Alle boeken van Aquila Antiquariaat uit Lochem


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Die Gliederung des höheren ... Sickenberg, O. [et al.], 1975.: Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie. [Geol. Jahrb., Reihe B, 15.] Hannover. 8vo. Pp. 167, few figs., 1 fold. tab. in pocket, refs. Orig. wrs. € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les accidents cutanés des t... SIDI, Edwin.: Les accidents cutanés des teintures capillaires. La sensibilité à la paraphénylànediamine. Paris: Editions Médicales Flammarion, 1945. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 151, 21 photos on 8 plates, bibliogr. Orig. wrappers, uncyt. Tiny repair to front c... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geschichte der Zoologie in ... Siebenrock, F., 1901.: Geschichte der Zoologie in Österreicht von 1850 bis 1900. Amphibien und Reptilien. Separat-Abdruck aus "Botanik und Zoologie in Österreich während der letzten fünfzig Jahre"[...]. Wien: A. Hölder. 4to. Pp. iii,20, 1 portrait. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Seenschwankungen und Strand... SIEGER, Robert: Seenschwankungen und Strandverschiebungen in Skandinavien. Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. XXVIII. Band 1893, No. 1 und 6. Berlin: W. Pörmetter, 1893. 8vo, 22.4cm. Pp. [ii],202, 1 fold. map, 28 tabs. on 48 pp. at end, notes refs., bibl. Plain new wrs... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Carabenfauna des Pilatu... Siegwart, L., 1939.: Die Carabenfauna des Pilatus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Luzern, 13: pp. [vi],221-245. Plain new wrs. € 5.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Baumeister seiner Kirche. S... SIEVERS, Hans-Jürgen.: Baumeister seiner Kirche. Superintendent Oskar Pank und sein Einsatz für Gemeinde, Diakonie und Gustav-Adolf-Werk. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1998. Oktav, 21.3cm. 307 S., Noten, Bibliogr., Personenreg. Orig.-Kart. Bleistifttext auf der letzten Seit... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Supplementum ad: Crinoidea ... Sieverts-Doreck, G., Biese, W., 1939 (1970).: Supplementum ad: Crinoidea triadica, jurassica, cretacea et caenozoica. (Fossilium Catalogus, I, Animalia, Pars 88.) The Hague: Dr. W. Junk, facsimile reprint: Amsterdam: A. Asher. Pp. 81, refs., index. Orig. wrs. € 13.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Schalenbau und Stammesgesch... Siewert, W., 1972.: Schalenbau und Stammesgeschichte von Austern. [Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk., Ser. B, 1.] Stuttgart 1972. 8vo. Pp. 57, 6 plates of microphotos, 12 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les chiroptères oligocènes ... Sigé, B., 1985.: Les chiroptères oligocènes du Fauym, Egypte. Geol. et Paleont., 19: pp. 161-189, 2 pls. of phtos (mostly stereo pairs), 9 figs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Sammlung niederösterrei... Sigmund, A., 1903.: Die Sammlung niederösterreichischer Minerale im k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseum. Wien: im Selbstverlag des k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 1903. Small 8vo, 18cm. Pp. iv,30, [5] pp. of advertisements at end, index. Old cloth-backed boards, orig. ... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Lachen om Lochem. Woordspel... SIGTENHORST, Henk van den.: Lachen om Lochem. Woordspelingen en rijmpjes over Lochem. Deventer: H. van den Sigtenhorst, [z.j., ca. 1970?]. Dwars 8vo, 12x16cm. 52 ongenummerde bladen, 31 kleine zwartwit foito's. Bedrukte omslag met plastic ... € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Petrography and geology of ... Sijp, J.W.Ch.M. van der, 1951.: Petrography and geology of Montseny-Guilleras (N.E. Spain). Utrecht 1951. 8vo, 24cm. Pp. iv,99, 4 fold. plates of diagrams, 34 photos on 8 plates, 7 fold. maps, 15 figs., bib... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
De strafrechtelijke verantw... SIKKEMA, Eefke, WAETERINCKX, Patrick.: De strafrechtelijke verantwoordelijkheid van leidinggevenden - in de economische context. [Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2010.] 8vo, 19.8cm. [IV],219 blz., noten refs. Geb., kart. band in geïllustr. stofomslag. In nieuwstaat. ... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The biology of the South Af... Silberbauer, B.I., 1971.: The biology of the South African rock lobster Jusus lalandii (H. Milne Edwards). 1. Development. [Div. Sea Fish. Invest. Rep., 92.] Cape Town 1971. 8vo, 21.2cm. Pp. iv,70, 36 figs. and photos, refs., Orig. printed wrappers. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Late Triassic bivalve M... Silberling, N.J., Grant-Mackie, J.A., Nichols, K.M., 1997.: The Late Triassic bivalve Monotis on accreted terranes of Alaska. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 2151.] Washington. 4to. Pp. iv,21,[3], 171 photos on 11 pls., 1 map, 3 figs., refs. Orig. wrs. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Sind wir Antisemiten? Ausma... SILBERMANN, Alphons.: Sind wir Antisemiten? Ausmass und Wirkung eines sozialen Vorurteils in der Budesrepublik Deutschland. Köln: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1982. Oktav, 20.8cm. 231 S. Orig.-Brosch. Sehr gut. - Mit Widmung des Verfassers: "Für Herrn und Frau Pri... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Plantas del Triàsico Superi... Silva Pineda, A., 1963.: Plantas del Triàsico Superiór del Estado de Hidalgo. [Palaeont. Mexic., 18.] México. 8vo, 23cm. Pp. iv,12,[7], 16 photos on 6 pls., 1 map, refs. Orig. wrs. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Relazione preliminare sul r... Silvestre, S.C., 1958.: Relazione preliminare sul rilevamento dei terreni eruttivi della zona Bronte-Adrano (Etna). Boll. Serv. Geol. Italia, 79(1-2): pp. 17-46, 20 photos (views) on 8 plates, bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Revision of the West Palaea... Simbolotti, G., Achterberg, G. van, 1999.: Revision of the West Palaearctic species of the genus Agathis Latreille (Hymenoptera: Braconidae Agathiclinae). [Zool. Verh., 325.] Leiden: Naionaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, 1999. 8vo, 24.3cm. Pp. 167, 316 figs., bibliogr., index. Paperbound, orig. stiff printed wrappers. Fine. € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
SIMENON, Georges.: - Les autres. SIMENON, Georges.: Les autres. Paris: Presses de la Cité, 1962. 8vo, 17.5cm. Pp. 216. Hardbound, orig. red boards with gilt lettering to backstrip, in orig. pict. w... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Das Bergbauwesen Perus. Simmersbach, Bruno: Das Bergbauwesen Perus. *Jahrb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. Wiesbaden, 71: pp. 67-190, 1 double-page map, tabs. in text. 8vo. Offprint, orig. printed wrs. Small repair to spin... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Etude sur les arachnides re... Simon, E., 1885.: Etude sur les arachnides recueillis en Tunisie en 1883 et 1884 par MM. A. Letourneux, M. Sédillot et Valéry Mayet. [Exploration scientifique de la Tunisie.] Paris: Imprimerie nationale. Pp. [4],iv,55. Orig. printed wrs. € 12.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Götter der Griechen. [3... SIMON, Erika.: Die Götter der Griechen. [3. Auflage.] München: Hirmer Verlag, 1985. Oktav, 23.8cm. 359 S., 302 Fotos, 1 Karte, Noten, Register. Geb., lamin. illustr. Orig.-Pappband. Se... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
.Faunistik und Gefährdung a... Simon, L., 1988: .Faunistik und Gefährdung ausgewählter Geradflügler (Orthoptera) im südlichen Rheinland-Pfalz. Mainz. Naturwiss. Arch., 26: S. 23-73, 10 Abb., 2 Tab., Bibliogr. In neuem Papierumschlag. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Survivants: S.O.S. pour 48 ... Simon, N., Géroudet, P., 1970.: Survivants: S.O.S. pour 48 animaux. Illustrations de Helmut Diller et Paul Barruel. Préface du Prince des Pays-Bas, Président du World Wildlife Fund. Paris: Vilo, 1970. Small 4to, 25.3cm. Pp. 277,[3], 48 fine colour plates, many drawings in text, bibliogr. Hardbound, o... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geological investigations i... Simon, O.J., 1963.: Geological investigations in the Sierra de Amalgro, South-Eastern Spain. Amsterdam. 8vo. Pp. 164, 13 pls. of photos, 1 fold. map of localities, 1 fold. tectonic map and 1 large fold. c... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Some aspects of life histor... Simon Thomas. R.T., 1964.: Some aspects of life history, genetics, distribution and taxonomy of Aspidiomorpha adhaerens (Weber, 1801) (Cassinidae, Coleoptera). Amsterdam. 8vo. Pp. iv,167-264, 117 figs., refs. 8vo. Orig. wrs. - Thesis. Printed separately from Tijdschr. En... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Archaeocyathacea. I. Kritis... Simon, W., 1939.: Archaeocyathacea. I. Kritische Sichtung der Superfamilie. / II. Die Fauna im Kambrium der Sierra Morena (Spanien). [Abh. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges., 448.] Frankuer a.M. 4to. Pp. 88, several figs. and photos on 5 pls., 5 figs., bibl. Orig. wrs. € 27.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Indagini techniche sulle op... SIMONETTI, Farida, ZANELLI, Gianluca (editors).: Indagini techniche sulle opere genovesi di Joos van Cleve. Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola. Giornata Internazionale di Studi 13 marzo 2003. Firenze: MM Maschettieditore, 2004. 8vo, 21.8cm. Pp. 88, several photosd (mostly coloured), some other illustr., notes refs. Paperbound... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Photographische Aufnahmen a... SIMONY, Oskar.: Photographische Aufnahmen auf den Canarischen Inseln. Ann. Naturhist. Hofmus. [Wien], 16(1) (1901): pp. 36-62. 4t. Plain new wrappers. Fine. - Descriptive inventory of the collection of 415 photo nega... € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
The stratigraphy and teconi... Simpson, A., 1963.: The stratigraphy and teconics of the Manx Slate Series, Isle of Man. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 119(3)/473: pp, 367-400, 1 fold. map, 14 figs., refs. Plain nw wrs. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The distribution and occurr... Simpson, E.S., Gibson, Ch.G., 1907.: The distribution and occurrence of the baser metals in Western Australia. [W. Austr. Geol. Surv. Bull., 30.] Perth, W.A. Small 8vo. Pp. 129, 1 fold. map, tables in text, name index. Orig. wrappers. Spine mended, title-pag... € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Fort Union of the Craxy... Simpson, G.G., 1937.: The Fort Union of the Craxy Mountain Field, Montana antd its mammalian faunas. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 169.] Washington. 8vo. Pp. x,287, 10 pls., 80 figs., bibl., index. Orig. wrs., uncut. - Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Hayden, Cope, and the Eocen... Simpson, G.G., 1951.: Hayden, Cope, and the Eocene of New Mexico. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 103: pp. 1-21, 5 plates, refs. Large 8vo. Plain new wrappers. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Conspectus of Patagonian fo... Simpson, G.G., 1972.: Conspectus of Patagonian fossil penguins. [Amer. Mus. Novit., 2488.] New York 1972. 8vo, 23.6cm. Pp. 37, 3 photos, 3 tabs., refs. Stapled as issued. Cancelled stamp to front page, fine... € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Boipatong massacre and ... SIMPSON, James G.R.: The Boipatong massacre and South Africa'' s democratic transition. [African Studies Collection, 35.] Leiden: African Studies Centre, 2010. 8vo, 24cm. Pp. x,86,[6], 2 maps, notes refs. Paperbound, orig. pictorial stiff laminated wrappers. ... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Key works to the fauna and ... SIMS, Reginald W., FREEMAN, Paul, HAWKSWORTH, David L. (editors).: Key works to the fauna and flora of the British Ises and north-western Europa. Fifth edition. [The Systematics Association Special Volume No. 33.] Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988. 8vo, 23.3cm. Pp. xii,312. Orig. cloth gilt. Fine. € 16.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Le Graal routrouvé, ou l'hi... SINCLAIR, Andrew: Le Graal routrouvé, ou l'histoire secrète de l'Occident. Traduit de l'anglais par Florianne Vidal. Paris: Editions Jean-Claude Lattès, 1998. 8vo, 23cm. Pp. 349,[3], several illus. (partly in colour) on 16 plates, bibl. Paperbound, orig. stif... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A revision of the Myristiac... Sinclair, J., 1958.: A revision of the Myristiaceae. Gard. Bot. Singapore, 16: pp. 205-472, 14 plates of photos, many figs. in 57 figs., index. Plain new wrappers. Outer edge of p... € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
So macht man Dollars. Roman... SINCLAIR, Upton.: So macht man Dollars. Roman. 1.-35. Tausend. [Gesammelte Werke. XIII.] Berlin: Malik-Verlag, 1931. Oktav, 18.6cm. 400 S. Geb., Orig.-Leinen, Rücken mit vergold. Dekoration. Deckeln am Rande ein wen... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Das ostfriesische Küstengeb... Sindowski, K.-H., 1973.: Das ostfriesische Küstengebiet. Inseln, Watten und Marschen. [Samml. Geol. Führer, 57.] Berlin: Gebr. Borntraeger. Oktav, 19.3cm. X,162 S., 1 gefalt. Plan, 56 Abb. und 22 Tab. im Text, Bibliogr., Sachreg., Ortsreg. ... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Berlage 1856-1934. Tweede d... SINGELENBERG, Peter, BOCK, Manfred, BROOS, Kees.: Berlage 1856-1934. Tweede druk. [Monografieën van de Stichting Architectuurmuseum.] Amsterdam: Van Gennep / Stichting Architectuurmuseum, 1979. 4to, 27.3cm. 96 blz., 178 illustr. in tekst. Ingen., orig. geïllustr. omslag. Goed exemplaar. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Gezellge schrijvers. Aspece... SINGELING, C.B.F.: Gezellge schrijvers. Aspecen van letterkundige genootschappelijkheid in Nederland, 1750-1800. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1991. 8vo, 22cm. PP. [viii],353,[3], notes refs., append., bibl., index. Paperbound, orig. wrappers. Fine... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A short history of science ... SINGER, Charles.: A short history of science to the nineteenth century. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1941. 9vo, 21.4cm. Pp. xiv,399, 94 figs., index. Hardbound, orig. cloth. Very good. - First impression of ... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Hegel. Nederlandse vertalin... SINGER, Peter.: Hegel. Nederlandse vertaling Willemijn de Leeuw. Tweede druk. [Kopstukken Filosofie.] Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 2003. 8vo, 21cm. 136 blz., noten. Paperback, geïllustr. omslag. Ongelezen, in nieuwstaat. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Beiträge zur Kenntnis der a... Singer, S., 1879.: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der am Bauersberge bei Bischofsheim vor der Rhön vorkommenden Sulfate. Würzburg: Becker, 1879. 8vo. Pp. 27, 10 figs. on 1 plate, Sewed as issued. - PhD thesis, University of Wurzburg. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Neolithic cultures of Weste... Singh, P., 1974.: Neolithic cultures of Western Asia. London: Seminar Press / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 8vo. Pp. xii,240, col. frontisp., 2 fold. maps, 72 photos and figs. in text, append., refs., index. ... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Vlaamse literaire tijdschri... SIPS, Leo: Vlaamse literaire tijdschriften (1850-1960). [Nederlandse Volkskundige Bibliografie. Systemtische Registers op Tijdschriften, Reekswerken en Gelegenheidsuitgaven. XXIX.] Antwerpen: Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie, 1979. 8vo, 24.5cm. Pp. x,278, indices. Orig. lamin stiff wrappers. € 24.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Contemporary painting in Pa... SIRHANDI, Marcella Nesom.: Contemporary painting in Pakistan. Lahore, Karachi, Rawalpindi: Feroszons Ltd., 1992. Small folio, 30.5cm. Pp. 176, 266 colour illustrations, bibliogr., index. Hardbound, with pictiorial... € 50.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
De ontwikkeling der biologie. Sirks, M.J., 1942.: De ontwikkeling der biologie. Gorinchem: J. Noorduijn. 8vo, 19cm. VIII,183 blz., 14 platen, 34 fig., bibliogr., index. Ingen., orig. omslag. Omslag met lic... € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat

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