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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Adelbold. Biscchop van Utre... Aa, P.J.B.K.S. van der Adelbold. Biscchop van Utrecht. Akademisch proefschrift. Groningen, P. van Wicheren, 1862, 235 pp, 4to, opnieuw ingebonden met gebruik van orig. omslafg € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Veranderend Amsterdam/Amste... Aaftink, C. Veranderend Amsterdam/Amsterdam in paintings. Amsterdam, Kunsthandel Frans Jacobs, 1997. 104 pp., nums. ills. in col. and b/w, 4to, orig. cloth/d-... € 25.00
€ 3,90
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hemel van wereldse klei. Me... Aalbers, B.J. hemel van wereldse klei. Meindert Zaalberg, pottenbakker Kampen, Kok, 1987. 144 pp., ills, groot 4to, pap. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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bloem der natie. Adel en pa... Aalbers, J.; Prak, M. (ed.) bloem der natie. Adel en patriciaat in de Noordelijke Nederlanden. Amsterdam, Boom, 1987. 191 pp.,ills, 4to, pap. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Merkwaardige grenspalen en ... Aalbregtse, M.A. Merkwaardige grenspalen en grenssteden. Oosrburg, 1974. 72 pp., ills, 8vo, wrps. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Jan van Luijn. Beeldhouwer. Aarnhem, P. van (red.) Jan van Luijn. Beeldhouwer. Utrecht, Patina, 1995. 109 pp, ills in z/w, 4to, softcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Pillar to Post. Looking at ... Aaron, H.; Sherren, I (photo) Pillar to Post. Looking at Street Furniture London, Frederick Warne, 1982. 182 pp., ills. in b/w, large 4to, hardcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Aarsman's Amsterdam. Foto's... Aarsman, H. Aarsman's Amsterdam. Foto's notities Amsterdam, De Verbeelding, 1993. 132 pp., ills, oblong 4to, softcover. Good copy € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Aarsman, H. - Vrrooom! Vrrooom! Aarsman, H. Vrrooom! Vrrooom! Nederlands Fotomuseum, 2003 (Nai). N.p., sumpt. iill. in col., 4to, boards. € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Zwolse lente 1945-1976. Dol... Aarts, H. Zwolse lente 1945-1976. Dolf Henneke fotografeert der stad W-Books, 2018. 128 pp., 4to, gebonden € 18.00
€ 3,90
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Michiel de Ruyter. Een held... Aartsma, N. Michiel de Ruyter. Een heldenleven in plichtsvervulling voor het vaderland Den Haag, Holle, 1942. 42 pp., + 101 platen, folio, linnen € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Theologia summi boni. Latei... Abaelard; Niggli, U. Theologia summi boni. Lateinisch-Deutsch Hamburg, Meiner, 1997. 330 pp., 8vo, wrps. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Geschiedenis der stad Hoorn... Abbing, C.A. Geschiedenis der stad Hoorn, hoofdstad van West-Friesland,,vervolg op Velius chronyk Hoorn, Vermande, 1841/1842. Samen 144/398/217 pp, 3 gelith.platen, 4to, karton. Rug gebroken, voorpl... € 125.00
€ 3,90
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Jazz giants. A visual retro... Abe, K. Jazz giants. A visual retrospective New York, Billboard Publications, 1986. 280 pp., ills, large 4to, cloth/d-j in cassette € 30.00
€ 3,90
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zwolftontechnik Weberns und... Abel, A. zwolftontechnik Weberns und Goethes methodik der farbenlehre. Zur kompositionstheorie und asthetik der neuen Wiener schule. (Beihefte zum archiv fur musikwissenschaft, band 19.) Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner, 1982. 293 pp, several foldouts, 8vo, cloth with d-j. Edges book and d-jack... € 60.00
€ 3,90
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Algemene maatregelen van be... Abel, F. E. L. A. Algemene maatregelen van bestuur en andere Koninklijke besluiten uit het staatsblad van belong voor de Landmacht: Met aantekeningen en alphabetishc register Den Haag, De Gebroeders van Cleef, 1897. 762 pp., 8vo, linnen. Wat los in de band € 35.00
€ 3,90
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cine goes to town. French c... Abel, R. cine goes to town. French cinema 1896-1914. Berkeley, UCP, 1994. 568 pp., ills, 4to, boards/d-j. Edges sl.spotted € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Kunstbeziehungen Estlands m... Abel, T. et. al Kunstbeziehungen Estlands mit den Niederlanden in den 15.-17. Jahrhunderten. Der Marienaltar des Meisters der Lucialegende 500 Jahre in Tallinn. Konferenz 1995 Tallinn, Eesti Kunstimuuseum, 2000. 246 pp., ills, 4to, boards € 90.00
€ 3,90
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Historia critica del pensam... Abellan, J.L. Historia critica del pensamiento espanol. Tomo I. Metodologia. Tomo II. La edad de oro. Tomo III. Del Barroco a la illustracion Madrid, Espas-Calpe, 1979-1981. 3 vols. All vols small 4to, artif. leather/d-j. € 120.00
€ 3,90
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Roman-Jewish Wars and Hebre... Aberbach, M.; Aberbach, D. Roman-Jewish Wars and Hebrew Cultural Nationalism. New York, St Martins Press, 2000. 170 pp., 2 maps in b/w, 4to, boards with d-j. Good condition. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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medieval cult of saints. Fo... Abou El Haj, B. medieval cult of saints. Formations and transformations Cambridge, CAP, 1997. 456 pp., ills, 4to, paperback. Fine condition € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Possessing Genius. The Biza... Abraham, C. Possessing Genius. The Bizarre Odyssey of Einstein's Brain. Cambridge, Icon Books, 2001. 388 pages, 15 illustrations in black white, 4to, hardcover with dust-j... € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Al-kasim B.Ibrahim on the p... Abrahamov, B. Al-kasim B.Ibrahim on the proof of God's existence. Kitab al-Dalil al-Kabir. Leiden, Brill, 1990. 200 pp., small 4to, cloth. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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verbeelde wereld. Liber ami... Abrahamse, J.E.; M. Carasso-Kok; E. Schmitz (eds.) verbeelde wereld. Liber amicorum voor Boudewijn Bakker Bussum, Uitgeverij Thoth, 2008. 247 pp., nums. ills. in col. and b/w. 4to, orig. cloth/d-jacket € 14.00
€ 3,90
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Wegh der weegen. De ontwikk... Abrahamse, J.E.; R. Blijdenstijn Wegh der weegen. De ontwikkeling van de Amersfoortseweg 1647-2010 Amsterdam, Stokerkade / Utrecht, Provincie Utrecht, 2010. 168 pp., ills, gebonden. Met dvd. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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On rape and institutional f... Abril, Laia On rape and institutional failure. A history of misogyny. Chapter two Stockport, Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2022. N.p., ills, large 4to, red artif. leather € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Bunuel and Mexico. The cris... Acevedo-Munoz, E. Bunuel and Mexico. The crisis of national cinema. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2003. 202 pages, 18 illustrations in black white, 8vo, cl... € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Verslag van zijn Hongaarse ... Ackersdijck, J. Verslag van zijn Hongaarse reis in 1823. Groningen, Helikon, 1987. 172 pp., some ills. in b/w, 8vo, leather/d-j. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Nasporingen omtrent het lan... Ackersdijck, W.C. Nasporingen omtrent het landschap in vroeger eeuwen, Taxandria genoemd Np., Nd. 87-178 pp., 8vo, papieren omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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London. The biography. HARD... Ackroyd, P. London. The biography. HARDBACK London, Chatto windus, 2000. 822 pp., ills, 4to, boards/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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spectrum of innovation. Col... Acton, D. spectrum of innovation. Color in AMerican printnaking 1890-1960 Worcester Art Museum, 1990. 304 pp., ills, large 4to, pap. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Karl Blossfeldt, 1865-1932.... Adam, H.C. Karl Blossfeldt, 1865-1932. The complete published work Taschen, 2014. 543 pp., 8vo, ills, boards/d-j. Text in English, German and French € 40.00
€ 3,90
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diplomatie des Vatikans zur... Adamow, E.; a. D. Graf v. Lambsdorff (transl.) diplomatie des Vatikans zur Zeit des Imperialismus. Berlin, Verlag von Reimar Hobbing, no date, pp., 143, 4to, cloth. Cloth sl.soiled € 75.00
€ 3,90
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Rembrandt's Bathsheba Readi... Adams, A. J. (ed.) Rembrandt's Bathsheba Reading King's David's Letter. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1998. 214 pp., 35 ills. in b/w., 8vo, softcover € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Tocharian Historical Phonol... Adams. D.Q.; Bender, E. (ed) Tocharian Historical Phonology and Morphology. American Oriental Series Volume 71. New Haven, American Oriental Society, 1988. 199 pp., 4to, cloth. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Thomas Hart Benton. An Amer... Adams, H. Thomas Hart Benton. An American original. New York, Alfred A.Knopf, 1989. 357 pp., ills, 4to, cloth/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Shonto: A Study of the Role... Adams, W.Y. Shonto: A Study of the Role of the Trader in a Modern Nahavo Community. Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin 188. Washington, Smithsonian Institute, 1963. 329 pp., plates in b/w and foldout map, 4to, clothbound. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Industrial strength design.... Adamson, G. Industrial strength design. How brooks Stevens shaped your world Cambridge, MIT Press, 2003. 219 pp., ills, large 4to, paperback € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Art in the making. Artists ... Adamson, G.; Bryan-Wilson, J. Art in the making. Artists and their materials from the studio to crowdsourcing London, Thames and Hudson, 2016. 247 pp., ills, 4to, boards. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Lawren S. Harris. Urban Sce... Adamson, J. Lawren S. Harris. Urban Scenes and Wilderness Landscapes 1906-1930 Ontario, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1978. 231 pp., ills in b/w and col., cloth/d-j € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Princely courts of Europe. ... Adamson, J. (ed.) Princely courts of Europe. 1500-1750. London, 1999, Weidenfled Nicholson. 352 pages, 150 illustrations (most in color), 4to, hardcover wi... € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Apollinaire. Woordvoerder v... Adelaar, D., Delissen, N., Krupp, W. Apollinaire. Woordvoerder van de avantgarde. Avantgardist van het woord. Weihe, Hannema-de Stuers Fundatie, 1999. 175 pp., talloze ills. in kleur en z/w., 4to, slappe kaft. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Willem van Leusden. Essays ... Adelaar, D. et al. Willem van Leusden. Essays over een verhard romanticus. Utrecht, Kwadraat, 1990. 206 pp., ills, 4to, pap. € 14.00
€ 3,90
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Beste vriend, vuile ploert.... Adelaar, D.; Vries, Beste vriend, vuile ploert. Het surrealisme van J.H.Moesman in werken op papier. Utrecht, Centraal Museum, 1997. 108 pp., ills, small 4to, cloth. € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Amersfoortse kerken, kloost... Adelberg, S. van, et al. Amersfoortse kerken, kloosters, kapellen en synagoge en hun geschiedenis tot omstreeks 1850. Amersfoort, Uitgeverij Bekking, 1984. 108 pp., ills, 8vo, pap. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Adler, Dan et al. - Liz Magor Adler, Dan et al. Liz Magor Zurich, JRP Ringier, 2017, pp., 253, ills in colour and b/w, large 4to, hardcover. As new. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Karl-Heinz Adler. Tafeln, B... Adler, I.; Adler, K-H. Karl-Heinz Adler. Tafeln, Blatter, Objekte. Fruhe und spate Werke Stuttgart, Edition Cantz, 1992. 4to softcover in good condition with tekst in German, b/w and color ... € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Künstler und der Tod. Selbs... Adolphs, Volker Künstler und der Tod. Selbstdarstellungen in der kunst des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts Köln, Walther König, 1993. 478 pp., + 502 ills, 8vo, wrps. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Alban Berg. Der Meister des... Adorno, T.W. Alban Berg. Der Meister des kleinsten Ubergangs. Vienna, Verlag Elisabeth Lafite, 1968. 144 pp., 1 ills in b/w, 4to, hardcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Utrechtse parade. 1495-1995... Adriaans, H. et al. Utrechtse parade. 1495-1995. Van van Scorel tot Rietveld en Koch. Utrecht, Centraal Museum, 1994. 311 pp., ills, 8vo, wrps. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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