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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Verklarend woordenboek van ... BACKER, C.A. Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen / Verklarend woordenboek der wetenschappelijke namen van de in Nederland en Nederlandsch-Indië in het wild groeiende en in tuinen en parken gekweekte varens en hoogere planten P. Noordhoff N.V., Groningen 1936, 664 pp, linnen hardcover band zonder stofomslag, in zeer goede staat, op de rug wat versleten ... € 115.00
€ 3,95
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Verhaal van de middelen tot... PAAUW, S. van der Verhaal van de middelen tot verversching van het water in de grachten der stad Leyden, gedurende eene reeks van bijna tweehonderd en vijftig jaren L. Herding en zoon 1828, 162 pp, dun gekartonneerd met gemarmerde platten en titelpapiertje op de rug, compleet met de ... € 112.50
€ 3,95
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Exactitudes: Arie Versluis ... VERSLUIS, A. UYTTENBROEK, E. Exactitudes: Arie Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek (meer info) 010 Publishers First printing! 2002, (128) pp, 58 series of photographs, 8 portraits each page/project, hardcover b... € 112.00
€ 3,95
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Exposé de la méthode d'éduc... JULLIEN, Marc-Antoine (de Paris) Exposé de la méthode d'éducation de Pestalozzi, telle qu'elle a été suivie et pratiquée sous sa direction pendant dix années (de 1806 à 1816) dans l'Institut d'Yverdun, en Suisse (meer info) L. Hachette Rare and important 2nd edition! 1842, xl, 568 pp, half leather hardcover of later date. Book is in ... € 112.00
€ 3,95
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Misteri e culti mistici di ... GASPARRO, Giulia Sfameni Misteri e culti mistici di Demetra (meer info) L'Erma di Bretschneider 1986. Storia delle religioni 3. Collana direttada Ugo Bianchi e Giulia Piccaluga. Small stamp of for... € 112.00
€ 3,95
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Third International Monumen... WEBER, Raymond (dir.) Third International Monuments Photographic Experience / 1998 : Troisième Expérience Photographique Internationale des Monuments / 1998 (meer info) Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Cultura 1998, Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 155 € 112.00
€ 3,95
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ROSENKRANZ, K. - Tatra ROSENKRANZ, K. Tatra (meer info) J.E. Purkyne / Auto Album Archiv 1987. Original paperback. Tatra oborovy podnik 742 21 Koprivnice CSSR. Nice history of this motor ca... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Gott Natur und Mensch: in d... GAREWICZ, Jan HAAS, Maria Gott Natur und Mensch: in der Sicht Jacob Böhmes und seiner Rezeption (meer info) Harrassowitz Verlag 1994, viii 279pp, hardcover, in fine condition. Pictures on request. € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Transformation Processes in... GAUBE, Heinz GANGLER, Anette (ed.) Transformation Processes in Oasis Settlements of Oman (meer info) Al Roya Press Publishing House 2012. ix, 335 pp. Original paperback. On Balad Seet - Misfat al-Abriyin - al-Hamra - Maqta - Ibra - ... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Atlas de la France Romane LA MALÈNE, Pauline De Atlas de la France Romane (meer info) Zodiaque 1995. Original cloth with dustjacket in slipcase. Slipcase slightly stained but else an excellent co... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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History of Roman legal science SCHULZ, Fritz History of Roman legal science (meer info) Clarendon Press 1967.xvi, 358, (1) pp. Original cloth. Minimal traces of use. No remarks or underlinings. This editi... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Wappenbuch des Heiligen Rom... SIEBMACHER, Johann Wappenbuch des Heiligen Romischen Reichs Orsinidemarzo, Milaan (2005), (560 pp), gebonden, als nieuw, ex-libris op schutblad, zeldzame facsimile editie € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Animal Ghosts [Original] O'DONNELL, Elliott Animal Ghosts [Original] (meer info) William Rider Son 1913. xii, 302, (1) pp. Original green/blue pictorial cloth. Binding worn and a bit damaged especial... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Wali Sanga - de Javaansche ... HIEN, H.A. van Wali Sanga - de Javaansche Geheime Leer Batavia, G. Kolff 1932, 2e verbeterde druk, gekartonneerd, 101 pp., rug los en gerepareerd, verkleurd, zeer zeldzaam € 110.00
€ 3,95
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History of Ceylon Volume I ... RAY, Prof. H.C. (editor-in-chief) History of Ceylon Volume I part I & Volume I part II [2 volumes] Colombo, Ceylon University Press 1959/1960, hardcover (vol. 2 with dustjacket), xxxviii, 410 pp. + xxxi plates; xviii, 411-910 pp. + ... € 110.00
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The Cambrian Explosion - Th... ERWIN, Douglas, H. & VALENTINE, James W. The Cambrian Explosion - The Construction of Animal Biodiversity Greenwood Village, Roberts & Company Publishers 2013, x, 406 pp., original boards, signature on first free endpaper, some (light) underlinings with ... € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Chinesische Heldinnen; Frau... WONG, Felix (ed.) Chinesische Heldinnen; Frauengestalten aus Geschichte, Märchen und Mythologie - The Paintings of Annie Wong Leung Kit Wah (meer info) Frauen Museum / Gravity Design 1999. Unpaginated with 35 (folding) plates. Original softcover. Published on the occasion of the exh... € 108.00
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Les Ecoles de Cavalerie Le Baron de Vaux Les Ecoles de Cavalerie (meer info) J. Rothschild 400 pp, hardcover without dust jacket. Damaged spine, besides that in near fine condition. Pictures ... € 108.00
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Berlinde de Bruyckere: Rome... LAMARCHE, Caroline Berlinde de Bruyckere: Romeu my deer (meer info) Skira 2012, unpaginated (120pp), hardcover, in fine condition, cover slightly worn around the edges, other... € 108.00
€ 3,95
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Talks on Zen - 5 volumes co... OSHO [Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh] Talks on Zen - 5 volumes complete (meer info) The Rebel Publishing House 1989, 228; 262; 232; 230; 232 pp.pp. Five volumes complete consisting of the following titles; The O... € 108.00
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Chuang-Tzu: Textual Notes t... GRAHAM, A. C. Chuang-Tzu: Textual Notes to a Partial Translation (meer info) School of Oriental African Studies University of London 1982, Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 78 € 105.60
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Nul; Armando - Henk Peeters... ARMANDO PEETERS, Henk SCHOONHOVEN, Jan e.a. Nul; Armando - Henk Peeters - Schoonhoven / Zero; Mack - Piene - Uecker (meer info) Haags Gemeente Museum 1964, Near Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 16 € 105.60
€ 3,95
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L'Ordre Divin aux origines ... SÜSSMILCH, Johann Peter HECHT, Jacqueline L'Ordre Divin aux origines de la démographie [3 tomes COMPLETE] (meer info) Institut National d'études Démographiques 1979/1984. xvi, 278,I-X; xiv, 279-608; viii, 609-824 pp. Original paperbacks with paper wrappers. So... € 105.00
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Den Haag - geschiedenis van... SMIT, J.G. (eindred.) Den Haag - geschiedenis van de stad - 3 delen in cassette Waanders, Zwolle 2004/2005, 368; 366; 400 pp., linnen met stofomslagen in originele cassette, minimale sporen van geb... € 105.00
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Excavations at Sepphoris: V... STRANGE, James F. LONGSTAFF, Thomas R.W. GROH, Dennis E. Excavations at Sepphoris: Volume 1, University of South Florida Probes in the Citadel and Villa (meer info) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden 2006, xvii (3) 170 pp, hardcover, als nieuw. € 105.00
€ 3,95
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Memories of the 384th Bomba... DECKER. Ken Memories of the 384th Bombardment Group (H); stories of the men, the missions and the machines (meer info) Ken Decker 2005, Fine, Hardcover, 3rd Edition, 0 € 100.64
€ 3,95
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The Story of the Navajo Hai... REICHARD, Gladys A. The Story of the Navajo Hail Chant (meer info) Barnard College, Columbia University 1944.xii, 155 pp. Original wrappers. 28 figures in the text. A little discolored but overall in very... € 100.00
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The Cid and His Spain PIDAL, Ramon Menendez SUNDERLAND, Harold (translator) The Cid and His Spain (meer info) Frank Cass Co 1971, new impression. xiv, 474 pp. Original red cloth. Some b/w illustrations and a folded table. A ... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Textiles of the Andes: Cata... AMANO, Yoshitaro TSUNOYAMA, Yukihiro Textiles of the Andes: Catalog of Amano Collection (meer info) Heian / Dohosha 1979, 248pp, cloth binding with dust jacket, in slipcase, in near fine condition, dust jacket is dam... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Sprache und Denken: Grundla... POSNER, Roland MEGGLE, George Sprache und Denken: Grundlagen der Kommunikation und Kognition / Language and Thought: Foundations of Communication and Cognition (meer info) Walter de Gruyter 1997, vi 384 pp, hardcover cloth binding, in fine condition, name on front page, some notes/markings... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Theoria - Unendlichkeit - A... BÖHM, Thomas Theoria - Unendlichkeit - Aufstieg: Philosophische Implikationen Zu de Vita Moysis Von Gregor Von Nyssa (Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae) (meer info) E.J. Brill 1996. xii, 348 pp. Original cloth with dustjacket. Top edge foxed, else an excellent copy. Supplemen... € 100.00
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Jahrbuch für Kosmo-Biologis... STRAUSS, H.A. Jahrbuch für Kosmo-Biologische Forschung I/II (two volumes complete) (meer info) Dom-Verlag M. Seitz 1928/1929. 128, (4); 148, (8) pp. Original cloth. Slightly discolored and (endpapers) a bit foxed. ... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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The Harappan Civilization a... FAIRSERVIS, Walter A. The Harappan Civilization and its Writing: A Model for the Decipherment of the Indus Script (meer info) E.J. Brill 1992, viii 240pp, cloth binding with dust jacket, in near fine condition. Pictures on request. € 100.00
€ 3,95
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HAAS, Mary R. - Tunica Dictionary HAAS, Mary R. Tunica Dictionary (meer info) University of California Press 1953. 175-332 pp. Original paper wrappers. University of California Publications in Linguistics Volu... € 100.00
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The Theology of Tulasi Das CARPENTER, J.N. rev. The Theology of Tulasi Das (meer info) The Christian Literature Society for India 1918. viii, 202 pp. Original cloth. Binding and content a bit soiled and discoloured. Binding loosen... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Spinoza dans les Pays Néerl... FRANCÈS, Madeleine Spinoza dans les Pays Néerlandais de la seconde Moitié du XVIIe Siècle - première partie [=ALL] (meer info) Librairie Felix Alcan 1937. viii, 366 pp. Original orange paper wrappers. Very good copy. Scarce! Pictures on request. € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Introduction to Food- and A... SAMSON, Robert A. HOEKSTRA, Ellen S. Introduction to Food- and Airborne Fungi (meer info) Centraalbureau voor schimmelcultures 2000. 6th edition. vi, 389 pp. Original hardcover in fine condition. Pictures on request. € 100.00
€ 3,95
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The Living Plant and the Sc... ADAMS, George WHICHER, Olive The Living Plant and the Science of Physical and Ethereal Spaces (meer info) Goethean Science Foundation 1949. Original paper wrappers. A bit foxed especially the endpapers. A Study of the "Metamorphosis o... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Der Peters-Brunnen am Würmf... [KLÖCKEL, Franz Josef von] Der Peters-Brunnen am Würmflusse bey Leutstetten (Original) (meer info) Joseph Lindauer 1817. Original halfleather with marmoured boards. With frontispiece engraving and engraved map. Titl... € 100.00
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Time-Varying Systems and Co... DEWILDE, Patrick VEEN, Alle-Jan Van Der Time-Varying Systems and Computations (meer info) Kluwer Academic 1998. xiv, 459 pp. Original boards. Spine a bit tanned, name on first free endpaper, else as new. Pi... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Das Geheimnis des Zirkels |... LIND, Johannes MAASS-LIND, Frau K. Das Geheimnis des Zirkels | Entdeckung, Erfindung und Erkenntnis einer sittlichen Weltordnung (meer info) Eigenverlag [1911]. viii, 226 pp. Original paper wrappers. Spine reinforced, corners and extremities a bit worn,... € 100.00
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HEYTZE, Ingmar - Miniaturen HEYTZE, Ingmar Miniaturen stichting 'de Roos' Utrecht 2005, 58 pp., Hardcover met stofomslag, nr. 57/175, gesigneerd, gedrukt op etspapier met etsen van G... € 100.00
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Brief behelsende twee Preuv... E.L.E.O.D.H.O. [=F. v. Limborch (zwager van Jacob de Riemer)] Brief behelsende twee Preuven dat het Hof van Holland voor den Jaare 1429 is opgeregt. Geschreven aan H.Z.D.V.A.R.D.I.M. (meer info) Pieter vander Aa, Leyden 1717, 16 pp., her(ge)bonden in kunstleer, vernieuwde schutbladen, pagina's aangezet langs de randen,... € 100.00
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Studiemateriaal voor de vak... VERHAGEN, C. Studiemateriaal voor de vakexamens van het uurwerkmakersbedrijf Drukkerij Cuperus 1954, 4e verbeterde en vermeerdere druk, (2), 376, (1) pp. pp., origineel linnen, inhoud iets verkle... € 100.00
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Prenten Piet Lont Gedichten... LONT, Piet STEEGSTRA, Jos Prenten Piet Lont Gedichten Jos Steegstra (meer info) Eigen Beheer 1979, [18 pp.], linnen band, iets verkleurd, lichte rooklucht, maar mooie grafiek € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Prenten Piet Lont Gedichten... LONT, Piet STEEGSTRA, Jos Prenten Piet Lont Gedichten Jos Steegstra (meer info) Eigen Beheer 1979, [18 pp.], linnen band, iets verkleurd, lichte rooklucht, maar mooie grafiek € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Canti della Terra e del Mar... FAVARA, A. Canti della Terra e del Mare di Sicilia (per canto e pianoforte) - 4 volumes COMPLETE Milano, Ricordi n.d. [ca. 1950?], 4 volumes, original pictorial paper wrappers, 113; 88; 118; 51 pp., name stamp on ... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Vormcompositie Contrapunt GROOT, J.H. de Vormcompositie Contrapunt Bussum, W.N. Dinger 1926, 64 pp., linnen band met goud bestempeld, zeer net exemplaar € 100.00
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Schmalspurig durch Ungarn +... ENGELBERT, Paul Schmalspurig durch Ungarn + Schmalspurig durch Ungarn II: die ehemals ungarischen Gebiete Malmö, Frank Stenvalls Förlag 2007/2011, 2 volumes, 176+224 pp., original boards, as new € 100.00
€ 3,95
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The Principal Articles of C... WATSON, Ernest The Principal Articles of Chinese Commerce (Import and Export) Shanghai, Published by Order of the Inspector General of Customs 1930, 2nd edition, x, 630 pp., original black cloth, China. The Maritime Customs. II.-Special Series... € 100.00
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