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Alle boeken van Aleph uit Utrecht


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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Taming of the Shrew. Critic... Aspinall, D.E. (ed.) Taming of the Shrew. Critical essays New York, Routledge, 2002. 387 pp., ills in b/w, 4to, softcover € 35.00
€ 3,90
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First light. Photography  a... Asser, S. First light. Photography astronomy/Fotografie astronomie Amsterdam, Architectura Natura Press, 2010. 542 pp., 8vo, pap. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Portretni miniatury 17.-19.... Assmann, J.N. Portretni miniatury 17.-19. stoleti. Exhib. cat. Narodni Galerie, Prague, 1996. 84 pp., nums. ills. in b/w and col., 4to, orig. wrps. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Teologia e la Grammatica. L... Asso, C. Teologia e la Grammatica. La controversia tra Erasmo ed Edward Lee Firenze, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1993. 262 pp., 4to, softcover. € 35.00
€ 3,90
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Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Bi... Assouline, P Henri Cartier-Bresson. A Biography. London, Thames Hudson, 2005. 280 pages, 25 illustrations in black white, 8vo, softcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Actors and acting in Shakes... Astington, J. Actors and acting in Shakespeare's time. The art of stage playing. Cambridge, University Press, 2010. 252 pp, 8vo, softcover. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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hand van de meester. Het ge... As-Vijvers, A.M.W. et al. hand van de meester. Het getijdenboek van Katherina van Kleef. Exhib. cat. Nijmegen, 2009. 159 pp., ills, 4to, softcover € 14.00
€ 3,90
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Zuid-Nederlandse miniatuurk... As-Vijvers, AM W.; A. S. Korteweg Zuid-Nederlandse miniatuurkunst. De mooiste verluchte handschriften in Nederlands bezit Tent. cat. Utrecht, Museum Catharijneconvent, 2018 [i.s.m. Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag, uitg. W... € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Apologie a l'empereur Const... Athanase d'Alexandrie; Szymusiak, J.M. Apologie a l'empereur Constance Oaris, editions du Cerf, 1958. 192 pp., 8vo, cloth. Fine copy € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Guerlain. Perfume bottles s... Atlas, M.; Monniot, A. Guerlain. Perfume bottles since 1828 Toulouse Cedex, Editions Milan, 1997. 317 pp., ills, large 4to, boards/d-j. € 300.00
€ 3,90
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Atlas tropisch Nederland Atlas Tropisch Nederland Atlas tropisch Nederland Landsmeer, Gemilang, 1990 ( reprint van de 1938-uitgave). Met los naamregister. kaarten in kleur, fo... € 75.00
€ 3,90
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Wild things. The material c... Attfield, J. Wild things. The material culture of everyday life Oxford, 2000. 318 pp., ills, 8vo, wrps. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Oryx and Crake. Atwood, Margaret Oryx and Crake. London, Bloomsbury, 2003. 378 pp, 8vo, hardcover with d-j. First edition. € 22.00
€ 3,90
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Geschichte der christlichen... Atzberger, L. Geschichte der christlichen Eschatologie innerhalb der vornicanischen Zeit Graz, 1970. 646 pp., 4to, cloth. € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Rik Wouters. Bronnen en wer... Audinet, G. et al. Rik Wouters. Bronnen en werken/Des origines a l'oeuvre. Brussel, 2002. 255 pp., ills, 4to, wrps. € 22.00
€ 3,90
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grammar of Japanese ornament Audsley, G.A.; Cutler, Th.W. grammar of Japanese ornament London, Studio Editions, 1989. 248 pp., + ills, large 4to, boards/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Unter freiem Himmel/Under t... Auer, S. et al. Unter freiem Himmel/Under the open sky. Emscher landschaftspark. Basel, Birkhäuser, 2010. 231 pp., ills, 4to, boards. Mint copy. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Selected essays of Erich Au... Auerbach, E.; Porter, J. (ed.) Selected essays of Erich Auerbach. Time, history, and literature. Princeton, University Press, 2014. 284 pp, 8vo, cloth with d-j. Excellent condition € 50.00
€ 3,90
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Ad Dekkers. de reliefs Augustijn, P. Ad Dekkers. de reliefs Gorinchem, exhib. cat. Gorcums Museum, 2009. 39 pp., ills. in kleur, 8vo, softcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Hedendaagse keramiek in Ned... Augustijn, Piet Hedendaagse keramiek in Nederland/Contemporary Dutch ceramics Utrecht, NVK, 2008. 472 pp., ills, 4to, h.linnen € 40.00
€ 3,90
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80 quartiers de Paris. Prem... Aunay, A.d' 80 quartiers de Paris. Premier/deuxieme/troisieme/quatrieme/cinquime/sixieme arronsissement. Paris, 1884. 6 vols.Togeth. 360 pp. nums. wood-engr., 8vo, wrps. Last vol lacks back cover. € 60.00
€ 3,90
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Abstract expressionism. The... Auping, M. Abstract expressionism. The critical developments. CLOTH New York, Harry Abrams, 1987. 302 pp., ills, large 4to, cloth/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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life divine. COMPLETE SET Aurobindo, Sri life divine. COMPLETE SET Pondicherry, 1970. 2 vols. Togeth. 1070 pp., 4to, boards/d-j. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Savitri. A legend and a symbol Aurobindo, Sri Savitri. A legend and a symbol Pondicherry, 1970. 816 pp., 4to, boards/d-j € 60.00
€ 3,90
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My Name is Legion. Palestin... Aus, R.D. My Name is Legion. Palestinian Judaic Traditions in Mark 5:1-20 and Other Gospel Texts. Lanham, University Press of America, 2003. 344 pp., 4to, softcover. € 40.00
€ 3,90
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Jordaens en de antieken Auwera, J. Vander et al (red.) Jordaens en de antieken Brussel (Kon. Musea voor Schone Kunsten van Belgie), 2012. 316 pp., ills, 4to, hardback € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Avermaete, R. - Rik Wouters. Avermaete, R. Rik Wouters. Brussel, Arcade, 1966. 290 pp., ills, groot 4to, linnen/omslag in cassette. Nederlandse tekst Casset... € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Avermaete, R. - Frans Masereel. Avermaete, R. Frans Masereel. Antwerp, Mercatorfonds, 1975. 318 pp., sumpt. ill. in col. and b/w (Many mounted and fold. plates), ... € 25.00
€ 3,90
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W G F Jansen 1871-1949. Sch... Avest, H.P.ter W G F Jansen 1871-1949. Schilder van de losse toets. Zwolle, Waanders, 2010. 136 pp., sumpt. ill. in col., 8vo, boards. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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preaching of the Friars. Se... Avray, D.L., d' preaching of the Friars. Sermons diffused from Paris before 1300 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1985. 315 pp., 8vo, cloth/d-j. € 90.00
€ 3,90
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prints of Ellsworth Kelly. ... Axsom, R.H.; Kelly prints of Ellsworth Kelly. A catalogue raisonne 1949-1985. New York, Hudson Hills, 1987. 201 pp., sumpt. ill. in b/w and col., large 4to, wrps. € 45.00
€ 3,90
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Belles lettres. Manuscripts... Ayala, R. de Belles lettres. Manuscripts by the masters of French literature New York, Abrams, 2001. 239 pp., ills, large 4to, boards/d-j. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Regio Gennep aan de ketting... Aymans, G.; Burggraaff, P.; Jansen, W. Regio Gennep aan de ketting ( 1731-1732). Venlo, van Spijk, 1988. 184 pp., ills + 2 uitvouwb. kadasterkaarten, 4to, pap. With a summary in Ger... € 65.00
€ 3,90
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Gin and lime street. Aymes, Adam Gin and lime street. New York, The Ophelia Press, 1968. 211 pp, 8vo, softcover. € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Classical Culture and the I... Ayres, P. Classical Culture and the Idea of Rome in Eighteenth-Century England. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1997. 245 pp., 30 ills in b/w, 4to, hardcover with dustjacket... € 30.00
€ 3,90
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Azerbaidjanisch-Kaukasische... Azadi, S.U.; Kerimov, L.; Zollinger, W. Azerbaidjanisch-Kaukasische Teppiche. Sammlung Ulmke aus der Schweiz. Hamburg, Paul Hartung, 2001. 625 pp., ills, 4to, boards. Good copy € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Palazzi e case nobilari. L'... Azzolini, L. Palazzi e case nobilari. L'Ottocento a Cremona. Milano, Silvana, 2001. 191 pp., ills, large 4to, boards/d-j. € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Ik moet spreken. Het spirit... Baar, M. de Ik moet spreken. Het spiritueel leiderschap van Antoinette Bourignon (1616-1680). Zutphen, Walburg Pers, 2004. 832 pp., some ills. in b/w, 4to, orig. boards. € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Baar, P.P. de et al. - Amstel. Baar, P.P. de et al. Amstel. Amsterdam, Bas Lubberhuizen, 2002. 330 pp., ills, folio, linnen. Also available in English € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Piet Ouborg, solist. Zicht ... Baar, V. i.a. Piet Ouborg, solist. Zicht op een eigenzinnig oeuvre Amstelveen, Cobra Museum, 2009.[publ. Waanders]. 112 pp., nums. ills. in col. 4to, orig. ... € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Varend vervoeren. 100 jaar ... Baars, K.E. Varend vervoeren. 100 jaar Merwedekanaal van Amsterdam tot de Rijn. Utrech, Matrijs, 1992. 151 pp., ills, 4to, gebonden/omslag € 12.00
€ 3,90
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Harm Kamerlingh Onnes. Baars, W.L.; Bolten-Rempt, J.; Wintgens Hötte, D. Harm Kamerlingh Onnes. Leiden, Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, 2000. 137 pp., ills, groot 4to, linnen/omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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lelijke tijd. Pronkstukken ... Baarsen, R. lelijke tijd. Pronkstukken van Nederlandse interieurkunst 1835-1895. Ternt. cat. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1995 (Waanders, Zwolle). 352 pp., ills, 4to, linnen/omslag € 20.00
€ 3,90
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Duitse meubelen / German fu... Baarsen, R. Duitse meubelen / German furniture Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum [publ. Waanders, Zwolle], 1998. 96 pp., nums. ills. in col. 8vo, orig. cloth/... € 9.00
€ 3,90
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Rococo in Nederland. Baarsen, R. et colour of s Rococo in Nederland. Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 2001 (Waanders, Zwolle). 330 pp., ills, 4to, linnen/omslag € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Nederlandse kunst in het Ri... Baarsen, R.; Rijdt, R.-J, te; Scholten, F. Nederlandse kunst in het Rijksmuseum 1700-1800. Zwolle, Waanders, 2006. 263 pp., ills, 4to, linnen/omslag. In plastic € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Ergens beginnen de klokken ... Baart de la Faille, C.A. Ergens beginnen de klokken hun lied. Utrecht, Bruna, 1981. 176 pp., ills, gebonden/omslag. Naam in pen € 10.00
€ 3,90
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Robert Jasper baron van der... Baartmans, J. Robert Jasper baron van der Capellen tot den Marsch. (1743-1814) Regent, democraat en huisvader. Hilversum, Verloren, 2010. 236 pp, ills in b/w, 8vo, softcover. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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Bouwbeschrijving van d'Halv... Baay, F.; Ruempol, E. Bouwbeschrijving van d'Halve Maen. Rotterdam. Bosman, 1949. 39 pp., + ills in de tekst en 10 lose, uitwouba. plated, 5to, h.linnen. Ban... € 25.00
€ 3,90
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Choix de bronzes de la coll... Babelon, J. Choix de bronzes de la collection Caylus, donnee au roi en 1762. Paris, G.van Oest, 1928. 56 pp., + plates, large 4to, wrps. € 15.00
€ 3,90
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