Alle boeken van Aquila Antiquariaat uit Lochem


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Laboratory for Marine I... Sunier, A.L.J.: The Laboratory for Marine Investigations at Batavia. A new tropical marine biological station. [No pl., no publ., c. 1923.] 4to, 27cm. Pp. 26, 9 photos on 5 plates, 5 plans in text. Orig. wrappers. Little wear to covers, con... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geschichte der Moränenkunde... BÖHM, Edler Von BÖHMERSHEIM, August. (1858-1930).: Geschichte der Moränenkunde. [Abh. Geogr. Ges. Wien, III, 4.] Wien: R. Lechner, 1901. 4to, 27cm. Pp. viii,334, heliogravure frontisp., 3 plates, 2 figs., notes refs., bibliogr., indices... € 65.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
British sculpture in the Tw... NAIRNE, Sandy, SEROTA, Nicholas (editors).: British sculpture in the Twentieth Century. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1981. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 264, numerous black white photos, bibliography. Paperbound, pictorial stiff wrappers... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Obras postumas y truncas. (... Ameghino, F., 1935.: Obras postumas y truncas. (Obras completas y correspondencia cientifica. Vol. XIX. Edicion oficial [...] dirigada por Alfredo J. Torcelli.) La Plata: Taller de Impresiones Oficiales, 1935. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 1038. Paperbound, plain new wrappers with printed title label to spine, orig. printed... € 90.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les pinnipèdes. Tiré à part... Gijzen, A., 1956.: Les pinnipèdes. Tiré à part de la revue "Zoo" de la Zoologie d'Anvers, 22e année, no. 1, mai 1958. Antwerp 1958. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 35, 35 photos in text, bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. Very good/ - Pinnipedia in capti... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A contribution to the bryol... Størmer, P., 1959.: A contribution to the bryology of the Canary Islands. Mosses, chiefly collected by Johannes Lid. [Skrift. Norske Vid.-Akad. Oslo, I. Mat.-Nat. Kl., 1959 No. 5.] Oslo 1959. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 90, many drawings in 8 figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Dessins italiens du XIVe au... : Dessins italiens du XIVe au XVIe siëcle. Collection Michel Gaud. Vente Samedi 20 juin 1987 à 15 h. Monaco: Sotheby's Monaco, 1987. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 178,[10], 121 large colour reproductions with extensive descriptions. Hardbound, orig... € 75.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
La Provence cristalline et ... Masurel, Y., 1964.: La Provence cristalline et ses enveloppes sédimentaires. Essai de géographie physique. Marseille 1984. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 418, 39 plates of photos, 64 figs. and diagrs., 1 fold. plate of sections, 1 fold. ma... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Cultural Identities in Unit... : Cultural Identities in Unity. Final Report. XXVIII Congreso de la Asociacion Internacional de Urbanistas, 1-6 Octobre 1992. Cordoba, España. The Hague: International Society of City and Regional Planners, 1993. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 206, several illus. (incl. colour photos), annexes. Orig. laminated stiff pictorial w... € 26.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Pacific, The --. Russian Sc... : Pacific, The --. Russian Scientific Investigations Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1926. 4to, 27cm. Pp. [iv],190,[2], 11 portrait plates, 4 other pls., 2 fold. maps, 6 figs., 1 fold. letter... € 60.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
William Shakerspeare, The F... [ Shakespeare ]: William Shakerspeare, The First Folio, 1623, the Dr Williams's Library Copy. Lot 95 in the Sale of English Literature [...] London, Thursday 13 July 2006. London: Sotheby's, 2006. 4to, 27cm. PP. 80,[4], several illustr., bibliogr. Hardbound, cloth with blind-stamped lettering and... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Carl von Linné. Forbindelse... Dahl, O., 1907.: Carl von Linné. Forbindelse med Norge. (Udgivet af Det Kongl. Norske Videnskabers Selskab i Anledning af 200-Aarsdagen for Linnés Fødsel 23. Mai 1907.) Trondhjem 1907. 4to, 27cm. Pp. vi,42,71, notes refs. Orig. printed wrappers. Spinen neatly mended. - Scarce. Includ... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Etudes paléontologiques. [H... DELPEY, G. (et al.), 1940.: Etudes paléontologiques. [Haut-Comm. Rép. Franç. en Syrie et au Liban, Sect. d'Et. Géol., Not. Mém., III.] Paris 1940. 4to, 27cm. Pp. x,507, numerous photos of fossils on 28 phototype plates, many figs. in text, refs. C... € 90.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Caractères de sédimentation... Moine, B., 1974.: Caractères de sédimentation et de métamorphisme des séries précambriennes épizonales à catazonales du centre de Madagascar (région d'Ambatofinandrahana). Approche structurale, pétrographique et spécialement géochimique. [Sci. de la Terr... Nancy. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 294, 1 large fold. col. map in pocket (scale 1:200,000, meas. 93x66cm), 28 microphoto... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Preliminary geological repo... Moon, F.W., Sadek, H., 1925.: Preliminary geological report on Gebel Khoshera area (Western Sinai. With appendix by T.H. Withers. [Petroleum Research Bulletin. No. 9.] Cairo: Government Press [for] Ministry of Finance, 1925. 4to, 27cm. Pp. vi,40,[2], 1 fold. photogr. view, 14 photos of scenery on 7 pls., 1 large fold. pl. o... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Untersuchungen über Goethes... WALTHER, Johannes (editor).: Untersuchungen über Goethes Stellung zu Problemen der Natur. Sonderabdruck kaus "Goethe als Sehre und Erforscher der Natur" [Halle a.S.:] Kaiserl. Leopoldinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher zu Halle, 1930. 4to, 27cm. Pp. [iv],1-33;59-99;123-130;253-303;320-324, frontisp. portr., 10 plates (incl. 2 in colo... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Land- und Süsswasserfauna v... Økland, F., 1928.: Land- und Süsswasserfauna von Nowaja Semlja. Versuch einer tiergeographischen Monographie eines arktischen Gebiets. (Report of the Scientific Results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya 1921. No. 42.) Oslo: A.W. Brøggers Bogtrykkeri,, 1928. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 125, 26 illustr. in text,, bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Very ... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Dimorphic Middle Devonian p... Kesling, R.V., Chilman, R.B., 1987.: Dimorphic Middle Devonian paleocopan ostracods of the Great Lakes region. [Univ. Michigan Pap. Paleont., 25.] Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1987. 4to, 27cm. Pp. xii,227, frontisp. portr. of second author (1907-1984), very numerous microphotos on ... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A history of the Gregynog P... HARROP, Dorothy A.: A history of the Gregynog Press. Pinner, Middlesex: Private Libraries Association, 1980. 4to, 27cm. Pp. xvi,266, 12 photogr. plates (incl. portraits), 39 illustr. in text, 29 printer's devi... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les teckels. Leur élevage, ... DEPOUX, René.: Les teckels. Leur élevage, leur utilisation. Paris: Crepin-Leblond et Cie., 1968. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 198,[2], many black white photos. Hardbound, orig. linen cloth. No dust-jacket, litt... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Verleydster van 't Gezicht ... HUVENNE, Paul (et al.): Verleydster van 't Gezicht / La tentation du Regard. Peintoure bourgeaoise de l'Âge d'Or aux Pays-Bas. Collection d'Anvers et de Luxembourg. [Exposition du 19 juin au 5 décembre 2004.] Luxembourg: Villa Vauban, Galerie d'Arte de la Ville de Luxembourg, 2004. 4to, 27cm. Pp. 179, 61 reprod. in colour (mostly full-page), index of artists. hardbound, orig. pict... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
PUNCH. Vol. 137, July-Decem... : PUNCH. Vol. 137, July-December, 1909. London: Published at the Office, 1909. 4to, 27cm. Pp. [iv],468, very numerous illustr. throughout, Punch Almanac of 32 unnumbered pages at ... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Proprioceptive neuromuscula... KNOTT, Margart, & VOSS, Dorothy.: Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. Second edition. Philadelphia: Harper & Row, 1968. 4to, 27cm. Pp. xiv,225, 89 figs., notes, bibliogr., index. Hardbound, orig. printed boards. Fine, li... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Robert Smithson: A retrospe... HOBBS, Robert.: Robert Smithson: A retrospective. Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, 1983 / The Herbert F. Johnson Museum iof Arts, Cornell University. New York: The Herbert F. Johnson Museum iof Arts, Cornell University, ,1983. 4to, 27cm. .Pp. 111, numerous photos and other illustr. (partly coloured), list of exhibitions. Orig... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Cá fora: arquiuitectura des... GIL, José, MORENO, Joaquin (editors).: Cá fora: arquiuitectura desassossegada / Out there: disquieted architecture. Eduardo Souto de Mora - Ângelo de Sousa. [II. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura. La Biennale di Venezia.] Lisboa: Direcção-Geral das Artes, 2008. 4to, 27cm. .Pp. 119, many drawings and photos. Hardbound, white imit. vellum in printed dust-jacket.... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Plan voor een onderzoekings... SCHOUW SANTVOORT, J.: Plan voor een onderzoekingstocht in Midden-Sumatra. Amsterdam: C.F. Stemler [for] Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, 1876. 4to, 27cm. Pp./ 71,[3], 1 fold. tinted lithogr. map, 1 fold. plain lithogr. sketch map. Wrappers (o... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Maandblad voor Beeldende Ku... : Maandblad voor Beeldende Kunsten. Jaargang 23 t/m 26. Amsterdam: J.H. de Bussy, 1947-1950. 4to, 27cm. Per deel tussen ca. 240 en 320 blz., talr. illustr. in tekst en op platen. Orig. unif. ha... € 70.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Het Nieuwe Rijks Museum. Pi... JONG, Cees W., SPIJKERMAN, Patrick (samenst.).: Het Nieuwe Rijks Museum. Pierre Cuypers en Georg Storm in ere hersteld. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications, 2012. 4to, 27cm. 96 blz., talr. foto's in kleur. Geb., geïllustr. kart. band. In nieuwstaat. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
... das beste der Städte un... Gördes, Karlheinz (Herausg.): ... das beste der Städte und des platten Landes jederzeit ... Aus dem Werden und Wirken des Westmünsterland-Kreises Borken. Borken: Stadt Borken, 1995. 4to, 27cm. 440 S., sehr zahlr. Abb. im Text (Fotos, Dokumente usw.), Literaturnachw., Tab. Orig.-Lei... € 26.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Yn streken. Tachtig jaar Bo... BIJLSMA, .Hedman.: Yn streken. Tachtig jaar Bond van Friese IJsclubs in twee eeuwen Friese schaatssport. Franeker: Uitgeverij Van Wijnen, 1999. 4to, 27cm. 287 blz., zeer talr. foto's e.a. illustr. (incl. enkele in kleur), bibliogr. Geb., gelami... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Aspecten van de Nederlandse... FUCHS, Rudi.: Aspecten van de Nederlandse kunstgeschiedenis 1390-1970. Utrecht: Stichting Teleac; Weesp: Openbaar Kunstbezit, 1982. 4to, 27cm. 223 blz., 269 afb. (ged. in kleur), index. Geb., bedrukte kart. band. In nieuwstaat. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Paarden en Oranje-Nassau. SLOB, Wouter, HERENIUS, Ans.: Paarden en Oranje-Nassau. Barn: Uitgeveij De Fontein, 1993. 4to, 27cm. 196 blz., frontisp. in kleur, talro foto's e.a. illustr. (ged. in kleur), bibliogr. Geb.,... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Beslissende jaren. nv Bank ... BOERSMA, F.: Beslissende jaren. nv Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten 1968-1991. [Den Haag: Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten, 1995. 4to, 27cm. 195 blz., 5 portr., 5 andere illus., bibl., append., registers. Orig. linnen. Zonder stof... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Antisemitisme. Een geschied... BOONSTRA, Janrense, JANSEN, Hans, KNIESMEYER, Joke (redactie).: Antisemitisme. Een geschiedenis in beeld. 's-Gravenhage: SDU Uitgeverij, 1989. 4to, 27cm. 129 blz., zeer talr. illustr. (ged. in kleur), bibliogr., naamregister. Ingen., orig. ge�... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Chinese and Vietnamese blue... GOTUACO, Larry, TAN, Rita C., DIEM, Allison I.: Chinese and Vietnamese blue and white wares found in the Philippines. Makari City, Philippines: Bookmark, Inc., 1997. 4to, 27.9x21.3cm. Pp. [xviii],259, ca. 150 large colour photos on plates, 40 small colour photos in ... € 130.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Rese... : Jacobsen-McGill Arctic Research Expedition to Axel Heiberg Island, Queen Elisabeth Islands. Preliminary Report 1959-1960 1961-1962. [Axel Heiberg Island Research Reports.] Montreal: McGill University. 4to, 27.8cm. Vol. 1: pp. x,219; vol. 2: pp. xiv,249; with many figs., photos and tabs. throughout, ... € 60.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Porto-Novo et sa palmeraie.... Brasseur-Marion, P., Brasseur, G.,: Porto-Novo et sa palmeraie. [Mém. Inst. Franç. Afrique Noire, 32.] Dakar: IFAN, 1953. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 131, 25 photos on 10 pls., 25 figs., notes, bibl. Orig. wrs. Slight trace of handli... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Sea-floor observations and ... FOLGER, D.W. (editor).: Sea-floor observations and subbottom seismic characteristics of OAK and COA craters, Enewetak Atoll, Marshall Islands. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 1678.] Washington. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. vi,iv,[281], numerous photos, diagrs., figs., and tabs. in text, refs. Orig. wrs. F... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Speaker's Papers for Intern... : Speaker's Papers for International Civil Aviation Conference #6, Montreal, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 1984. New York: Lloyd's of London Press Inc., 1984. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. [x],206,[2], notes refs. Orig. gilt-lettered black cloth. Very good,. Scarce. € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Goya und Velázquez. Das kön... : Goya und Velázquez. Das königliche Porträt. / Goya y Velázques. El retrato real. Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut. Frankfurt am Mail, 7. Oktober 1991 bis 9. Januar 1992. Frankfurt 1991. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 144, 26 full-page illus. (some col.), 11 illus. in text, notes refs., bibl. Orig. ... € 23.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Porcellane e argenti del Pa... GRISERI, Andreina, ROMANO, Giovanni, BERTOLO, Giovanni (editors).: Porcellane e argenti del Palazzo Reale di Torino. [Mostra] Torino, Palazzo Reale, serttembre-dicembre 1986. Milano: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1986. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 453, very numerous photos throughout (incl. many in colour), bibliogr. Hardbound, o... € 32.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Fondation Teyler. Catalogue... Verwijnen, J.J. (editor).: Fondation Teyler. Catalogue de la Bibliothèque. Tome IV. 1904-1912. Haarlem: Les héritiers Loosjes, 1915. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. xvi,1182, author index. Orig. printed cloth. Very good. - Listing some thousands of... € 75.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Llandovery (Silurian) g... Rickards, R.B., 1970.: The Llandovery (Silurian) graptolites of the Howgill Fells, Northern England. [Mon. Palaeontogr. Soc., 524.] London 1970. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. [ii],108,[16], 73 photos on 8 plates, 18 text figs. (partly composite), refs., inde... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Carpets and their datings i... YDEMA, Onno.: Carpets and their datings in Nethgerlandish paintings 1540-1700. Zutphen: Walburg Pres, 1991. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 208, frontisp., numerous photos (some in colour), illustr. catalogue, notes, list o... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Beiträge zur Kenntniss der ... Lakowitz, C., 1895.: Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Tertiärflora des Ober-Elsass. Die Oligocänflora der Umgegend von Mülhausen i./E. [Abh. Geol. Specialk. Elsass-Lothringen, 5(3).] Strassburg 1895. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. xiv,169,[19], many figs. on 9 tinted lithogr. plates, tabs., bibliogr. Orig. printe... € 75.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Moretto da Brescia. [Ars Do... GOMBOSI, György.: Moretto da Brescia. [Ars Docta, IV.] Basel: Holbein-Verlag, 1943. 4to, 27,8cm. Pp. 126,[2], 126 black white photogr. reprod. on 88 plates, notes refs., bibliogr. H... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
: - Nils Holger Moormann. : Nils Holger Moormann. Aschau im Chiemgau: Nils Holger Moormann GmbH, 2007. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 224, numerous colour photos thrioughout (partly full-page). Hardbound, orig. boards... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The small masterpieces of E... SCHNEIDER, Hans D., et al.: The small masterpieces of Egyptian art. Selection from the Myers Museum at Eton College. [Revised edition.] Leiden: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, 2001. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. 80, 100 colour photos. Paperbound, pictorial stiff wrappers. Fine, like new. € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Puvis de Chavannes and the ... WATTENMAKER, Richard J.: Puvis de Chavannes and the Modern Tradition. Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1975. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. xxvi,198, numerous illustr. (some in colour), notes, Paperbound, orig. printed stif... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les Rhynchonellidés du Jura... Wisniewska, M., 1932.: Les Rhynchonellidés du Jurassique sup. de Pologne. [Palaeont. Polonica, II(1).] Warszawa 1932. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. viii,71,(14), numerous photos on 6 plates, 20 fig., index. Paperbound, orig. printe... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat

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