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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Anderhalve eeuw onderwijs a... HOUTE, I.C. van: Anderhalve eeuw onderwijs aan blinden, 1808-1958. Huizen N.H.: Instituut tot Onderwijs van Blinden, [c. 1958]. 8vo, 22.8cm. Pp. 170, 40 pls. of photos, few letter facsimiles. Orig. stiff wrappers. Light fading t... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ancient landscapes. Studies... BRADFORD, John.: Ancient landscapes. Studies in field archaeology. London: G. Bell and Sons, 1957. 4to, 24.4cm. Pp. xviii,297, 75 photogr. plates, 25 figs., notes refs., index. Hardbound, orig. Clot... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ancient Eskimo settlement i... Mathiassen, T., 1931.: Ancient Eskimo settlement in the Kangâmiut area. [Meddel. om Grønland, 91(1).] Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel. 4to, 27.2cm. Pp. 149,[3], 133 photos of objects on 7 pls., 1 folsd. plan, 42 photos and figs. in tex... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ancient and modern man in S... Field, H., 1956.: Ancient and modern man in Southwestern Asia. Coral Gables, Fl.: University of Miami Press. 4to. Pp. xiv,342, 24 maps (1 fold. in pocket), tabs., refs. Orig. cloth. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomische Untersuchungen ... Süss, H., 1958.: Anatomische Untersuchungen über die Lorbeerhölzer aus dem Tertiär des Hasenberges bei Wiesa in Sachsen. [Abh. Deut. Akad. Wiss., Kl. Chem. Geol. Biol., Jg. 1956 Nr. 8.] Berlin: Akademie-Verlag. 4to. Pp. 59, 51 microphotos on 9 pls., 2 figs., bibl. Orig. wrs. € 12.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomische Untersuchungen ... Koch, A., 1914.: Anatomische Untersuchungen an Psychodea albipennis. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Psychododidae. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturwiss., 51: pp. 163-212, 27 figs., bibliogr. Plain new wrappers. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomische Mittheilungen ü... HYRTL, Joseph (1811-1894).: Anatomische Mittheilungen über Mormyrus und Gymnarchus. Denkschr. nat.-math. Cl. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 12 (1856): pp. 1-22, 6 detailed lithogr. plates (2 folding, 2 partly coloured). 4to. Extract, plain new wrapper... € 60.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomie der gezüngelten Na... GRUITHUISEN, [Franz von Paula] (1774-1852).: Anatomie der gezüngelten Naide und über Entstehung ihrer Fortpflanzungsorgane. Nova Acta Physico-Medica Academiae Caesariae Leopoldino-Carolinae Naturae Curiosorum, Tomus 11 (1823):: pp. [ii],233-243, 6 hand-coloured figures on 1 folding finely engraved plate. 4to. 24.2cm. Plain mod... € 40.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomicos Madrileños famos... Alvarez Sierra, J., 1953.: Anatomicos Madrileños famosos. [Temas Madrilenos, V.] Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos, 1953. 8vo, 21cm. Pp. 46,[2], 11 portrs. on 6 pls., 2 other pls. Orig. wrs. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomical texts of the Ear... CORNER, George W.: Anatomical texts of the Earlier Middle Ages. A study in the transmission of culture. With a revised Anatomia Cophonis and translations of four texts. [Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ., No. 364.] Washington 1927. Small 4to, 25cm. Pp. viii,112, frontisp., 2 plates, notes. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers. Spine... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anatomical investigations o... Jentys-Szaferowa, J., 1961.: Anatomical investigations on fossil fruits of the genus Carpinus in Poland. [Acta Paleobot., 2(1).] Kraków. 8vo. Pp. 34, many photos on 14 plates, 5 figs., refs. Orig. wrappers. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
ANATOLIAN STUDIES. Journal ... : ANATOLIAN STUDIES. Journal of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara. Volume 50. 2000. London: The British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 2000. 4to. Pp. vi,185, many illustr. in text, refs. Paperbound, pict. stiff wrappers. Fine, as new. - Cont... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Anastomosing rivers. Forms,... Makaske, B., 1998.: Anastomosing rivers. Forms, processes and sediments. Utrecht 1998. 8vo, 23.7cm. Pp. 287, 1 fold. col. map and 2 fold. sheets of sections in rear cover pocket, figs.and... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Analysis of heteromorph amm... Okamoto, T., 1988.: Analysis of heteromorph ammonoids by differentian geometry. Palaeontology, 31(1): pp. 35-52, 10 photos on 1 plate, 12 figs., refs. Plain wrappers. € 5.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Analysis der Flechtengattun... Minks, A., 1900.: Analysis der Flechtengattung Umbilicaria. Zugleich ein lichenologischer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Entstehung und des Begriffes des naturwissenschaftlichen Art. Extrait des Mémoires de l'Herbier Boissier, Nº22. Genève. 8vo. Pp. 77, 6 figs. on 1 pl. Orig. wrs., uncut. € 13.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Analyse pollinique de sédim... Rossignol, M., 1961-1962.: Analyse pollinique de sédiments marins quaternaires en Israë. I: Sédiments récents. / II: Sédiments pleistocènes. Pollen et Spores, 3(2): pp. 303-324, 2 pls., figs., tabs.; 4(1): pp. 121-148, 2 pls., figs., 1 fold. diagr., refs. Two offpr... € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Analecta Goodenoviarum ad a... VRIESE, Willem Hendrik de (1806-1862).: Analecta Goodenoviarum ad auctoritatem herbarium Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, Lessertii, Hookeri, Lindleji, Preisii, aliorum. I. II. [Leiden 1849-1850.] Two parts, 8vo, 21.5cm. Pp. 1-36; 37-67. Sewn as issued. - Rare. Preprints or offprints from Nederla... € 45.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ana leu ita, een reisversla... BOS, Corrie A.: Ana leu ita, een reisverslag. [Derde druk.] Heemskerk: Corrie A. Bos, 1994. 8vo, 21.8cm. 270 blz., enkele foto's, 1 kaartje. paperback (genaaid), geïllustr. omslag. Goed exemp... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An Upper Albian ammonite fa... Marcinowski, R., Naidin, D.P., 1976.: An Upper Albian ammonite fauna from Crimea. Acta Geol. Polon., 26(1): pp. 33-119, several large photos on 10 pls. on 5 fold. leaves, 6 figs., 4 diagrs., refs. Journal iss... € 11.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An outline of the history o... WETZEL, Herbert Hice.: An outline of the history of phytopathology. Philadelphia and London: W.B. Saunders Company, 1918. 8vo, 19.5cm. Pp. 130, 22 portraits (incl. frontisp.), notes refs., bibliogr., index. Hardbound, ori... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ostracod fauna from Hall... Neale, J.W., 1967.: An ostracod fauna from Halley Bay, Coats Land, British Antarctic Territory. [Brit. Antarct. Surv. Sci. Rep., 58.] London: HMSO [for] British Antarctic Survey, 1967. 4to. Pp. [ii],50, 4 plates, 14 figs., tabs., bibliogr. Orig. wrappers. € 16.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An odyssey in time: the din... Russell, D.A., 1989.: An odyssey in time: the dinosaurs of North America. Toronto: University of Toronto Press National Museum of Natural Sciences. 4to, 30.5cm. Pp. 240, col. frontisp., 15 reproductions of paintings by Eleanor Kish, 111 colour phot... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An investigation of the orb... NEWCOMB, Simon.: An investigation of the orbit of Uranus, with general tables of its motion. [Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., 262.] Washington 1871. Large 4to, 31.8cm. Pp. viii,288. Plain new wrappers. Fine. € 45.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An investigation of micropl... Clarke, R.F.A., Verdier, J.P., 1967.: An investigation of microplankton assemblages from the Chalk of the Isle of Wight, England. [Verh. Kon. Nederl. Akad. Wet., Afd. Nat., 1e R., 24(9).] Amsterdam. Small 4to. Pp. 96, frontisp., many microphotos on 17 pls., 31 figs., 1 diagr., refs. Orig. stiff wrs... € 19.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An introduction to the phyt... Bare, J.E., McGregor, R.L., 1970.: An introduction to the phytogeography of Kansas. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., 48(26): pp. 869-948, 45 distrib. maps, bibliogr. Offprint, orig. printed wrappers. Very good. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An introduction to the geol... Rogers, A.W., 1905.: An introduction to the geology of Cape CVolony. With a chapter on the fossil reptiles of the Karroo Formation, by Prof. R. Broom. London: Longamsn, Green, 1905. 8vo, 18.7cm. Pp. xviii,463, fold. col. frontisp. map, 21 photos, 27 figs., bibliogr., index. Hardbou... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An introduction to Irish Hi... RICHARDSON, Hilary, SCARRY, John.: An introduction to Irish High Crosses. Dublin: Mercier Press, 1990. 8vo, 23.3cm. Pp. 165,[4], 199 black white photos, several figs. and photos in text, bibliogr. Paper... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An interpretation of the sk... Wilson, J.A., 1941.: An interpretation of the skull of Buettneria, with special reference to the cartillages and soft parts. Contr. Mus. Paleont. Univ. Michigan, 6(5): pp. 73-111, 14 figs., refs. Offprint, orig. wrs. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
An interim classification o... Meester, J., Davis, D.H.S., Coetzee, C.G., 1964.: An interim classification of Southern African mammals. [King William's Town:] Distributed with the assistance of The Zoological Society of Southern Africa [...], 1964. Large 4to. Pp. [76] printed from typescript original. Plain wrappers. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An Interglacial beaver dam ... Aalto, M., et al., 1989.: An Interglacial beaver dam deposit at Vimpeli, Ostrobothnia, Finland. [Bull. Geol. Surv. Finland, 348.] Espoo. 8vo. Pp. 34, 4 photos on 2 pls., 1 fold. section, 18 photos and figs. in text, refs. Orig. stiff wrs... € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An illustrated social histo... HATTERSLEY, Alan F.: An illustrated social history of South Africa. Cape Town: A.A. Balkema, 1969. 4to, 27.8cm. Pp. x,262, 13 colour plates, several illustr. from historical originals on 44 plates, n... € 50.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An illustrated guide to the... Davies, V.T., 1988.: An illustrated guide to the genera of orb-weaving spiders in Australia. Mem. Queensland Mus., 25(2): pp. 273-332, numerous drawings in 45 full-page figs., refs. 8vo. Plain new wrs. € 12.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An experimental enquiry int... Dean, G., 1905.: An experimental enquiry into the nature of the substance in serum which influences phagocystosis. Proc. Roy. Soc. [London], B76: pp. 506-524, refs. Large 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrs. - Inscribed "With the author's compliments". € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An evolutionary survey of t... Scagel, R.F., et al., 1965.: An evolutionary survey of the plant kingdom. Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth. Large 8vo. Pp. xii,658, numerous illus. in text, refs., gloss., index. Hardbound. € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An evolutionary basis for p... Willemstein, S.C., 1987.: An evolutionary basis for pollination ecology. [Leiden Bot. Ser., 10.] Leiden: E.J. Brill / Leiden University Press, 1987.. 8vo, 24cm. Pp. viii,425, tabs. (2 fold.), refs., taxon. index. Paperbound, orig. stiff wrappers. Fin... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An enumeration of the vascu... Pulle, A., 1906.: An enumeration of the vascular plants known from Surinam, together with their distribution and synonymy. Leiden: E.J. Brill. 8vo, 24.7cm. Pp. viii,555, 1 fold. sketch map, 17 plates (mostly lithographs drawn by S. Lindschoten... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An Enquiry concerning the N... RUMFORD, Benjamin Thompson, Count (1753-1814)..: An Enquiry concerning the Nature of Heat, and the Mode of its Communication. Read February 2, 1804. [Printed in:] Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, for the year MDCCCIV, Part I. London 1804. 4to, 30cm. Pp. 77-182 [whole volume: pp. viii,190;26], 6 finely engraved figures on 2 plates. Plain ... € 375.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An Emperor's Madness of Nat... LUGARO, Ernesto (1870-1940).: An Emperor's Madness of National Aberration? Translated by W.N. Robinson, M.D. London: George Routledge Sons, 1916. 12mo, 16.8cm. Pp. vi,135. Orig. cloth. Backstrip faded, good otherwise. - Examination of the teory t... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ecological survey of the... Shanks, R.E., 1966.: An ecological survey of the vegetation of Monroe County, New York. Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 11(3): pp. 105-252, 45 photos and distrib. maps, bibl. Journal issue, orig. wrappers. € 16.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ecological survey of the... Sampson, H.C., 1921.: An ecological survey of the prairie vegetation of Iowa. Illinois Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 13(16): pp. iv,523-577, 21 photogr. plates, 1 sketch map, 8 diagrs., refs. Orig. printed wrappers. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ecological study of Sout... Cahn, A.R., 1927.: An ecological study of Southern Wisconsin fishes. The brook silversides (Labidesthes sicculus) and the cisco (Leucichthys artedi) in their relations to the region. [Illinois Biol. Mon., 10(4).] Urbana, Ill. Large 8vo. Pp. 151, 4 pls. of photos, 1 map, 11 pls. of diagrs., 27 tabs., refs., index. New plain w... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ecological and systemati... Børgesen, F.: An ecological and systematic account of the Caulerpas [Algae] of the Danish West Indies. [Copenhagen 1907.] Kgl. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrift., 7. R., Nat. Afd., 4(5): pp. 337-392, 31 figs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 11.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An Early Pennsylvanian flor... Leary, R.L., Pfefferkorn, H.W., 1977.: An Early Pennsylvanian flora with Megalopteris and Noeggerathiales from West-Central Illinois. [Illinois St. Geol. Surv. Circ., 500.] Urbana, Ill. 8vo. Pp. [ii],78, many photos on 15 pls., 13 figs., 8 tabs., refs. Orig. wrs. € 12.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An den Wassern zu Cleve. St... : An den Wassern zu Cleve. Studien und Beiträge zur Garten- und Badegeschichte Kleves. Kleve: Freunde des Städtischen Museums Haus Koekoek, 1994. 8vo, 23cm. Pp. 228, frontisp., 25 col. illus. from old originals on 10 pls., many photos and other i... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An architecture of place. ACOCELLA, Alfonso.: An architecture of place. Roma: Edizioni Laterconsult, 1992. 4to, 29.4cm. 584 pp., 781 illustr. in text (mostly colour photos, partly full-page).. Hardbound, ori... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An annotated index to Salm-... Stearn, Wm.T., 1939.: An annotated index to Salm-Dyck's "Monographia generum Aloes et Mesembryanthemi". Reprinted from The Cactus Journal, Volume 7, Nos. 2 and 3. Bedford. Large 8vo.. Pp. [i],34-85, 4 plates, notes refs. Offprint, orig. wappers. Few light traces of handl... € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An annotated index of thew ... Gourley, C.O., 1983.: An annotated index of thew Fungi of Nova Scotia. Proc. Nova Scot. Inst. Sci., 32(2/3): pp. 75-295. 8vo. Orig. printed wrs. € 16.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An annotated bibliography o... Quilty, P.G., 1975.: An annotated bibliography of the palaeontology of Western Australia 1814-1974. [Rep. Geol. Surv. West. Austr., 3.] [Perth, W.A.] 8vo. Pp. [ii],264, indices. Orig. printed wrappers. € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
An annotated bibliography o... Whitfield, W.K., Jr., 1971.: An annotated bibliography of dolphins and porpoise families Delphinidae and Platanistidae. [St. Florida Dept. Nat. Sci. Spec. Sci. Rep., 26.] St. Petersburg, Fl.: Marine Research Laboratory, 1971. 4to, 27.7cm. Pp. viii,104, index. Hardbound, cloth, title to backstrip. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
An anatomical study of the ... Arber, A., 1914.: An anatomical study of the Palaeozoic cone-genus Lepidostrobus. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Ser. 2, 8: pp. 205-238, 56 figs. and microphotos on 7 plates, 4 figfs. in text, bibliogr. 4to. Plain new wrappe... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat

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