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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Roots  The Second Play of t... Wesker, Arnold Roots The Second Play of the Chicken Soup Trilogy Penguin Plays PL19 Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1960 First reprint in Penguin Books, 76, (3) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Age toning and wear at wrappers,... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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I was not in Japan Wertman, Orna; Hripsimé Visser et al. I was not in Japan [Orna Wertman], [Amsterdam], 2019 Paper covered boards (hardcover), [52]p, chiefly colour : illustrations ; 22 x 31 cm. Very good, cle... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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De Hik Wertheim, Micha en Cristina Garcia Martin De Hik Amsterdam, Uitgeverij De Harmonie, 2015 (26) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Fraai exemplaar. Ills. in kleur. 24 x 24 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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De Betoverde Dieren Geobser... Werner, N and Binder, E. (ills.) De Betoverde Dieren Geobserveerd en beschreven door E. Binder & N. Werner (body-legs bok) Deventer, N. Kluwer, 1965 (34) pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial boards. Light wear corners boards, age toning and shelf ... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Wool Flash Spring 1991 Werner (illustrator) et al. Wool Flash Spring 1991 Paris, International Wool Fashion Office, 1990 29 pp. stiff paper, ring bound in thin pictorial cardboard. Light wear on front cover, fine copy wit... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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The little golden book of h... Werner, Elsa Jane (collected by) and Corinne Malvern (ills.) The little golden book of hymns The Little London Library 27 London, Frederick Muller Ltd, [1947] (26) pp., bound in pictorial boards. wear on boards, especially the edges, interior fine. Price stic... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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5 generaties Tentoonstellin... Werlemann, Co ; Willem Sandberg (typography) 5 generaties Tentoonstelling van schilderijen van 1800 tot heden Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 1946 Softcover, oblong, 48 p. ; ills. 15 cm. Very good. Scarce Sandberg designed catalogue. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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IJsselschetsen : de IJssels... Werkman, Margriet; Jan Voerman et al. IJsselschetsen : de IJsselstreek gezien door dichters en de schilder Jan Voerman sr. Heino/Wijhe : Hannema-de Stuers Fundatie, 1994 Paperback, 27 p. : illustraties ; 20 cm. Gesigneerd door een aantal bij de publicatie betrokken pers... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Land - Volk - Zeit - Kunst Werkman, H.N., Dijkstra, J. Land - Volk - Zeit - Kunst (meer info) Uitgeverij Reflex, Utrecht, 1980 [8] p. ; 37 cm. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Werkman, H.N. - H.N. Werkman Werkman, H.N. H.N. Werkman Zurich, Kunstgewerbemuseum. 1966 Foldout, 10p, leporello, 21 cm. Very good, light yellowing. Text in German. Rare exhib cat at the Ku... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Isabella Werkhoven Een boek... Werkhoven, Isabella Isabella Werkhoven Een boek van schilderijen Landschappen aan de buitenrand A book of paintings :Landscapes of the in-between Zwolle, Waanders Uitgevers, 2021 Paper covered boards (hardcover), 157 pages : color illustrations ; 29 cm. Very good, boards slightl... € 125.00
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Fimfarum Werich, Jan and Trnka, Jiri (ills.) Fimfarum Praha, Ceskoslovensky spisovatel, 1987 220 pp., bound in cloth with pictorial dust jacket. Jacket a bit worn, else fine copy. Ills. in bla... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Ewald Matare Beelden, houts... Werd, Guido de; Ewald Matare Ewald Matare Beelden, houtsneden en aquarellen uit de nalatenschap Matare in het Stadtisches Museum Haus Koekkoek te Kleef Zutphen, Stedelijk Museum Henriette Polak, 1992 Pictorial stiff wrappers (softcover), 99 p. : ill. ; 23 x 23 cm. Good, light age-toning and edge-wea... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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The threatened swan Wepler, Lisanne; Beverley Jackson; Irma Boom (design) The threatened swan Amsterdam : Rijksmuseum, 2014 Paperback with advertising band, 58 pages : color illustrations ; 18 cm. Very good, light wear to wr... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Charm O' the Forest Wenzel, Jeanne Louise Charm O' the Forest Berkeley, Fine Line Press, 2000 (38) pp., pictorial stiff paper wrappers. edges rubbed, very good copy. Ills. in colour and in black... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Anne Wenzel, Sweet Life Wenzel, Anne ; P. van Cauteren, B. Rutten Anne Wenzel, Sweet Life Veenman Publishers, Rotterdam, 2008 Hardcover, 80 p. : illustrations (chiefly in color) ; 25 cm. Very good/fine. Edition of 1000. Text i... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Joggeli soll ga Birli schut... Wenger, Lisa (ills.) Joggeli soll ga Birli schuttle Ein Bilderbuch mit 15 farbigen Tafeln nebst Text Bern, Verlag von A. Francke AG, [1908] (30) pp., bound with staples in half cloth and pictorial boards. Some spots on boards, some age ton... € 75.00
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Hut isch wider Fasenacht, w... Wenger, Lisa Hut isch wider Fasenacht, wo-n-is d'Muetter Chuechli bacht Ein Bilderbuch mit 15 farbigen Fabeln nebst Text Bern, Verlag von A.G. Francke AG, [1919] First edition, (30) pp., bound in half cloth and pictorial cardboard. Boards a bit worn, else fine. ... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Joka, het zwarte lammmetje Wendland, C. en Rita van de Bosch (vertaling) Joka, het zwarte lammmetje Breda Bruxelles, Lito N.N. Lito-Belgium, [196?] (18) pp., gebonden in geillustreerd karton. Goed exemplaar. Paginagrote illustraties in kleur. 23 x ... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Wim Wenders: Once : picture... Wenders, Wim Wim Wenders: Once : pictures and stories (meer info) Schirmer Art Books, London, 2001 First UK edition. Folded stiff wrappers (softcover), 269 p. ; ill. (some col.) ; 21 x 15 cm. Very go... € 125.00
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A Curtain of Green  (Zephyr... Welty, Eudora A Curtain of Green (Zephyr Book Vol. 117) Stockholm/London, The Continental Book Company AB Zephyr Books, 1947 285 pp., sewn in stiff paper wrappers and dust jacket. Light wear on wrappers, age toning , very goo... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Piet Mondrian : catalogue r... Welsh, Robert P., J.M. Joosten, Piet Mondriaan [Mondrian] et al. Piet Mondrian : catalogue raisonné (meer info) V+K Publishing/Inmerc ; Cercle d'Art, Blaricum, Paris, 1998 Slipcase, 3 parts in 2 volumes (482, 521, 148 p.) : illustrations (chiefly in color) ; 33 cm. Very g... € 295.00
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The History of Mr. Polly Pe... Wells, H.G. The History of Mr. Polly Penguin Books 574 Harmondsworth New York, Penguin Books, 1946 First Penguin Books edition, 238, (2) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Light wear at wrappers, ex-libris o... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Love and Mr. Lewisham Pengu... Wells, H.G. Love and Mr. Lewisham Penguin Books 572 Harmondsworth New York, Penguin Books, 1946 First Penguin Books edition, 240, (8) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Light wear at wrappers, age toning,... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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The Time Machine  Penguin B... Wells, H.G. The Time Machine Penguin Books 573 Harmondsworth New York, Penguin Books, 1946 First Penguin Books edition, 381, (3) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Light wear at wrappers, age toning,... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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The War of the Worlds Pengu... Wells, H.G. The War of the Worlds Penguin Books 570 Harmondsworth New York, Penguin Books, 1946 First Penguin Books edition, 208, (8) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Light wear at wrappers, age toning,... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Tono-Bungay Penguin Books 576 Wells, H.G. Tono-Bungay Penguin Books 576 Harmondsworth New York, Penguin Books, 1936 First Penguin Books edition, 381, (3) pp., stiff paper wrappers. Light wear at wrappers, age toning,... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Ad fontes! : een intercultu... Welling, Wouter; Wilfried Van Damme; Wendie Shaffer; et al Ad fontes! : een interculturele zoektocht naar verborgen bronnen = an intercultural quest for hidden sources Berg en Dal : Afrika Museum, 2001 Softcover, 95 p. : illustrations (chiefly in color); 30 cm. Very good, clean, no internal marks. Tex... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Isaac Israëls The sunny wor... Welling, Dolf; Isaac Israëls Isaac Israëls The sunny world of a Hague cosmopolitan Van Voorst van Beest Gallery, The Hague,1991 Cloth covered boards (hardcover) with dust jacket, 123 p. : colour illustrations ; 32 cm.. Very good... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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Run for cover Penguin Crime... Welcome, John and John Sewell (cover design) Run for cover Penguin Crime C 1881 Harmondsworth Mitcham , Penguin Books, 1963 First edition in Penguin Books, 154, (6) pp., paperback, stiff pictorial paper wrappers. Wear on wr... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Knoeiers Kladders Verlakker... Weitering, Katja; Lieke Fijen; Jan Hein Sassen; et al Knoeiers Kladders Verlakkers CoBrA 60 Amstelveen : Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, 2008 Illustrated softcover, 31 p.+ [4]p : ill. ; 31 cm. Fine. Text in Dutch and English. Published to acc... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Dutch Pop Art & the Sixties Weitering, Katja ; Lieke Fijen; Lynn George; et al Dutch Pop Art & the Sixties Amstelveen : Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst, 2005 Illustrated softcover, 23 p. : ill. ; 31 cm. Fine. Text in Dutch and English. € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Wojciech Weiss, 1875-1950 :... Weiss, Zofia/Wojciech; Ruth Krul; Doede Hardeman Wojciech Weiss, 1875-1950 : de trots van Polen Den Haag : Gemeentemuseum Den Haag : Zwolle : WBooks, 2016 Half cloth hardcover, 143p : illustrations (chiefly in color); 30 cm. Very good, boards slightly coc... € 10.00
€ 6,95
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O'Kelly's Eclipse Weiss, Arthur and Charles Mozley (jacket design) O'Kelly's Eclipse London, Cassell, 1969 First British edition, 352 pp., bound in cloth with pictorial dust jacket. Jacket has frayed edges, ... € 30.00
€ 6,95
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Matthias Weischer: Thicket Weischer, Matthias ; Walter Grasskamp, Eva Coster Matthias Weischer: Thicket Snoeck, Köln, 2014 Folded stiff wrappers (softcover), 94 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 27 cm. Very good, clean,... € 15.00
€ 4,25
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Fantastic Alice  (Alice in ... Weis, Margaret (edited with an introduction by) Fantastic Alice (Alice in Wonderland) New York, ACE Books, 1995 291 pp., paperback. Very good copy. 23 x 15 cm. € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Typography : my way to typo... Weingart, Wolfgang Typography : my way to typography ; retrospective in ten sections ; Wege zur Typographie ; ein Rückblick in zehn Teilen (meer info) Lars Muller Publishers, Zurich, 2014 Original stiff wrappers (softcover), 520 p. : illustrations (some in color) ; 28 cm. Very good/fine,... € 125.00
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In the crack of the dawn La... Weiner, Lawrence; Matt Mullican In the crack of the dawn Lawrence Weiner Matt Mullican (meer info) Yves Gevaert, Editeur. Mai 36 Galerie, Bruxelles, Luzern, 1991 Stapled soft wrappers, [28] p. : illustrations in color ; 26 cm. Very good. Rare and scarce conceptu... € 175.00
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Moi + Toi & Nous: Lawrence ... Weiner, Lawrence Moi + Toi & Nous: Lawrence Weiner Le Nouveau Musée / Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, 1993 Self-wrappers, [24]p, b/w illustrations, 30 cm. Good/very good, light wear to wrappers. € 35.00
€ 4,25
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Marga Weimans Fashion House Weimans, Marga; Sue-an van der Zijpp; D'Laine Camp; George Hall Marga Weimans Fashion House (meer info) Groningen, Groninger Museum, 2014 Illustrated boards (hardcover) [169]p pagina's : illustrations, photo's ; 29 cm. As new. Scarce. Mar... € 25.00
€ 6,95
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"Als alle Dinge-- " :Der Me... Weiler, Max; Meister Eckharts ; Wolfram Morath-Vogel. "Als alle Dinge-- " :Der Meister-Eckhart-Zyklus von Max Weiler Erfurt : Angermuseum, 2003 Hardcover, 115 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm. Fine. Text in German. € 15.00
€ 6,95
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Carina Weijma Absorbing Life Weijma, Carina Carina Weijma Absorbing Life (meer info) Eindhoven : Lecturis, 2015 Pictorial paper covered boards (hardcover), 215 p. : chiefly duotone illustrations ; 23x23 cm. Very ... € 25.00
€ 4,25
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Pias Sommerferie Weihe, Johanna and Mathiesen, Axel (ills.) Pias Sommerferie Kjobenhavn,Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, [1925] (19) pp., bound in half cloth with pictorial boards. Boards soiled, edges rubbed, light damage to co... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Speel met plezier als het r... Weigl, Lotte Speel met plezier als het regent De Bilt Amersfoort, Uitgeverij Cantecleer Otto Maier Benelux N.V., [1967] 32 pp., geniet in geillustreerd karton. Fraai exemplaar vol met puzzels, raadsels, spelletjes enz. 2... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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Atriumhäuser - Hofhäuser - ... Weidinger, Hans Atriumhäuser - Hofhäuser - Wohnhöfe aktuelle Beispiele aus Europa Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart, 2002 Hardcover wit dust jacket, 151p, illustrations (some in color), plans, 30 cm. Very good, name sticke... € 45.00
€ 6,95
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Virtual normality - the fem... Weidinger, Alfred ; Anika Meier et al. Virtual normality - the female gaze in the age of the Internet (meer info) Wien, Verlag fur Moderne Kunst, 2018 Softcover with transparant dust jacket, 207 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), portraits ; 31 cm... € 75.00
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Blanche Neige   Les Albums ... Wehr, Julian (illustrator) and Laurent, Lise (text) Blanche Neige Les Albums Animes Snowwhite (meer info) Paris Lyon Montreal, J. Barbe Editeur, [1947] 20 pp., spiral bound in pictorial boards with pictorial dust jacket. Jacket has small damage at spin... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Landstriche  Arbeiten auf P... Wehmeier, Stefan ;Gudrun Szczepanek Landstriche Arbeiten auf Papier Stefan Wehmeier München, Galerie der BayernLB, 2006 Hardcover, 47p, illustrations in colour, 25 cm. Very good, light wear to the boards. Text in German.... € 45.00
€ 4,25
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Fine bindings Wehmais Group Wehmais Group ; Antonia Grotenfelt ; Hugo Peller Fine bindings Wehmais Group Helsinki : Galleria Bronda, 1989 Softcover, 4to. [44] p. : ill. ; 21x21 cm. 36 colourplates; bio- bibliogr. data. Good copy, back wr... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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De Familie van Clarenbeek (... Wehl, Nannie van en Frans van Noorden (ills.) De Familie van Clarenbeek (Klarenbeek) en hun Trouwe Antoon een vertelling voor kinderen van 12-14 jaar Misset's Bibliotheek voor de Jeugd Doetichem, Uitgevers-Maatschappij "C.Misset", [1919] 176 pp., gebonden half linnen en geillustreerd karton. Fraai exemplaar met illustraties in zwart-wit... € 10.00
€ 4,25
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