Pagina : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 200 |
Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Bestelling |
BIOT, Jean-Baptiste (1774-1862).: | Mémoire sur un nouveau genre d'oscillation que les molécules de la lumière éprouvent en traversant certains cristaux. / Mémoires de la Classe des Sciences mathématiques et physiques de l'Institut Impérial de France. Année 1812. Première p... | `Paris: Firmin Didot, 1814. | 4to, 26.3cm. Pp. [iv],371,[1], 21 line drawings on 2 folding engraved plates. Contemporary quarter c... | € 975.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Doelter, C., Leitmeier, R. (Herausg.): | Handbuch der Mineralchemie. Bde. I - IV,2. | Dresden Leipzig: Th. Steinkopff, 1912-1921. | Gr.-8. Geb. in 9 Bänden. Zus. etwa 9400 S., 5 Taf., 741 Fig., Tab., Register. Unif. Halbmaroquin. 1... | € 900.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BELGRAND, Eugène (1810-1878).: | Histoire générale de Paris. La Seine. I. Le bassin parisien aux âges antéhistoriques. | Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1869. | 3 volumes, small folio, 34x24,5cm. Vol. 1 (text): pp. [4],cvi,[2],288,[2], 4 double-page maps, 5 co... | € 900.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Kristallometrie, Kristallphysik, Kristallchemie. Bände 61 bis einschl. 106; ADDED: Ergänzungs-Bde. 1-5 u. Register zu Jahrgängen. 1-100 (in 3 Bdn.). | Leipzig 1924-1944. | Total of 73 volumes. Half cloth (not uniform). Few bindings with small repair, a few unobtrusive sta... | € 750.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
LORTET, Louis Charles Emile (1836-1909) GAILLARD, Claude (1861-1945).: | La faune momifiée de l'Egypte et recheches anthropologiques. Première, [2e, 3e, 4e 5e] Série. Extrait des Archives du Musém d'Histoire Naturelle de Lyon. . | Lyon: H. Georg, 1903-1909. | Folio, 36x27cm. Part 1: pp. [4],viii,205,[3,blank], several photos and 1 large drawing on 8 plates, ... | € 650.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
TRENCK, Friedrich Freiheer von der [1726-1794]: | Friedrich Freyherrn von der Trenck merkwürdige Lebensgeschichte, Erster [Zweyter / Dritter und letzter] Theil. Neue mit Zusätzen vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage mit Kupfern. | Berlin [ohne Verlag] 1787. | 3 Bde. in 1 Band, Oktav, 18.8cm. Bd. I: [XX],256 S., gest Frontisp.-Portr,; Bd. II: [IV],268 S., ges... | € 600.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
KOORDERS, S.H.: | Exkursionsflora von Java umfassend die Blütenpflanzen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der im Hochgebirge wildwachsenden Arten. | Jena: G. Fischer, 1911-1937. | Large 8vo. Vol. 1: pp. xxiv,[2],413, 7 (1 col.) pls., 30 figs., index; vol. 2: pp. [vi],742, 7 pls.,... | € 595.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MOLENGRAAFF, Gustaaf Adolf Frederik (1860-1942).: | Borneo-Expeditie. Geologische verkenningstochten in Centraal-Borneo (1894-1894). | Leiden: E.J. Brill; Amsterdam: H. Gerlings, 1900-1902. | 2 volumes: text (4to, 27.5cm) atlas (large folio, 48.5cm). Text: pp. xxii,530,56, frontisp., 56 pho... | € 500.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HALLER, Albrecht von (1708-1777).: | Bibliotheca botanica. Qua scripta ad rem herbariam facientia a rerum initiis recensentur. Tomus I. Tempora ante Tournefortium. | Tiguri [=Zürich]: Orell, Gessner, Fuessli et Soc., 1771. | 4to, 23.7cm. Pp. xvi,654, woodcut title-vignette, footnote refs. Contemp. half calf, backstrip with ... | € 495.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MACQUER, Philippe (1720-1770).: | Dictionnaire raisonné universel des arts et métiers,contenant l'histoire, la description, la police des fabriques et manufacures de France et des Pays étrangers [...] Nouv. édition, corrigée et considérablement augmentée [...] par M. l'Abb?... | Lyon: Amable Leroy, 1801. | 5 vols. 8vo, 19.6cm. Vol. 1: pp. [4],xvi,595; vol. 2: pp. [iv],622, 3 fold. engr. plates; vol. 3: pp... | € 495.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
SÉGUIER, J.F.: | Bibliotheca botanica, sive Catalogus auctorum et librorum omnium qui de Re Botanica, de Medicamentis ex Vegetabilibus paratis, de Re Rustica, de Horticultura tractant. Accessit Bibliotheca botanica Jo. Ant. Bumaldi [...]. | Hagae-Comitum [The Hague]: Jean Neaulme, 1740. | 4to, 25cm. Pp. 16,450,66, indices. Old plain grey boards, backstrip covered later with marbled paper... | € 495.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Catalogue of the Books, Manuscripts, Maps and Drawings in the British Museum (Natural History) Vol. I - V. [And:] Supplement. Vol. VI-VIII. | London 1903-1940. | 8 volumes, 4to, 27.3cm. Vol. I: pp. viii,1-500; vol. II: pp. [vi],501-1038: vol. III: pp. [vi],1039-... | € 475.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Kilian, W. Révil, J.: | Etudes géologiques dans les Alpes Occidentales. Contribution à la géologie des chaînes intérieures des Alpes Françaises. [Mém. Serv. Explic. Carte Géol. Dét. France.] | Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1904-1917 | 3 volumes, large 4to. Vol. I: pp. xii,627,[3], 109 figs., 1 double-page col. geogr. map, 2 fold. co... | € 475.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HAYDEN, Ferdinand Vandeveer (1829-1887).: | Twelfth Annual Report of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories:a Report of Progress of the Exploration in Wyoming and Idaho for the Year 1878. Part I. Geology, Paleontology, and Zoölogy. | Washington: Government Printing Office, 1883. | 8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. xviii,807, chromolithogr. frontisp., 2 fold. maps, 114 plates (incl. 99 tinted lith... | € 450.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
KARRER, Felix (1825-1903).: | Geologie der Kaiser Franz-Josefs Hochquellen-Wasserleitung. Eine Studie in den Tertiär-Bildungen am Westrande des alpinen Theiles der Niederung von Wien. [Abh. Geol. Reichsanst., 9.] | Wien: A. Hölder [for] K.k. Geologische Reichsanstalt, 1877. | Large 4to. Pp. xii,420, many sections on 12 fold. lithogr. plates, 4 (1 large) fold. maps, many figs... | € 450.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Sismonda, Eugenio (1815-1870).: | Matériaux pour servir à la paléontologie du terrain Tertiaire du Piémont. [Première partie. Végétaux.] [Extrait des Mémoires de l'Académie des Sciences de Turin, Série II, Tome XXII.] | Turin: Imprimerie Royale, 1865. | Large 4to, 31cm. Pp. [2,blank],83, many figs. against tinted background on 35 lithographed plates (i... | € 450.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | JOURNAL OF VOLCANOLOGY AND GEOTHERMAL RESEARCH. An international journal on nthe geophysical, geochemical, petrological, economic and environmental aspects of volcanology and geothermal research. Volumes 1 - 13. | Amsterdam: Elservier, 1976-1982 | 8vo. 13 volumes in 31 issues (complete), paperbound in original wrappers as issued. Very good. - Sca... | € 450.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HOFF, Karl Ernst Adolf von (1771-1837).: | Geognostische Bemerkungen über Karlsbad. | Gotha: Justus Perthes, 1823. | 8vo, 21.8cm. Pp. iv,100, 1 folding engraved map partly with geological hand-colouring, 1 fold. engra... | € 425.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
GOTTSCHALCK, Tara E., BAILEY, John E. (editors).: | International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook. Twelfth Edition 2008. | Washington, D.C.: The Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, 2007. | 4to, 25.5cm. 4 volumes. Vol. I: pp. i-xl,1-1376; vol. II: pp. i-iv,1377-2702; vol. III: pp. i-iv,270... | € 395.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BAYLE, Pierre (1646-1706).: | Dictionaire [sic] historique et critique par Monsieur Bayle. Tome second, première partie. H-O. | Rotterdam: chez Reinier Leers, 1697. | Folio, 36,6cm. Pp. [ii],698 [of 710, final 6 leaves wanting resp. torn out], large engraved allegori... | € 395.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
ABICH, Otto Wilhelm Hermann (1806-1886).: | Einleitende Grundzüge der Geologie der Halbinseln Kertsch und Taman. [Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, VIIIe Série, Tome IX, No. 4.] | St. Petersburg 1865. | 4to, 30.5cm. Pp. iv,80,[2], 1 section on 1 fold. chromolithogr. plate, scenery 2 views on 1 chromoli... | € 375.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BRONN, Heinrich Georg (1800-1862).: | XLVII Tafeln mit Abbildungen zur Lethäa Geognostica. | Stuttgart: E. Schweizerbart, 1837. | Folio 31.8cm. [II],16 S., sehr zahlr. Abb. auf 47 lithogr. Tafeln, 1 gefalt. lithogr. Tabelle. Flex.... | € 375.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MAURETA, José THOS Y CODINA, Silvino.: | Descripción física, geológica y minera de la Provincia de Barcelona. [Mem. Comis. Mapa Geol. España.] | Madrid: Manuel Tillo, 1881. | 4to, 26.8cm. Pp. 487, 2 tinted plates from photos, 1 fold. graph, 1 fold. panoramic view, 8 chromoli... | € 375.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
RUMFORD, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753-1814)..: | An Enquiry concerning the Nature of Heat, and the Mode of its Communication. Read February 2, 1804. [Printed in:] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the year MDCCCIV, Part I. | London 1804. | 4to, 30cm. Pp. 77-182 [whole volume: pp. viii,190;26], 6 finely engraved figures on 2 plates. Plain ... | € 375.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BLEEKER, Pieter.: | Description des espèces de Silures de Suriname conservées aux Musées de Leide et d'Amsterdam. [Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet., 2e Verz., 20(3).] | Haarlem: De Erven Loosjes, 1864. | 4to, 29.4cm. Pp. iv,104, 13 `very fine coloured and 3 plain lithographed plates. Orig. flexible blin... | € 375.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
OKEN, Lorenz [1779-1851].: | Ueber den Werst der naturgeschichte bezonders für die Bildung der Deutschen. Von Oken, bei Eröffnung seiner Vorlesungen über Zoologie. VI. Für die Herbstferien 1809. | Jena: bey Friedrich Frommann, 1809. | 4to, 23.8cm. Pp. 18. Later marbled boards. Fine. - Very rare and important pamphlet, further elucid... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | ISIS. An International Review devoted to the History of Science and its Cultural Influences. | Volumes 60 - 81. 1969-1990. | Large 8vo. In orig. quarterly issues, each year with additional issue ("Critical bibliography") at e... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
ANDERSON, William.: | First [and] Second [and] Third and Final Report of the Geological Survey of Natal and Zululand. | Pietermaritzburg: P. Davis [vol. I]; London: West, Newman and Co. [vols. II-III], 1902-1907. | 3 volumes, 4to, 29cm. Vol. 1: pp. 134, 12 plates of photos (views), 1 pl. of drawings of fossils, 5 ... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
WATERHOUSE, Charles Owen (1843-1917).: | Aid to the identification of Insects. Lithographs by Edwin Wilson. Parts 1 through 11. | London: E.W. Janson, [1880-1882]. | 8vo, 20.7cm. 11 installments containing 91 finely hand-coloured lithographed plates. Orig. printed w... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
QUENSTEDT, Friedrich August [von] (1809-1889).: | Petrefactenkunde Deutschlands. Der ersten Abtheilung zweiter Band. Brachiopoden. | Leipzig: Fues's Verlag (R. Erisland), 1871. | Oktav, 19.5cm. IV,745 S., Register. Halbleder d.Zt. mit Rückenvergoldung, marmor. Deckel. Tadellos.... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti imenie I.P. Pavlova. [Journal of Higher Nervous Activity named I.P. Pavlova.] Volumes. 20-40. | Moscow: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1970-1990. | 8vo. In orig. issues. Lacks last two issues of last volume, complete run otherwise. In Russian with ... | € 350.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
SAVI, Paolo (1798-1871).: | Ornitologia Toscana ossia Descrizione e storia degli uccelli che trovarsi nella Toscana [...]. Tomo secondo // Tomo terzo. | Pisa: Tipografia Nistri Co., 1829-1831. | 2 volumes, 8vo, 20.3cm. Vol. II: pp. [vi],384, 12 wood-engravings in text; vol. III: pp. [vi],296, 5... | € 325.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
AMPFERER, Otto (1875-1949).: | Collection of 110 shorter papers (each up to ca. 20-30 pages) on Alpine geology, all original author's offprints, | fron various German-language earth science journals, dating from 1918 to 1942. | Unique and nearly complete collection of the author's shorter writings, total of ca. 2,000 pages, m... | € 325.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HAGUE, Arnold (1840-1917), EMMONS, Samuel Franklin (1841-1911).: | Descriptive geology. Report of the Geological Exploration of the Forthieth Parallel, United States Geological Exploration [...] Volume II. [Professional Papers of the Engineer Department, U.S. Army, No. 15.] | Washington: Government Printing Office, 1877. | 4to, 29cm. Pp. xvi,889, 26 fine tinted photolithographic plates of scenery, detailed index. Hardboun... | € 295.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Backer, C.A., 1928-1940: | Onkruidflora der Javaansche Suikerrietgronden. (Handboek ten dienste van de suikerriet-cultuur en de rietsuiker-fabricage. Zevende deel.) | Soerabaja: H. van Ingen [for] Vereeniging het Proefstation voor de Java-Suikerindustrie, [1928-1940]. | 4to, 26.5cm. Pp. [ii],8,[6],LXXXVIII,907, 448 plates (of 747), 1 fold. chromolithogr. map, index. Pa... | € 295.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BEAUMARCHAIS, Jean-Pierre de, COUTY, Daniel (réd.).: | Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires de la langue française. | Paris: Bordas, 1994. | 4 volumes, large 4to, 29.5cm. Vol. 1: pp. xvi,1-474; vol. 2: pp. [vi],475-1046; vol. 3: pp. [vi],104... | € 295.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Unger, F., 1851.: | Die fossile Flora von Sotzka. [From:] Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwisselschaftliche Classe. Zweiter Band. | Wien: k.-k. Hof- und Staatsdruckeri, 1851. | Folio, 39.3cm. Pp. [ii],131-197, numerous large figures on 66 fine chromo-lithographed plates. Moder... | € 295.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatelnosti imeni I.P. Pavlova. Volumes 20-40. | Moscow: Akademii Nauka SSSR, 1970-1990. | In original bi-monthly issues. Lacking pt. 6 from vol. 29, and pts. 3-6 from vol. 40, complete and g... | € 295.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PASSY, Antoine [-François] (1792-1875).: | Description géologique du département de l'Eure, avec un appendice contenant des notes sur l'orographie, l'hydrologie, la géologie, l'agriculture, l'industrie et la botanique de chaque commune. | Evreux: A, Hérissey et fils., 1874. | In-4, 27.4cm. Pp. [4],xxxii,290. Demi-maroquin époque, plats carton marbré, non rogné; couv. orig... | € 290.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Arrigioni, P.V., 2016-1022.: | Flora analitica della Toscana. Vol. 1-7. | Firenze: Edizioni Polistampa, 2016-2011. | 7 volumes, 8vo, 24cm. Total of ca. 3350 pp., very numerous detailed drawings in 925 full-oage figure... | € 280.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
COTTA, Bernhard von (1808-1879).: | Der Altai. Sein geologischer Bau und seine Erzlagerstätten. | Leipzig: J. Weber, 1871. | 8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. xviii,325, 2 fold. maps, 2 fold. lithogr. pls. of plant fossils, 2 chromolithogr. p... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Anon.: | Beschouwingen van de Werken der Natuur. Ten opzigte van de viervoetige Dieren, Vogels, Visschen [...]. Ter Betooginge van Gods Magt, Wysheid en Goedheid. Of Vervolg op [...] J. Ray, Gods Wysheid geopenbaard in de Werken der Scheppinge, enz. | Amsterdam: F. de Kruyff [...], 1768. | 8vo, 22cm. Pp. [xviii],645,[13], contemp. quarter red sheepskin, backstrip with raised bands and let... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
DADDOW, Samuel Harries BANNAN, Benjamin.: | Coal, iron, and oil, or, The practical American miner. A plain and popular work on our mines and mineral resources, and a text-book or guide to their economical development. | Pottsville, Pa.: Benjamin Bannan; Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1866. | Large 8vo. Pp. 808, wood-engraved figs., 1 large chromolithogr. fold. "map of the anthracitic coalfi... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Duparc, L., Tikonowitch, M.-N., 1920.: | Le platine et les gîtes platinifères de l'Oural et du Monde. | Genève: Editions Sonor, 1920. | 4to. Pp. [6],vi,542,[32], 63 photos of rock samples (few in colour, partly microsc.) on 11 plates, m... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
FOURNIER, Eugène.: | Description géologique du Caucase Central. | Marseille: Barthelet, 1896. | 4to, 28cm. Pp. vi,296, 1 large folding chromolithographed geological map (54x60cm), 1 fold. plate of... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
LARTET, Louis (1840-1899).: | Essai sur la géologie de la Palestine et des contrées avoisinantes telles que l'Egypte et l'Arabie. [Ann. Sci. Géol., 1 3(5).] | Paris: V. Masson, 1869-1872. | Tho parts in one volume, 8vo, 25.5cm. Pp. 1-329;1-98, 1 fold. chromolithogr. with 2 section... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MEDLICOTT, Henry Benedict (1829-1905).: | On the geological structure and relations of the Southern portion of the Himalayan Range between the rivers Ganges and Ravee. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. III, Art. IV.] | Calcutta: Government of India, 1865. | Small 4to. Pp. viii,1-206,[2],207-209, 3 tinted lithographed plates of landscape views, 1 large fold... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
NORRIS, Ian.: | Jaguar - Catalogue Raisonné. 1922-1992. | Milano: Automobilia, 1991. | 2 volumes, quarto, 28cm. Vol. 1: pp. 248; vol. 2: pp. 197, numerous photos throughout (some in colou... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PEREIRA DA SYLVA LEAL, Manoel (1694-1733): | Discurso apologetico, critico, juridico, e historico, em que se mostra a verdade das doutrinas, factos, e Documentos, que affirmou, e referio na Conta dos seus Estudos, que dera na Academia Real, na Conferencia de 8. de Novembro de 1731. | Lisboa Occidental: Joseph Antonio da Sylva, 1733. | Folio, 30.4cm. Pp. [viii],599,[3], title printed in red black, engraved title vignette, 6 fine larg... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
ROBERTSON, William.: | History of the Reign of Charles the Fifth. With an account of the Emperor's life after his abdication, by William H. Prescott. | London: George Routledge Co., 1857. | 8vo, 22cm. Vol. 1: pp. x,[2],612, engraved friontispiece portrait, 4 pp. of publishers'advertisement... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |