Alle boeken van hubertusboek uit Amsterdam


hubertusboek heeft in totaal 865 boeken

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
IJslands volksgeloog. sluijter, P.C.M. IJslands volksgeloog. Tjeenk Willink. Haarlem, 1936 8vo. 198 pp. Orriginele omslag. € 10.00 hubertusboek
History and the Homeric Iliad. Page, Denys. History and the Homeric Iliad. Univ. of California Press.1963. 8vo. 350 pp. Originele omslag. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Oog in oog. 5000 jaar dobbe... Heydt, Leo van der. Oog in oog. 5000 jaar dobbelsteen en ddobbelspel. Strengholt's Boeken, 2002. 8vo. 141 pp. Originele omslag. Geillustreerd. Keeurig exemplaar. € 10.00 hubertusboek
On the study of celtic lite... Arnold, Matthew. On the study of celtic literature and other essays. Dent, London. no date. Everyman's library. kl.-8vo. 260 pp. Linnen. (ex bibliotheek exemplaar.) € 10.00 hubertusboek
The story of alchemy and ea... Stillman, John Maxson. The story of alchemy and early chemistry. Dover, New York. (1960) 8vo. 506 pp. Originele omslag. gerbuikt. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Romania. Before Burebista. ... Berciu, Dumitru. Romania. Before Burebista. (Ancient peoples and places.) Thames and Hudson. London. 1967. 8vo. 215 pp. Cloth with dust jacket. Richly illustrated. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Die Akropolis von Athen. Brommer, Frank. Die Akropolis von Athen. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft. 1985. 8vo. 99 pp. Bound. Illustrated. € 10.00 hubertusboek
The History of Witchcraft Summers, Montague The History of Witchcraft Senate. London, 1994. 8vo. 313 pp. Originele omslag. Netjes € 10.00 hubertusboek
Die Manen.  oder  Von den U... Otto, Walter F. Die Manen. oder Von den Urformen des Totenglaubens. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1983. 8vo. 115 pp. Originele omslag. Mooi € 10.00 hubertusboek
Archaeology and Language. T... Renfrew, Colin. Archaeology and Language. The Puzzle of Indo-European Origins. Penguin Books.1987. 8vo. 346 pp. Originele omslag. (peregrine) € 10.00 hubertusboek
Oriental religions in roman... Cumont, Franz. Oriental religions in roman paganism. Dover, New York. 1956. 8vo. 298 pp. Originele omslag. Netjes. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Loves and Lovers in Ancient... Corte, Matteo Della. Loves and Lovers in Ancient Pompeii. A pompeian erotic anthology. Matteo Della Corte, no date. klein 8vo. 131 pp. Originele omslag. geillustreerd. € 10.00 hubertusboek
The Mycenaean Origin of Gre... ,Nilsson, Martin P. The Mycenaean Origin of Greek Mythology. Univ. of California Press. Berkeley. 1983. 8vo. 258 pp. Originele omslag. (vouw in de voorkant v.d. kaft) € 10.00 hubertusboek
Voor en na Socrates. Cornford, F.M. Voor en na Socrates. Ploegsma, Zeist. 1935. klein 8vo. x 164 pp. Linnen € 10.00 hubertusboek
The Leyden Papyrus. An Egyp... Griffitth F.L. Herbert Thompson. (editors) The Leyden Papyrus. An Egyptian Magical Book. Dover, New York, 1974. 8vo. 205 pp. Original wrappers. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Laistner, Ludwig. - Nebelsagen Laistner, Ludwig. Nebelsagen W. Spemann. 1879 Herdruk Zentralantiquariat 1982. 8vo. 366 pp. Gebonden. Netjes. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Folklore by the Fireside. T... Falassi, Alrssandro. Folklore by the Fireside. Test and Context of the Tuscan Veglia. Scolar Press, London. 1980. 8v0. 377 pp. Cloth with dust jacket. Illustrated. € 10.00 hubertusboek
Römische Funden. (Sternstun... Hülsen, Hans von. Römische Funden. (Sternstunden der Archäologie) Musterschmidt Verl. Göttingen, 1960. small 8vo. 269 pp. Gebonden met stofomslag. Geill. € 12.00 hubertusboek
Het leven in Alexandrie vol... Gussen, P.J.G. Het leven in Alexandrie volgens de cultuurhistorische gegevens in de Paedagogus van Clemens Alexandrinus. Van Gorkum. Assen1955 Proefschrift. 8vo. 140 pp. Soft cover. € 12.00 hubertusboek
Arabische Geisterbeschworun... Littmann, Enno. Arabische Geisterbeschworungen aus Agypten. Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig. 8vo. 114 pp. Originele omslag. € 12.00 hubertusboek
Fishbourne.A Roman Palace a... Cunliffe, Barry. Fishbourne.A Roman Palace and its Garden. Thames and Hudson. London. 1971. large 8vo. 228 pp. Original wrappers. (used) € 12.50 hubertusboek
Altnordischer Sagenschatz i... Ettmüller, Ludwig. Altnordischer Sagenschatz in neun Büchern VMA Verlag Wiesbaden. (facsimile of edition 1870). 8vo. 488. Original binding. € 12.50 hubertusboek
Luxuria. Regelgeving en maa... Slob, Ewoud. Luxuria. Regelgeving en maatregelen van censoren ten tijde van de Romeinse republiek. De Walburg Pers. 1986. 8vo. x, 208 pp. Originele omslag. Geill. € 12.50 hubertusboek
Brelich, Angelo. - Vesta. Brelich, Angelo. Vesta. Rhein-Verlag. Zürich, 1949. 8vo. 120 pp. original wrappers. € 12.50 hubertusboek
De macht van het Getal, zij... Schuh, Fred. De macht van het Getal, zijn wetenschappelijke en occulte betekenis een zijn rol in Puzzles en Spelen. Segboer's Uitg.Mij. Den Haag. 1949 8vo. 289 pp. Originele linnen band. Geill. € 12.50 hubertusboek
Psychologie des Aberglaubens. Zucker, Konrad Psychologie des Aberglaubens. Scherer Verlag. Heidelberg, 1948 8vo. 330 pp. Original half cloth. € 12.50 hubertusboek
Book of the Dead / The Papy... Budge, E. A. Wallis Book of the Dead / The Papyrus of Ani in the British Museum. The Egyptian text , transliteration and translation Dover Publications Inc.New York. 533pp, paperback € 12.50 hubertusboek
de Mykeense en geometrische... Maaskant-Kleibrink, M. de Mykeense en geometrische perioden Groningen, 1988. gr.8vo. 179 pp. Soft cover Geill. € 13.00 hubertusboek
Ritual-Litteratur. Vedische... Hillebrandt, A. Ritual-Litteratur. Vedische Opfer und Zauber. Akad. Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, Graz. 1981. (Reprint of ed. 1897) 8vo. 199 pp. Original cloth. Fine. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Bezeichnungswabdel unseres ... Dornseiff, Franz. Bezeichnungswabdel unseres Wortschatzes. Ein Blick in das Seelenleben der Sprechenden. M. Schauenburg Verlag. Lahr, 1966. 8vo. 226 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Full Moons. Fact and Fantas... Katzeff, Paul. Full Moons. Fact and Fantasy about Lunar Influence. Citadel Press. Secaucus, N.J.1981. 8vo. xx, 327 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek
The Stork and the Syringe. ... Pfeffer, Naomi. The Stork and the Syringe. A Political History of Reproductive Medicine. Cambridge. Polity Press.1993. 8vo. vii, , 235 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Theophrastus Paracelsus. Id... Strunz, Franz. Theophrastus Paracelsus. Idee und Problem seiner Weltanschauung. Verl. Anton Pustet. Salzburg, 1937. 8vo. 214 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Molecular gas and dust arou... Cami, J.L.J. Molecular gas and dust around evolved stars. Academisch Proefschrift. Amsterdam, 2002. 8vo. 294 pp. Originele omslag. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Patterns in Prehistory. Hum... Wenke, Robert J. Patterns in Prehistory. Humankind`s first three million years. Oxford University Press.Oxford, 1984. 8vo. xii, 500 pp. Original wrps. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Naturbuch vonn nutz eigensc... Anonymus Naturbuch vonn nutz eigenschafft Wunderwirkung unnd Gebrauch aller Geschöpff Element unnd Creaturn Dem Menschen zu güt beschaffenen. Nit allein den ärtzten und Kunsthebern sondern einen ieder Hauszvatter inn seinem hause nützlich unnd lustig zuhaben Gedruckt zu Franckenfurt am Main / bei Christian Egendorff. Anno M D XXXVI. Facs. Ausg. 1963 Verl. Konrad Kolbl, Muchen. 4to 48 pp. (Kaft met kleine beschadiging). € 15.00 hubertusboek
Learn from the Masters. Swetz, Fr. et al. (Ed.). Learn from the Masters. The Mathematical Assoc. of America. Washington, 1995. 8vo. 303 pp. Original wrappers. Used. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Spina. Die neuentdeckte Etr... Alfieri, N. P.E. Aris. Spina. Die neuentdeckte Etruskerstadt und die griechischen Vasen ihrer Gräber. Jrmer Verlag. Munchen 1958. folio. 64 + 114 pp. Cloth with dust jacket € 15.00 hubertusboek
Aspects of Death in Early G... Vermeule, Emily. Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry. Univ. of California Press. Berkeley, 1981. 8vo. xv, 270 pp. Original wrappers. (partly sunned) € 15.00 hubertusboek
Les Vases Grecs de la bibio... Feytmans, Denise. Les Vases Grecs de la bibiotheque Royale de Belgique. `Bruxelles, 1948. 4to. 87 + 39 pp. Original wrps. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Der Bilderkreis des griechi... Strzygowski, Josef. Der Bilderkreis des griechischen Physiologus des Kosmas Indikopleustes und Oktateuch. Bouma, Groningen. 1969. (Reprint of ed. Teubner Verlag, 1899). 8vo. viii, 130, 40 pp. Original cloth. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Water for Larsa.  An Old Ba... Walters, Stanley D. Water for Larsa. An Old Babylonian Archive Dealing with Irrigation. Yale Univ. Press. New Haven, 1970. 8vo. xxiv, 202, 20 pp. Cloth with dust jacket. (spine discolored) € 15.00 hubertusboek
Nike. Der Typius der laufen... Isler-Kerenyi, Cornelia. Nike. Der Typius der laufenden Flügelfrau in archaischer Zeit. Eugen Rentsch. Erlenbach-Zürich 1969. 8vo. 145 pp. Cloth with dust jacket( d.j. sl. damaged) € 15.00 hubertusboek
Seals and Sealing in the An... Goodnick westenholz, Joan. Seals and Sealing in the Ancient Near East. Bible Lands Museum Publications, Jerusalem, 1995. 4to. 145 pp. Original cloth. € 15.00 hubertusboek
The Struggle between the De... Reifenberg, A. The Struggle between the Desert and the Sown. Rise and Fall of Agriculture in the Levant. Government Press. Jerusalem, 1955. 4to. 109, 38 pp. Original cloth. € 15.00 hubertusboek
A Geometric House and a Pro... Burr, Dorothy. A Geometric House and a Proto-Attic Votive Deposit. Reprinted from Hesperia Vol. II, number 4, 1933. 4to. pp. 542-640. Original printed wrappers. (spine dam. back sunned) € 15.00 hubertusboek
Die Alchemie im Mittelalter. Ganzenmüller, W. Die Alchemie im Mittelalter. Verl. der Bonifacius Druckerei, Paderborn. 1938. 8vo. 240 pp. Original cloth (sl. yellowed). € 15.00 hubertusboek
Die Aromata in ihrer Bedeut... Sigismund, Reinhold. Die Aromata in ihrer Bedeutung für Religion, Sitten, Gebräuche, Handel und Geographie des Altertums bis zu den ersten Jahrhunderten unserer Zeitrechnung. Reprint Leipzig, 1924 of the edition: Winter`sche verl. Leipzig, 1884. 8vo. 234 pp. Cloth. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Geschichte des Taubstummenp... Werner, Hans. Geschichte des Taubstummenproblems bis ins 17. Jahrhundert. Gustav Fischer. Jena, 1932. 8vo. ,275 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek
Homer and the Epic. (A shor... Kirk, G.S. Homer and the Epic. (A shortened version of The Songs of Homer). Cambridge Univ. Press. Cambridge, 1965. 8vo. x, 243 pp. Original wrappers. € 15.00 hubertusboek

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