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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Analecta Hymnica medii aevi... Dreves, G.M.; Blume, C. (ed.) Analecta Hymnica medii aevi. SUBSTANTIAL PART of the SERIES. Leipzig, Reisland, 1891-1898. Vol. XI - Vol.XXX. 19 books in 4 vols. Togeth. 5560 pp., small 4to, bo... € 650.00
€ 3,90
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Raphael. The paintings. The... Capellen, J.M zur Raphael. The paintings. The beginning in Umbria and Florence 1500-1508/The Roman religious paintings 1508-1520/The Roman portraits 1508-1520. COMPLETE SET Arcos, 2001/2005/2008. 3 vols Togeth. 328 + 296 + 245 pp., ills, 4to, boards/d-j. Fine condition. € 600.00
€ 3,90
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Gesammelte Werke, chronolog... Freud, Sigmund; Freud, A.; Bibring, E.; Hoffer, W.; Kris, E.; Isakower, O. (ed.) Gesammelte Werke, chronologisch geordnet. COMPLETE SET 17 VOLUMES ( lacking vol. XVIII: Index). London, Imago, 1942-1952. Vol. I. Werke Jahren 1892-1899; II/III. Traumdeutung; IV. Zur Psychopathol... € 500.00
€ 3,90
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Murillo. Catalogo razonado ... Valdivieso, E. Murillo. Catalogo razonado de pinturas Madrid, Ediciones El Viso, 2010. 621 pp., ills, folio, h.cloth. Book sl.twisted, but very acceptable € 500.00
€ 3,90
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Bruce Nauman, Exhibition ca... Simon, J. (ed.) Bruce Nauman, Exhibition catalogue and CATALOGUE RAISONNE Minneapolis, Walker Art Center ( Wiese Verlag), 1993. 390 pp., ills, large 4to, h.cloth/d-j. € 425.00
€ 3,90
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Wörterbuch der Thierheilkun... Arboval Hurtel, d' Wörterbuch der Thierheilkunde zum Gebrauch der Thierärzte, Cavallerieofficiere, Landwirthe...COMPLETE SET Weimar, 1830/1832. 4 vols. Togeth. 2466 pp., 4to, h.leather with corners, title-shields in red leath... € 400.00
€ 3,90
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city of Akhenaten and Nefer... Kemp, B. city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. Amarna and its people London, Thames and Hudson, 2012. 320 pp., ills, 4to, cloth. CLOTH, FIRST EDFITION. RARE € 400.00
€ 3,90
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Dits et ecrits 1954 - 1988.... Foucault, Michel Dits et ecrits 1954 - 1988. 4 volumes Paris, Edition Gallimard, 1994. 4 volumes. Vol. 1 1954-1969, 855 pp. Vol. II 1970-1975, 838 pp., Vo... € 400.00
€ 3,90
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Landscape urbanism. A manue... Mostafavi, Mohsen; Najle, Ciro (ed.) Landscape urbanism. A manuel for the machinic landscape London, AA Publications, 2003. 176 pp., ills, oblong boards € 400.00
€ 3,90
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Jan van Goyen. Ein oeuvreve... Beck, H.-U. Jan van Goyen. Ein oeuvreverzeichnis 3 vols. Vol. 1 : Introduction & catalogue of drawings; Vol. 2 : Catalogue of paintings; Vol. 3 : pre... € 400.00
€ 3,90
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Keith Haring Show Mercurio, G.; Paparoni, D. (ed.) Keith Haring Show Milano, Skira, 2005. 404 pp.,ills, large 4to, boards. Text in Italian and English € 395.00
€ 3,90
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Fabliaux ou contes. Fables ... Legrand d'Aussy Fabliaux ou contes. Fables et romans du XIIe et du XIIIe siecle. Paris, Jules Renouard, 1829. 5 vols. Togeth. 2139 pp., all the engr. plates after Moreau present (ea... € 375.00
€ 3,90
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Meijers Woordenschat verdee... Meijer, Lodewijk Meijers Woordenschat verdeelt in 1. Bastaardt-woorden 2. Konstwoorden.3.Verouderde woorden Amsterdam, Jeronimus Ratelband, 1745. 274 + 366 + 196 pp., 8vo, h.leer. Leer verslete, maar nog goed... € 350.00
€ 3,90
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Early Netherlandish carved ... Jacobs, L.E. Early Netherlandish carved altarpieces 1380-1550. Medieval tastes and mass marketing Cambridge, CUP, 1998. 352 pp., ills, 4to, cloth/d-j. € 350.00
€ 3,90
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Groot placaatboek vervatten... Water, J. vande Groot placaatboek vervattende alle de placaten, ordonnantien, en edicten der edele mogende heeren staten 's lands van UTRECHT...tot het jaar 1728 ingesloten Utrecht, JAcob van Poolsum, 1729. COMPLETE SET. 3 delen. Alle delen h.leer, 2 titlgravures van Wand... € 350.00
€ 3,90
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Medals and medallions relat... Eidlitz, R.J. Medals and medallions relating to architects New York, PRIVATELY PRINTED, 1927. 190 pp., + 125 plates ( incl. 1145 objects), large folio, h. leat... € 350.00
€ 3,90
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Manuscrits dates conserves ... Lieftinck, G.I.; Gumbert, J.P. Manuscrits dates conserves dans Les Pays-Bas. COMPLETE SET Amsterdam/Leiden, North-Holland Publishing Company/Brill, 1964/1988. 4 vols (Tome I/II: Texte/Planch... € 350.00
€ 3,90
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old catholic missal and ritual Mathew, Arnold, H. old catholic missal and ritual London, Cope and Fenwick, 1909. 326 pp., 4to, blue cloth, frontcover with nice design of 2 gilded an... € 350.00
€ 3,90
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Dutch printer's devices. 15... Huisstede, P.van; Brandhorst, J.P.J. Dutch printer's devices. 15th-17th century. A catalogue. I/II/III (Indices) Nieuwkoop, De Graaf, 1999. 3 vols. Togeth. 1639 pp., ills, 4to, cloth. Fine complete set. € 325.00
€ 3,90
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Hollandische Handzeichnunge... Hofstede de Groot, C Hollandische Handzeichnungen. Sammlung dr.C. Hofstede de Groot Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1923. 50 mounted photo-engr. plates (b/w and col.) + text. glarge folio, orig. p... € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Oxford Latin dictionary. Glare, P.W.G. Oxford Latin dictionary. Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1990. 2126, large 4to, cloth/d.j. Fine copy € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Egyptian renaissance. The a... Curran, B Egyptian renaissance. The afterlife of ancient Egypt en Early Modern Italy Chicago, UCP, 2007. 431 pp.,ills, large 4to, cloth/d-j. € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Dutch paintings of the seve... Bikker, J.; Bruijnen, Y.; Wuestman, G. (ed.) Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Volume I. Artists born between 1570 and 1600. Amsterdam, Nieuw Amsterdam/Yale University Press, 2007. 2 vols. Togeth. 582 pp. (with nums. ills. in... € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Guerlain. Perfume bottles s... Atlas, M.; Monniot, A. Guerlain. Perfume bottles since 1828 Toulouse Cedex, Editions Milan, 1997. 317 pp., ills, large 4to, boards/d-j. € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Wandelingen door Nederland.... Craandijk, J. Wandelingen door Nederland. COMPLETE SET ORIGINELE EDITIE Haarlem, Tjeenk Willink, 1887/1888. 9 delen. Gelderland/Gelderland-Overijsel/Utrecht/Noord-Holland/Z... € 275.00
€ 3,90
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Holland's roem in kunsten e... Collot d'Escury, Hendrik Holland's roem in kunsten en wetenschappen met aantekeningen en bijdragen. COMPLETE SET Den Haag/Amsterdam, Gebroeders van Cleef, 1825-1844. 7 delen in 8 (deel 4 en 6 in twee delen, deel 6... € 275.00
€ 3,90
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Philosophia botanica in qua... Linnaeus, Carolus ( Linnaei, Caroli) Philosophia botanica in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica Vienna ( Viennae), Joannis Thomae, 1783 ( Editio secunda). 360 pp., + 11 engr.plates, 5 raised bands... € 275.00
€ 3,90
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Tausend-Bilder-Bibel. Die H... Luther, Martin; Hermann, E. Tausend-Bilder-Bibel. Die Heilige Schrift. ALten und Neuen Testaments. COMPLETE SET Riga, Verlag Christlicher Schriften Emil Hermann, n.d ( appr. 1900). 2 vols.Togeth. 1143 + 146+ 416 ... € 275.00
€ 3,90
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book of signs/The book of b... Mees, G.H. book of signs/The book of battles/The book of stars/The key the Genesis/Evolution, Paradise and Fall/The book of signs. Supplement, incl.diagrams/The book of battles: Map with diagrams/The book of battles: diagrams Deventer, Kluwer, 1951-1954. Togeth 8 volumes. All soft cover,except The key to Genesis ( cloth, ). € 275.00
€ 3,90
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Abrege de la vie des peintr... Piles, R. de Abrege de la vie des peintres avec des reflexions sur leurs ouvrages Amsterdam/Leipzig, Arkstee Merkus, 1767. 484 pp., 8vo, full leather, gilt tooled spine with 5 raise... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Jardins. Histoires et descr... Mangin, A. Jardins. Histoires et descriptions. Dessins par Anastasi, Daubigny, Foulquier, giacomelli et al Tours, Alfred Mame, 1867. 444 pp., nums. wood-engr. full-p. plates, and nums. engr. in the text, fol... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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drawings for Dante's Divine... Blake, William; Schutze, S.; Terzoli, M.A. drawings for Dante's Divine Comedy. FOLIO EDITION Taschen, 2014. 323 pp., ills ( some fold.), folio, cloth. € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Brasil-Holandes. Dutch-Braz... Ferrao, C.; Soares, J.P.M. (ed.) Brasil-Holandes. Dutch-Brazil. Vol. I. Libri Principis vol. II, III. Theatrum rerum naturalium Brasiliae IV and V Rio de Janeiro (Editore Index), 1995. 221 + 191 + 143 + 185 + 239 pp., 5 volume set of 8vo softcover... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Outside sight unseen and op... Mason, Benedict Outside sight unseen and opened. Saarbrucken, Pfau-Verlag, 2002 (2nd revised edition). ills, 8vo, paperback. Limitierte Auflage 750 E... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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art de tourner ou de faire ... Plumier, Ch. art de tourner ou de faire en perfection toutes sortes d'ouvrages au tour Nogent le Roi, Librairie des Arts et Metiers, 1976 (reprint of the 1749-edition). 244 pp., + 79 plat... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Katechismus der natuur Martinet, J.F. Katechismus der natuur Amsterdam, Johannes Allart, 1778-1782 (tweede druk, behalve deel 1: vijfde druk). 4 delen. Alle dele... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Verzameld werk in 5 delen. ... Cats, J. Verzameld werk in 5 delen. Zinne-en minnebeelden, trou-ring, huwelyck, buytenleven, gedachten op slapeloose nachten etc Leiden, Deyster, 1737/1745. Alle 5 delen (genummerd 1 tot en met 6) 8vo, uniform gebonden, volledig ... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Inleiding tot de algemeene ... Struyck, Nicolaas Inleiding tot de algemeene geographie benevens eenige sterrenkundige en andere verhandelingen ( o.a. Comeeten of staartsterren, Gissingen over staat menselyk geslagt, Uitreekening der lyfrenten) Amsterdam, Tirion, 1740. 176 + 392 pp., portret Struyck van Houbraken, 9 uitvouwbare, gegr. platen (... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Biblia dat is de geheele H.... Visscher, Adolf Biblia dat is de geheele H.Schrift..door Dr.Ms. LUTHERIUS Amsterdam, H.Brandt, 1780. 768 ( Oude Testament) + 132 (Apocryphe Boeken) + 261 ( Nieuwe Testament) ... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Formel-Komposition. Zu Karl... Conen, Hermann Formel-Komposition. Zu Karlheinz Stockhausens Musik der siebziger Jahre Mainz, Schott, 1991. 282 pp., ills, 4to, boards. WITH HANDWRITTEN DEDICATION to Alcedo Coenen, AND S... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Biblia dat is de gantsche s... BIJBEL; Zandt, J. van der ; Broes, W.; Voorst, D.C. van Biblia dat is de gantsche schrifture vervattende alle canonijke boeken des Oude en des Nieuwen Testaments..door last van de Hoog.Mog. Heeren Staten Generaal. Amsterdam/Haarlem, De Nederlandsche Bijbel Compagnie, 1818. Inclusief Psalmen en Evangelische gezang... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Repertoire des noms propres... Moisan, Andre Repertoire des noms propres de personnes et de lieux cites dans les Chansons de Geste francaises et les oeuvres etrangeres derivees. COMPLETE SET Geneve, DROZ, 1986. 5 volumes/Tomes ( incl. Textes etrangers, Textes annexes, supplements). Togeth. ... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Simiolus. Netherlands quart... NULL Simiolus. Netherlands quarterly for the history of art. Vol. 6 - 26. This set contains 21 vols. in nice private bindings. Bussum / Maarssen (Gary Schwartz) 1972 - 1998 (Stichting Nederlandse Kunsthistorische Publicaties. 2... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Bible in Print. Netherlandi... Rosier, B. Bible in Print. Netherlandish Bible Illustration in the Sixteenth Century. Leiden, Foleor,1997. 575 pages, 529 illustrations in black white, 4to, cloth with dust-jacket. Two ... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Rymbybel van Jacob van Maer... David, J.; Maerlant Rymbybel van Jacob van Maerlant. COMPLETE SET Brussel, Hayez, 1858/1859. 3 delen. Samen 593 + 700+ 398 pp., 4to, 1 gelithogr. plaat in kleur, 3 g... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Brasil-Holandes. Dutch-Braz... Ferrao, C.; Monteiro Soares, J.P. (ed.) Brasil-Holandes. Dutch-Brazil. Libri principis. Rio de Janeiro, Editora Index, 1995. 5 vols. Togeth. Appr. 950 pp., sumpt ill. in col., 4to, wrps in... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Holkham Library. A history ... Mortlock, D.P. Holkham Library. A history and description Members Roxburghe Club, 2006.140 pp., ills, folio, green cloth. € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Waverley  novels. COMPLETE ... Scott, Walter, sir Waverley novels. COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED SET Edinburgh, Adam Charles Black, 1871. 25 vols. All vols 8vo, gilt decorated red cloth,+ steel-engrav... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Teutsche Academie der edlen... Sandrart, J. von Teutsche Academie der edlen Bau-, Bild- und Malerei-Künste. Nürnberg 1675-1680. Vol. I. In ursprünglicher form neu gedruckt mit einer Einleitung von Christian Klemm. Vol. II. Zweiter Hauptteil, Nürnberg 1679. Vol. III. Die ikonographischen Sch... Nördlingen, Verlag Dr. Alfons Uhl, 1994. Togeth. over 1125 pp., + nums. ills. in b/w, folio, orig.... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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Drawings of the Rembrandt S... Sumowski, Werner Drawings of the Rembrandt School. New York, Abaris Books, 1980/1984. Vol 3 ( Dou-van den Eeckhout). Vol.8 (Maes-Mair). All vols large ... € 250.00
€ 3,90
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