Alle boeken van Aquila Antiquariaat uit Lochem


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Lachen om Lochem. Woordspel... SIGTENHORST, Henk van den.: Lachen om Lochem. Woordspelingen en rijmpjes over Lochem. Deventer: H. van den Sigtenhorst, [z.j., ca. 1970?]. Dwars 8vo, 12x16cm. 52 ongenummerde bladen, 31 kleine zwartwit foito's. Bedrukte omslag met plastic ... € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Sammlung niederösterrei... Sigmund, A., 1903.: Die Sammlung niederösterreichischer Minerale im k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseum. Wien: im Selbstverlag des k.k. naturhistorischen Hofmuseums, 1903. Small 8vo, 18cm. Pp. iv,30, [5] pp. of advertisements at end, index. Old cloth-backed boards, orig. ... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les chiroptères oligocènes ... Sigé, B., 1985.: Les chiroptères oligocènes du Fauym, Egypte. Geol. et Paleont., 19: pp. 161-189, 2 pls. of phtos (mostly stereo pairs), 9 figs., refs. 4to. Plain new wrs. € 9.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Schalenbau und Stammesgesch... Siewert, W., 1972.: Schalenbau und Stammesgeschichte von Austern. [Stuttgart. Beitr. Naturk., Ser. B, 1.] Stuttgart 1972. 8vo. Pp. 57, 6 plates of microphotos, 12 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Supplementum ad: Crinoidea ... Sieverts-Doreck, G., Biese, W., 1939 (1970).: Supplementum ad: Crinoidea triadica, jurassica, cretacea et caenozoica. (Fossilium Catalogus, I, Animalia, Pars 88.) The Hague: Dr. W. Junk, facsimile reprint: Amsterdam: A. Asher. Pp. 81, refs., index. Orig. wrs. € 13.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Baumeister seiner Kirche. S... SIEVERS, Hans-Jürgen.: Baumeister seiner Kirche. Superintendent Oskar Pank und sein Einsatz für Gemeinde, Diakonie und Gustav-Adolf-Werk. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 1998. Oktav, 21.3cm. 307 S., Noten, Bibliogr., Personenreg. Orig.-Kart. Bleistifttext auf der letzten Seit... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Carabenfauna des Pilatu... Siegwart, L., 1939.: Die Carabenfauna des Pilatus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Luzern, 13: pp. [vi],221-245. Plain new wrs. € 5.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Seenschwankungen und Strand... SIEGER, Robert: Seenschwankungen und Strandverschiebungen in Skandinavien. Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. XXVIII. Band 1893, No. 1 und 6. Berlin: W. Pörmetter, 1893. 8vo, 22.4cm. Pp. [ii],202, 1 fold. map, 28 tabs. on 48 pp. at end, notes refs., bibl. Plain new wrs... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geschichte der Zoologie in ... Siebenrock, F., 1901.: Geschichte der Zoologie in Österreicht von 1850 bis 1900. Amphibien und Reptilien. Separat-Abdruck aus "Botanik und Zoologie in Österreich während der letzten fünfzig Jahre"[...]. Wien: A. Hölder. 4to. Pp. iii,20, 1 portrait. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les accidents cutanés des t... SIDI, Edwin.: Les accidents cutanés des teintures capillaires. La sensibilité à la paraphénylànediamine. Paris: Editions Médicales Flammarion, 1945. 8vo, 24.8cm. Pp. 151, 21 photos on 8 plates, bibliogr. Orig. wrappers, uncyt. Tiny repair to front c... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Gliederung des höheren ... Sickenberg, O. [et al.], 1975.: Die Gliederung des höheren Jungtertiärs und Altquartärs in der Türkei nach Vertebraten und ihre Bedeutung für die internationale Neogen-Stratigraphie. [Geol. Jahrb., Reihe B, 15.] Hannover. 8vo. Pp. 167, few figs., 1 fold. tab. in pocket, refs. Orig. wrs. € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die unterpleistozäne Fauna ... Sickenberg, O., 1967.: Die unterpleistozäne Fauna von Wolaks (Griedch.-Mazedonien). I. Eine neue Giraffe (Macedonitherium martinii nov. gen. et nov. spec.) aus dem unteren Pleistozän von Griechenland. Ann. Géol. Pays Hellén., 18: pp. 313-330, 3 pls. of photos, 5 figs. 4to. Offprint, orig. wrs. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Die Theosophie (Anthroposop... Sichler, Albert.: Die Theosophie (Anthroposophie) in psychologischer Beurteilung. [Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens, 112.] München und Wiesbaden: J.F. Bergmann, 1921. Large 8vo, 25.7cm. Pp. [vi],43,[7], notes refs., bibl. Orig. printed wrs., uncut. Small repair to e... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Note sur le village de Mine... Sicard, G., 1900.: Note sur le village de Minerve. Rapport sur l'excursion de la Société d'Etudes scientifiques de l'Aude du 30 Avril 1899. Carcassonne: Victor Bonnafous-Thomas, 1900. 8vo, 22.7cm. Pp. 15, 1 fold. plan, 1 facsimile plate. Plain wrappers. - Rare. € 7.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Les rencontres d'Amboise. (... SIBERT, Marie-Laure.: Les rencontres d'Amboise. (Charles VIII, Anne de Bretagne, Léonard de Vinci, Choiseul, Beaumarchais, Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, Chaptal, Félix Faure, etc.) Tours: Editions Barcla, 1969. In-8, 21cm. Pp. 379,[3],. 8 planches, bibliogr. Rel toile éd., portrait de Charles VIII contrecoll�... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Malaysia's green and timele... Shutteleworth, Ch., 1981.: Malaysia's green and timeless world. Kuala Lumpur: Heinemann Asia. Small 4to, 25.3cm. Pp. xiv,221, 8 plates of colour photos, many black white photos in text, checkli... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A revision of the Burmese T... Shuto, T., 1984.: A revision of the Burmese Tertiary Turrids. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ., Ser. D, Geol., 25(2): pp. 115-157, 81 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. € 11.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Palaeontological study of t... Shuto, T., 1961.: Palaeontological study of the Miyazaki Group. A general account of the faunas. Menm. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ., Ser. D, Geol., 10(2): pp. 73-206, 2 fold. maps, 1 fold. section, 5 (2 fold.) tabs., 23 illus. in text. Large 8vo. Plain ne... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Palaeontological study of t... Shuto, T., 1961.: Palaeontological study of the Miyazaki Group. A general account of the faunas. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ., Ser. D, Geol., 10(2): pp. 73-206, 2 fold. maps, 1 fold. section, 5 tabs., 23 figs., refs. Plain wrappers. - Deals with pal... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Early Sarmatian flora o... Shtefyrtsa, A.G., 1974.: The Early Sarmatian flora of Borsuk (North-Eastern Moldavia). Kishinev. 8vo. Pp. 154, 24 plates, 4 figs., 5 tabs., refs., index. Orig. wrappers. - In Russian. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geology at M.I.T. A history... SHROCK, Robert Rakes.: Geology at M.I.T. A history of the first hundred years of geology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I. The faculty and supporting staff. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1977. Large 8vo, 25cm. Pp. xxiv,1032, illustr. in text (incl. several portraits), refs. Hardbound, orig. c... € 45.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Pliocene mammals of Southea... Shotwell, J.A., 1970.: Pliocene mammals of Southeast Oregon and adjacent Idaho. [Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Oregon, 17.] Eugene, Ore. 4to. Pp. 103, numerous drawings and some photos in 43 illus. in text, refs. Orig. wrs. € 14.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ostrakody Bythocytheridae d... Shornikov, E.I., 1981.: Ostrakody Bythocytheridae dalnevostochnykh morei. Moskva 1981. Large 8vo. Pp. 200, 8 plates, 86 figs., bibliogr. Orig. wrappers. - Russian text. "Ostracoda Bythocy... € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
Notes on some American fres... Shoemaker, C.R., 1942.: Notes on some American fresh-water amphipod crustaceans and descriptions of a new genus and two new species. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 101(9).] Washington. Pp. 31, many drawings in 12 large figs., refs. Orig. printed wrappers. € 6.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Amphipod cruscateans collec... Shoemaker, C.R., 1942.: Amphipod cruscateans collected on the Presidential Cruise of 1938. [Smithson. Misc. Coll., 101(11).] WAshington. Pp. [ii],52, many drawings in 17 figs., refs. Orig. printed wrappers. Small grease stain to front co... € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Ptitsy Semirechya. Shnitnikov, V.N., 1949.: Ptitsy Semirechya. Moskva: Naklatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSR. 4to, 26cm. Pp. 664,[4], 139 maps and 44 figs. and photos in text, bibl. Orig. printed cloth. Very go... € 39.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Fruit flies of the Ryukyu I... Shiraki, T., 1968.: Fruit flies of the Ryukyu Islands. [U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull., 263.] Washington. 4to. Pp. vi,104, 35 plates of drawings, refs., index. Orig. wrappers. Very good. € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The man who found the Missi... Shipman, P., 2001.: The man who found the Missing Link. Eugène Dubois and his lifelong quest to prove Darwin right. New York: Simon Schuster. 8vo, 23.5cm. Pp. xii,514, frontisp. portr., several illus., bibl. of Dubois, refs., notes, index. Or... € 19.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Early Cretaceous pyroclasti... Shimron, A.E., Peltz, S., 1993.: Early Cretaceous pyroclastic volcanism on the Hermon Range. [Geol. Surv. Israel Bull., 84.] Jerusalem 1993. 4to, 26.5cm. Pp. iv,43, 44 photos (some coloured), figs. and maps in text, 1 large fold. map in pock... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Study on Palaeozoic cephalo... Shimizu, S., Obata, T., [c. 1936?].: Study on Palaeozoic cephalopods from Asia. Part 1. Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst., Sect. II, 2: pp. 85-146, 2 fold. tabs., 16 schematic figs., refs. Large 8vo. Offprint, orig. wrs. Little age wear... € 13.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Sedimnetation and tectonics... SHIMAMURA, Kiyoshi: Sedimnetation and tectonics of Zenisu Ridge, Eastern Nankai Trough and Suruga Trough regions. Tohoku Univ, Sci. Rep., Ser. II, 58(2): pp. 107-167, 1 fold. map, 2 large fold. pls. and 1 booklet of diagrs. in pocket, 48 figs., bibk. Ori... € 18.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
On the variation of Chlamys... Shikama, Y., Ikeya, N., 1964.: On the variation of Chlamys islandicus from a part of the Setana Formation. Sci. Rep. Yokohama Univ., Sect. II, 11: pp. 29-54, 32 photos on 2 plates, 10 figs.,r efs. Paperbound, journal issue printer wrappers. Very g... € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Bioecology of the arid and ... Shields, L.M., Gardner, L.J. (editors).: Bioecology of the arid and semiarid lands of the Southwest. [New Mexico Highlands University Bulletin, 212.] Las Vegas 1961. 8vo, 22.8cm. Pp. iv,69, figs., refs. Paperbound, orig. stiff printed wrappers. Very good. € 12.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Komarov Botanical Insti... Shetler, S.G., 1967.: The Komarov Botanical Institute. 250 years of Russian research. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. 8vo. Pp. xiv,240, frontisp. portr., 28 plates of photos, 2 maps, chronol. table, refs., bibliogr., i... € 25.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The relationship of the Per... Sherlok, R.L., 1911.: The relationship of the Permian to the Trias in Nottinghamshire. *Jour. Quart. Geol. Soc. London, 67(1)/265: pp. 75-116, 1 fold. geol. map, 6 figs., bibl., notes refs. Plain new wrs., uncut. € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
A correlation of the Britis... Sherlock, R.L., 1926.: A correlation of the British Permo-Triassic rocks. Part 1. North England, Scotland and Ireland. Proc. Geol. Assoc., 37: pp. 10-72, 2 pls. of column. sections, 2 figs., refs. Offprint, orig. wrs. Two stamps on front cover... € 10.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
John Phillips. Presidential... SHEPPARD, T., 1934.: John Phillips. Presidential Address delivered at the University of Leeds on November 19th, 1932. Trans. Hull Geol. Soc., 7(4): pp. 153-187, 4 portrait plates, 3 figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, journal issue printed wrappers. Littl... € 8.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Programming with Microsoft.... Sheperd, G., Kruglinski, G.: Programming with Microsoft. Visual C++ .NET. Sixth edition. Redmond, Wash: Microsoft Press, 2003. 8vo, 22.8cm. Pp. xxxviii,1038,[12], many figs. and diagrs., 2 CD's in pocket, index. Orig. laminated... € 35.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Braconidae 8: Exothecinae -... Shenefelt, R.D., 1975.: Braconidae 8: Exothecinae - Rogadinae. [Hymenoptera Catalogus, nova editio, part 12.] 's-Gravenhage: W. Junk. 8vo. Pp. [ii],1115-1262. Orig. wrappers. € 14.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Applied geophysics. A brief... Shaw, H.: Applied geophysics. A brief survey of the development of apparatus and methods employed in the investigation of subterranean structural conditions and the location of mineral deposits. [Third edition (revised).] London: HMSO [for] Board of Education, Science Museum, 1936. 8vo, 24.3cm. Pp. 102, 19 photos of instruments on 10 plates, index. Orig. pict. wrappers. Cancelled ... € 15.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
General zoology, or Systema... Shaw, G., 1804 (1974).: General zoology, or Systematic natural history. Volume V, part 1. Pisces. London: G. Kearslley, 1804; facsimile reprint: London: The Aquarium Reprint Press, 1984. 8vo. Pp. [4],viii,250, title vignette, 41 plates. Orig. boards in dust-jacket. Fine new copy. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The Mollusca of the Buda Li... Shattuck, G.B., 1893.: The Mollusca of the Buda Limestone [Lower Cretaceous]. With an appendix on the corals of the Buda Limestone by Th.W. Vaughan. [U.S. Geol. Surv. Bull., 59.] Washington 1903. 8vo. Pp. 92, 26 plates, 1 map. New plain wrappers. € 17.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
[Phylogeny of the Orthopter... Sharov, A.G., 1968.: [Phylogeny of the Orthopteroidea.] [Trudy Paleont. Inst. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 118.] Moscow 1968. Large 8vo. Pp. 217, several photos on 12 plates, many drawings in 53 figs., bibliogr., index. Orig. ... € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
An ecological survey of the... Shanks, R.E., 1966.: An ecological survey of the vegetation of Monroe County, New York. Proc. Rochester Acad. Sci., 11(3): pp. 105-252, 45 photos and distrib. maps, bibl. Journal issue, orig. wrappers. € 16.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The geology of Cape Ann, Ma... Shaler, N.S., 1888.: The geology of Cape Ann, Massachusetts. Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 9: pp. 529-611, 43 plates, 3 folding coloured maps, 10 figs. Small 4to. Plain new wrappers. Very good. € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
On the origin of the galena... SHALER, N.S., 1877.: On the origin of the galena deposits of the Upper Cambrian rocks of Kentucky. Geol. Surv. Kentucky, Ser. II, 2(8): pp. 277-330, 2 figs., few notes. 4to, 27.4cm. Offprint, orig. wrs. € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
General coount of the fresh... Shaler, N.S., 1890.: General coount of the fresh=water morasses of the United States, with a description of the Dismal Swamp District of Virginia and North Carolina. Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 10: pp. [ii],253-339, 1 double-page col. map, 13 pls. (mostly photos), 38 figs. and sections in text. 4t... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
The geology of the island o... Shaler, N.S., 1889.: The geology of the island of Mount Desert, Maine. Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 8(2): pp. 987-1061, 12 plates (panoramic views), 1 double-page coloured geological map, 23 figs. 4to. Extr... € 22.50 Aquila Antiquariaat
The autobiography of Nathan... Shaler, N.S., 1909.: The autobiography of Nathaniel Southgate Shaler. With a supplementary memoir by his wife. Boston: Houtghton Mifflin, 1909. Large 8vo. Pp. x,481, frontisp. portr., 15 plates, index. Hardbound, orig. cloth, top edges gilt. L... € 20.00 Aquila Antiquariaat
Geology of the Richmind Bas... Shaler, N.S., Woodworth, J.B., 1899.: Geology of the Richmind Basin, Virginia. Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv., 19(2): pp. 385-519, 33 plates (mostly photos), 2 folding coloured maps, 17 figs. Small 4to. Plain new wrapp... € 30.00 Aquila Antiquariaat

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