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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Lampes de Carthage DENEAUVE, Jean Lampes de Carthage (meer info) Éditions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1969. 240 pp. + planches photographiques xvii-cxi. Original sewn paperback. Cover minimally soiled. ... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Die koptische Gregoriosanap... HAMMERSCHMIDT, Ernst Die koptische Gregoriosanaphora - syrische und griechische Einflüsse auf eine Ägyptische Liturgie (meer info) Akademie-Verlag 1957. xii, 194 + 10 plates. Original paper wrappers. Name on first free endpaper, some neat annotati... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Cornelis Bos - a study of t... SCHÉLE, Sune Cornelis Bos - a study of the origins of the Netherland grotesque (meer info) Almqvist Wiksell 1965. 238 pp. +70 plates. Original cloth with slightly damaged dustjacket. Scarce. Pictures on reque... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Studies in Divine Kingship ... ENGNELL, Ivan Studies in Divine Kingship in the Ancient Near East (meer info) Basil Blackwell 1967. 2nd edition. xxviii, 261 pp. Original green cloth. A few neat underlinings with light pencil. ... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Severe d'Antioche: Fragment... PETIT, François ROMPAY, Lucas van Severe d'Antioche: Fragments grecs tires des chaines sur les derniers livres de l'Octateuque et sur les Regnes (meer info) Peeters Publishers xxx, 316 pp. Original cloth with dustjacket. Traditio Exegetica Graeca 14. Texte grec établi et tra... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Rational Mysticism | a deve... KINGSLAND, William Rational Mysticism | a development of scientific idealism (Original) (meer info) George Allen Unwin 1924. Original cloth. Binding slightly damaged at the extremities (ends of spine and corners a bit b... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Ian Hamilton Finlay - Print... PAHLKE, Rosemarie E. SIMIG, Pia Ian Hamilton Finlay - Prints 1963-1997 Druckgrafik (meer info) Cantz Verlag 1997. Original paperback. In fine condition. Pictures on request. € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Armand Rassenfosse GEEST, Joost de Armand Rassenfosse (meer info) Editions Racine 2005. Original boards with dustjacket. Fine copy, lavishly illustrated. Pictures on request. € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Les Lois et les Secrets du ... ORLOFF, Professeur Les Lois et les Secrets du Hasard (meer info) Les Éditions Modernes n.d. [ca. 1928] Original paper wrappers. A bit discoloured. Etudes scientifiques et raisonee sur tou... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Armorial universel contenan... SEGOING, Charles Armorial universel contenant les armes des principales Maisons Estatz et Dignitez des plus considerables royaumes de l'Europe (meer info) OrsiniDeMarzo [2003]. Original brown silk hardcover. Bibliotheca Heraldica Geneaica Antiqua et Rara vol.2. Fine fa... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Vitalism: its history and v... WHEELER, L. Richmond Vitalism: its history and validity (meer info) H.F. G. Witherby Ltd. 1939. xii, 275 pp. Original cloth. Minimal traces of use, a fine copy. Pictures on request. € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Symbolismus in Rußland [Rus... KRUGLOW, W. Symbolismus in Rußland [Russland] Staatliches Russisches Museum 1996, 350 pp., gebonden, zeer fraai exemplaar € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Historische Vereniging Rijs... Divers Historische Vereniging Rijswijk Jaarboek - 1995 t/m 2014 - 20 delen Historische Vereniging Rijswijk 1995/2014, totaal ca. 3500 pp., paperbacks in uitstekende staat € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Netherlands Dock and Shipbu... MASTENBROEK, Jan OORTHUYS, Cas (fotografie) Netherlands Dock and Shipbuilding Company / Nederlandsche Dok en Scheepsbouw Maatschappij v.o.f. Amsterdam (meer info) Eigen Beheer [ca. 1960], [38 pp.], linnen band, stempeltje schutblad, iets beschadiging aan de band, inclusief aa... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Het Beest is Dood (Eerste d... CALVO Het Beest is Dood (Eerste deel; Het Beest is losgebroken Tweede deel; Het Beest is verslagen) S. Gouda Quint / D. Brouwer en Zoon / A.B.G.E. Uitgevers 1946, 2 delen in 1, [80 pp.], gekartonneerd, omslag beschadigd, rug weg, platten los, wat beduimeld € 85.00
€ 3,95
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The 1932 Des Peres (Volume 16) The Students of St. Norbert College West De Pere The 1932 Des Peres (Volume 16) Wisconsin, St. Norbert College 1932, original cloth, 249 pp., front hinge weak, various pictures are signed by those depicted, rar... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Parijs was mieters! Nederla... VINKENOOG, Simon Parijs was mieters! Nederlandse fotografen in Parijs 1945-1965 Schiedam, Stedelijk Museum Schiedam Oktober visuele communicatie Studio Nico Koster 2004, originele metalen ringband, niet gepagineerd, prachtige pagina grote foto's van o.a. Emmy Andr... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Therapeutisch Woordenboek |... EEN OUD PRACTICUS Therapeutisch Woordenboek | Oud en Nieuw op het Gebied der Praktische Genees- en Heelkunde Gouda, G.B. van Goor 1868, originele halflederen band, xviii, 1329 pp., uitstekend exemplaar (gezien de leeftijd) € 85.00
€ 3,95
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FEUCHTWANGER, Lion - Exil FEUCHTWANGER, Lion Exil Amsterdam, Querido Verlag 1940, blue cloth, 988 pp., spine slightly discoloured, else a very good copy, rare exil publication € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Daniel Richter / Lonely Old... OHRT, Roberto a.o. Daniel Richter / Lonely Old Slogans Louisiana Museum of Modern Art 2016, original boards, 80 pp., published on the occasion of exhibition in Louisiana Museum, Belveder... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Nearby Galaxy Atlas  Nearby... TULLY, R. Brent FISHER, J. Richard Nearby Galaxy Atlas Nearby Galaxies Catalog [2 volumes] Cambridge University press 1987/1988, spiral bound (atlas) cloth (catalog), (6), + 23 fold. maps; vii, 214 pp., atlas slightly ... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Lenteloos voorjaar; Oorlogs... MICHAELIS, Hanny Lenteloos voorjaar; Oorlogsdagboek 1940-1941 De wereld waar ik buiten sta; Oorlogsdagboek 1942-1945 [2 delen compleet] Amsterdam, Uitgeverij G.A. Van Oorschot 2016/2017, 1e drukken, beide in linnen gebonden (!) met stofomslagen, 942, (2); 1060, (2) pp., als n... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Handboek voor het programme... MANEN, T. van HENRION, F.H.K. Handboek voor het programmeren van de visuele uitingen van De Ploeg Bergeijk, Eigen Beheer 1988, paperback met linnen rug, n.p., (omslag) iets verkleurd, zeldzaam en interessant typografisch ... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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The Plumed Serpent [The Cam... LAWRENCE, D.H. The Plumed Serpent [The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D.H. Lawrence] Cambridge University Press 1987, red cloth with dustjacket, xlviii, 567, (4) pp., edited by L.D. Clark, hardcover in fine condi... € 85.00
€ 3,95
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Stereospecifieke polymerisa... Ceausescu, Elena Stereospecifieke polymerisatie van Isopreen (meer info) Grüner 1983, 283 (1) pp, hardcover in fine condition (almost as good as new), included are two notes, one i... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Excavations at Sepphoris: V... STRANGE, James F. LONGSTAFF, Thomas R.W. GROH, Dennis E. Excavations at Sepphoris: Volume 1, University of South Florida Probes in the Citadel and Villa (meer info) Brill 2006, xvii (3) 170 pp, hardcover, as new. Pictues on request. Volume 22 in The Brill Reference Lib... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Lehrbuch zur Psychologie: Z... HERBART, Johann Friedrich Lehrbuch zur Psychologie: Zweyte verbesserte Auflage (meer info) August Wilhelm Unzer 1834, (4) 203 (1) pp, hardcover half leather binding (cover from later date), very good copy, librar... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Highlights of Astronomy: Vo... CONTOPOULOS, G. (ed.) Highlights of Astronomy: Volume 3 - As Presented at the XVth General Assembly and the Extra Ordinary General Assembly of the I.A.U. 1973 (meer info) D. Reidel Publishing Company 1974, 574 pp, hardcover cloth binding, in near fine condition, cover slightly worn, front page tanne... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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'Beauty adorns virtue': Dre... DIJK, Sara van 'Beauty adorns virtue': Dress in Portraits of Women by Leonardo da Vinci (meer info) Leiden University 2015, 293 pp, softcover, as new, important thesis. Pictures on request. € 80.00
€ 3,95
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SOTOLA, Jirí - Co a jak SOTOLA, Jirí Co a jak (meer info) Ceskoslovenský spisovatel 1964, 38 (6) pp, cloth binding with dust jacket, in near fine condition, slight traces of use and ag... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Brinkman  Van Der Vlugt Arc... MOLENAAR, Joris Brinkman Van Der Vlugt Architects: Rotterdams City-ideal in International Style (meer info) NAI Publishers / 010 The architecture practice Brinkman Van der Vlugt (1925-1936) is mainly known for the world-famous V... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Yoga in Modern Hinduism: Ha... JACOBSEN, Knut A. Yoga in Modern Hinduism: Hariharananda Ara?ya and Sa?khyayoga (meer info) Routledge 2018. (6), 234 pp. Original hardcover (!). Routledge South Asian Religion Series volume 8. As new. P... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Moscou vu par Henri Cartier... CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri Moscou vu par Henri Cartier-Bresson (meer info) Collection Neuf / Robert Delpire 1955, [163 pp.], linnen met stofomslag, stofomslag wat beschadigd als altijd, (zeer) goed exemplaar € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Oorkondenboek Van Lennep / ... LENNEP, Frank van Oorkondenboek Van Lennep / Verzameling van oorkonden betrekking hebbende op het geslacht Van Lennep (1093-1900) deel I J.H. de Bussy, Amsterdam 1900, 179pp, linnen band, nr. 17/225, cover wat gevlekt € 80.00
€ 3,95
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The larvae of Indo-Pacific ... The larvae of Indo-Pacific coastal fishes | an identification guide to marine fish larvae (meer info) Brill, Leiden/Boston/Koln 2000, xx, 850 pp., Gebonden, als nieuw € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Schachminiaturen; neue Folge BLUMENTHAL, Oscar Schachminiaturen; neue Folge (meer info) Verlag Von Veit Comp 1903, Near Fine, Hardcover, 1st Edition, 0 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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135e Anniversaire de la Mus... SCHMIT, Marcel KAUTHEN, Roger LORENT, Joseph (red.) 135e Anniversaire de la Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale (meer info) Commandement de l'Armée Luxembourgeoise 1977, Near Fine, Hardcover, 1st Edition, 536 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Mohammad Hatta, Hati Nurani... NOER, Deliar Mohammad Hatta, Hati Nurani Bangsa, 1902-1980 / Mohammad Hatta, Conscience of a Nation, 1902-1980 (meer info) Penerbit Djambatan Perwakilan KITLV 2002, Near Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 136 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Umständliche Nachrichten Vo... F.W. v. D. [=Friedrich Wilhem von Derschau / Friedrich Wilhelm von Diest] Umständliche Nachrichten Von der Nahmens Sr. Kön. Majest. in Preussen den 10. 11. 12. Merz 1763 vollzogenen Besitznehmung der Clev- Mo?rs- und Geldrischen Provinzen und von darinn vorgegangenen Feyerlichen Freudensbezeugungen über den den 15. ... (meer info) Druck und Verlag der Wittwen des Hofbuchdr. Sitzmann 1763, Very Good, Hardcover, 1st Edition, 0 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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The Metaphysic of Experienc... SINHA, Debabrata The Metaphysic of Experience in Advaita Vedanta (a phenomenological approach) (meer info) Motilal Banarsidass 1983, Fine, Near Fine, Hardcover, 150 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Journal zur Kunstgeschichte... MURR, Christoph Gottlieb von Journal zur Kunstgeschichte und zur allgemeinen Litteratur; Zweyther Theil - Versuch einer n¸rnbergischen Kunstgeschichte vor den Zeiten Albrecht D¸rers Erstes St¸ck (meer info) Johann Eberhard 1776, Very Good, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 0 € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Early Urbanism on the Syria... COOPER, Lisa Early Urbanism on the Syrian Euphrates New York London, Routledge 2006, hardcover with dustjacket, xx, 313, (3) pp, fine copy, as new € 80.00
€ 3,95
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Lodewijk Philip. koning der... BÜRCK, August BRANDT MAAS, G. Lodewijk Philip. koning der Franschen en zijne familie Zalt-Bommel, Joh. Noman en zoon 1840, herbonden in halflinnen, vi, 211 pp., stempel tekst en vlekjes op gegraveerde titelpagina, ver... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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VERNE, Jules - Het Loterijbriefje VERNE, Jules Het Loterijbriefje Rotterdam, Jacs.G. Robbers [1887], blauw linnen bandje, (4), 226 pp., enkele katernen raken los, wat slijtage aan de hoeken,ver... € 80.00
€ 3,95
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MEYER, James - Minimalismus MEYER, James Minimalismus (meer info) Phaidon Verlag 2005, As New, As New, Hardcover, 200 € 76.80
€ 3,95
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Das II. Internationale Scha... BIJL, Christiaan Das II. Internationale Schachmeisterturnier Wien 1882 - Tschaturanga (meer info) Edition Olms 434 pp, hardcover with dust jacket. Both in fine condition. Pictures on request. € 76.00
€ 3,95
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Antischach: Weltmeisterscha... KORTSCHNOI, Viktor Antischach: Weltmeisterschaftskampf 1978 in Baguio City (meer info) Eigenverlag 1980, 156 pp, hardcover with dust jacket in fine condition, dust jacket shows minor shelf wear. Pict... € 76.00
€ 3,95
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Das II. Internationale Scha... BIJL, Christiaan M. Das II. Internationale Schachmeisterturnier Wien 1882 (Tschaturanga Band 42) (meer info) Edition Olms 1984. Tschaturanga Darstellungen und Quellen zur Geschichte des Schachspiels Band 42. Sämtliche Par... € 76.00
€ 3,95
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Dora Maar: Haus der Kunst M... MAAR, Dora Dora Maar: Haus der Kunst München, 13. Oktober 2001-6. Januar 2002, Musées de Marseille, Centre de la Vieille Charité, 20. Januar-4. Mai 2002, Centre Barcelona, 15. Mai- 15. Juli 2002 (meer info) Haus der Kunst München 2001. Original hardcover boards of toweled purple silk. Excellent copy. Rare. Pictures on request. € 76.00
€ 3,95
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Description historique de D... FAULCONNIER, Pierre Description historique de Dunkerque : Ville Maritime Port de Mer très-fameux dans la Flandre Occidentale (meer info) Editions Jean-Pierre Gyss 1987, (24) 216 (14) pp, hardcover, in near fine condition, cover is worn around the edges and shows ... € 76.00
€ 3,95
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