp, linnen band, in zeer goede staat, wat roestvlekkig op de snede € 25.00
€ 3,95
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The key to the first chapte... MEES, G.H. The key to the first chapter of Genesis (meer info) N. Kluwer No year, 96 pp, soft cover, in fine condition, back repaired with tape. Pictures on request. € 24.00
€ 3,95
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Jan Schoonhoven: 10 jaar te... LAAN, Carolien van der Jan Schoonhoven: 10 jaar tekenen 1975-1984 (meer info) Het Prinsenhof No year, 90 (3) pp, No. 637 (out of 800), soft cover in fine condition, some minor imperfections, bu... € 60.80
€ 3,95
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Seefeld in alten Ansichten VOELK, Wilhelm Seefeld in alten Ansichten (meer info) Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm Voelk, Eigenverlag No year, 64 pp, cloth binding, 113 illustrations, in fine condition, cover shows some minimal wear a... € 8.00
€ 3,95
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Astrologie: uraltes Gedanke... LINK, I. Astrologie: uraltes Gedankengut - neuzeitlich betrachtet (meer info) Hans G. Schaefer Verlag No year, 48pp, softcover, in fine condition. Pictures on request. Rare book! € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Die natürliche Heilkraft in... BRAUCHLIN, G Die natürliche Heilkraft in uns: Eine Methode der Heilung körperlicher und nervöser Krankheiten sowie der Schlaflosigkeit. Praktische Anleitung mit Nervenentspannungstafel und Pendel für bewusste Selbstsuggestion. (meer info) Verlag für zeitlichen Fortschritt No year, 30pp, stapled brochure in folder including pendulum and game board, in very good condition,... € 65.00
€ 3,95
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List Of The Shells Of South... D'ORBIGNY, Alcide List Of The Shells Of South America In The Collection Of The British Museum: Collected Described By M. Alcide D'orbigny, In The "voyage Dans L'amérique Méridionale" (meer info) Lightning Source UK Ltd No year (2015), 89 pp, hardcover, as new. Pictures on request. € 12.00
€ 3,95
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Cenizas, sembrar piedras, n... CASTELLÓN, Rolando CERQUEIRA, Mauro Cenizas, sembrar piedras, nº 43 (meer info) Rolando Castellón Mauro Cerqueira No year (2012?), 74 pp, soft cover, stapled, in fine condition, hand printed and hand painted pages,... € 36.00
€ 3,95
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Dampflokomotiven in England ALLEN, G. Freeman Dampflokomotiven in England (meer info) Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung No year (1977), 112pp, hardcover with dust jacket, in near fine condition, dust jacket shows some we... € 25.00
€ 3,95
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In Secret Tibet: In disguis... ILLION, Theodore In Secret Tibet: In disguise amongst lamas, robbers and wise men. A Key to the mysteries of Tibet (meer info) Rider Co. No year (1937?) 190 pp, (pagination starts at ix mistake in pagination or first 8 pages before prefa... € 48.00
€ 3,95
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80 Dagen schaak: Populair-h... BRENSA, Carel J. 80 Dagen schaak: Populair-historische reportage van den wedstrijd Euwe-Aljechin om het wereldkampioenschap schaken (meer info) Uitgevers-Maatschappij Holland No year (1935), 164 pp, hardcover with (rare) dust jacket, in very good condition. Pages are a littl... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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The History of 13 Canadian ... BARRETT, Lieut. W.W. The History of 13 Canadian Field Regiment Royal Canadian Artillery 1940-1945 (meer info) N.P. No publisher, no place, ca. 1945. original black cloth. Binding a bit damaged and repaired. Content ... € 125.00
€ 3,95
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In het land der Inka's; De ... EGELER, Dr. C.G. BOOY, Dr. T. In het land der Inka's; De Andes-expeditie 1956 naar Zuidoost-Peru (meer info) No publ., no date, [1956/1957]. 16 pp. With many pictures in b/w. Very good copy. Scarce. Pictures o... € 20.00
€ 3,95
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Armchair Stories; A Picture... Blackie's picture books Armchair Stories; A Picture Book for Little Folk (meer info) Blackie and Son Limited No page numbers, hardcover without dust jacket. Cover somewhat damaged, besides that in very good co... € 28.00
€ 3,95
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Galaxies Ahead  [Digit R652] HAILE, Terence Galaxies Ahead [Digit R652] (meer info) Brown, Watson Ltd. No date ca. 1960. A few creases and some wear to the cover , price sticker pasted over original pric... € 15.00
€ 3,95
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Fury  [Digit R413] KUTTNER, Henry Fury [Digit R413] (meer info) Brown, Watson Ltd. No date ca. 1960. A near fine copy. Rare. Pictures on request. € 20.00
€ 3,95
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København No. 2: 12 udvalgt... København No. 2: 12 udvalgte fotografiske Optagelser / Copenhagen No. 2: 12 selected photographic recordings (meer info) Unknown No date (ca. 1920?), 12 selected snap-shot pictures of cityscapes of Copenhagen, photographs and gla... € 12.00
€ 3,95
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Late Final [Digit R487] GIBBS, Lewis Late Final [Digit R487] (meer info) Brown, Watson Ltd. No date, ca. 1960. A near fine and firm pocket. Rare! Pictures on request. € 15.00
€ 3,95
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Der Mensch - eine Empfangss... WITTE, Alfred Der Mensch - eine Empfangsstation kosmischer Suggestionen (meer info) Ludwig Rudolph (Witte-Verlag) No date [ca. 1980]. iv, 358 pp. Original paper wrappers. Spine a bit damaged on the lower side. Else... € 35.00
€ 3,95
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MASAK, Ant. - Znaky rodu ceskych MASAK, Ant. Znaky rodu ceskych (meer info) no date [1895?]. Missing title page and several illustrations. Weapons with description 1-20, 51-82 ... € 25.00
€ 3,95
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Seen From Above Jeroen Hofm... - Seen From Above Jeroen Hofman 1976, The Netherlands Amsterdam, Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen n.d. [ca. 2010?], paperback, [48 pp.], fine copy € 15.00
€ 3,95
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