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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
Reprint Karel Martens MARTENS, Karel HOLLIS, Richard KINROSS, Robin BENNEWITH, David a.o. Reprint Karel Martens Roma Publications 2015, 85 pp., paperback with dustjacket, as new € 125.00
€ 3,95
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The Sons and Lovers [The Ca... LAWRENCE, D.H. The Sons and Lovers [The Cambridge Edition of the Works of D.H. Lawrence] Cambridge University Press 1992, red cloth with dustjacket, lxxxii, 675 pp., edited by Helen Baron and Carl Baron, hardcover in... € 125.00
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edition hansjörg mayer BROOS, Kees (inl.) a.o. edition hansjörg mayer Den Haag, haags gemeentemuseum 1968, paperback, 193 pp., text in English, Dutch and German, wrappers a bit curling - as usual, else... € 125.00
€ 3,95
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(Livre Jubilaire dédié à H.... PLANCK, M. ZEEMAN, P. BRUNHES, B JULIUS, V.A. RAYLEYGH PELLAT, H. and others (Livre Jubilaire dédié à H.A. Lorentz) Recueil de travaux offerts par les auteurs à H.A. Lorentz professeur de physique à l'universté de Leiden à l'occasion du 25me anniversaire de son doctorat le 11 décembre 1900 (meer info) Martinus Nijhoff Extremely rare original! 1900, ix, 678 (2) pp, semi hardcover in good condition, cover is a bit worn... € 124.80
€ 3,95
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Time, The Physical Magnitude COSTA DE BEAUREGARD, Olivier Time, The Physical Magnitude (meer info) D. Reidel Publishing Company 1987, xxiii (1) 335 pp, hardcover with dustjacket, in fine condition, date in pen on front page, dus... € 124.00
€ 3,95
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Vincent van Gogh | Christia... KODERA, Tsukasa Vincent van Gogh | Christianity versus Nature [=OCULI vol. 3] Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins Publ. Co. 1990, cloth, xii, 284 pp., removed stamp from titlepage, removed label from first free endpaper, par... € 120.00
€ 3,95
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Estudio biografico y critic... GOSLINGA, Cornelis Ch. Estudio biografico y critico de Arturo Michelena (meer info) Universidad del Zulia 316 pp, softcover without dust jacket. Signed by author. Some very small stains on back cover, besid... € 120.00
€ 3,95
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Die Auflösung der Diophanti... BERKHAN, W. Die Auflösung der Diophantischen Gleichungen ersten / zweiten Grades für höhere Lehranstalten (meer info) H.W. Schmidt 1856. viii, 294, viii, 212 pp. 2 volumes in one binding. Lehrbuch der unbestimmten Analytik für hö... € 120.00
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Norske sjømannstatoveringer... SVENNEVIG, Tor Ola AALRUST, Marit Sunnana HANSSON, Elin Norske sjømannstatoveringer / Norwegian sailor's tattoos (meer info) Magikon forlag 2013, unpaged (324 pp), hardcover, in fine condition, corners bumped, otherwise as new. Pictures on ... € 120.00
€ 3,95
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Die Götter Altitaliens RADKE, Gerhard Die Götter Altitaliens (meer info) Aschendorff 1979. Fontes et Commentationes Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Epigraphik an der Universität Mün... € 120.00
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Un Voyage dans le Haut Séné... FORET, Auguste Un Voyage dans le Haut Sénégal - Description du Fleuve [ORIGINAL] (meer info) Challamet et Cie / M. Hergaut 1888. Original wrappers. Spine reinforced, wrappers repaired along the extremities. Text block in ve... € 120.00
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Willem Kalf 1619-1693 GRISEBACH, Lucius Willem Kalf 1619-1693 (meer info) Gebr. Mann Verlag 1971, 324 pp + 199 plates (b/w), hardcover cloth binding with dust jacket, in fine condition, excell... € 120.00
€ 3,95
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Retrospectieve tentoonstell... VAN DOORNE Veerle MOORS, Luc Retrospectieve tentoonstelling Xavier De Cock (1818-1896), César De Cock (1823-1904), Gustave Den Duyts (1850-1897) (meer info) Museum van Deinze en Leiestreek 1988, 76 pp, softcover, minor damage at back and corner of cover, name on front page, otherwise as n... € 120.00
€ 3,95
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Reisebilder: Fotografien un... DÖNHOFF, Marion Reisebilder: Fotografien und Texte aus vier Jahrzehnten (meer info) Hoffmann und Campe 2004, 271 pp, hardcover with dust jacket, as new. Pictures on request. € 120.00
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Obrázky z Holandska CAPEK, Karel Obrázky z Holandska (meer info) Borovy-Aventinum 1932, II. Vydani, 86 (6) pp, cloth binding, in fine condition, shelf wear and some foxing, very rare... € 120.00
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The Grammar of Astrology co... ZADKIEL THE SEER The Grammar of Astrology containing all things necessary for calculating a nativity by common arithmatic (meer info) Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper 1833. xvi, 160 pp. Rebound in green cloth. A bit soiled and foxed but a very good copy.Rare. Picture... € 120.00
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Folkert De Jong: 'Shoot the... NIEUWENHUIJZEN, Martijn van Folkert De Jong: 'Shoot the freak' [SIGNED] (meer info) NAI Publishers 2005, unpaged, softcover, as new, with personal message from the artist. Texts in English and Dutch.... € 120.00
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Die orientalische Stadt im ... WIRTH, Eugen Die orientalische Stadt im islamischen Vorderasien und Nordafrika [Band I Text und Band II Tafeln] (meer info) Philipp von Zabern 2001. Second edition. xxxiv, 584; viii, 168 pp. Two volumes complete. Original boards with dustjacke... € 120.00
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El Croquis 112/113 Jean Nou... Various El Croquis 112/113 Jean Nouvel 1994-2002: The Symbolic Order of Matter / El Order Simbolico De La Materia (meer info) El Croquis 2002. Original softcover. Fine copy. Pictures on request. € 120.00
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Nederlandsch Homoeopathisch... Vereeniging van homoeopathische geneesheren in Nederland Nederlandsch Homoeopathisch Artsenijboek J.H. de Bussy 1913, xxviii, 244, xxiv pp., halfleder, stempeltje op franse titel, verder prima, zeldzaam! € 120.00
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Corpus Mysticum - l'Euchari... LUBAC, Henri de Corpus Mysticum - l'Eucharistie et l'Église au Moyen Age | étude historique Paris, Aubier 1949, 2è edition, paper wrappers, 373, (3) pp., a bit discouled, else very good | Theolgie etudes p... € 120.00
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Corpus Mysticum - l'Euchari... LUBAC, Henri de Corpus Mysticum - l'Eucharistie et l'Église au Moyen Age | étude historique Paris, Aubier 1949, 2è edition, paper wrappers, 373, (3) pp., a bit discouled, else very good | Theolgie etudes p... € 120.00
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BURNS, Aaron - Typography BURNS, Aaron Typography (meer info) Reinhold Publishing Corporation 1961, 111 pp. Hardcover, black cloth.Very good condition. Some wear on cover and signs of usage Mis... € 120.00
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The Portuguese in Asia: An ... SILVA, Daya de The Portuguese in Asia: An annotated bibliography of studies on Portuguese colonial history in Asia, 1498-c. 1800 (meer info) IDC 1987. (4) 315 pp. Original cloth with dustjacket. Bibliotheca Asiatica 22. Fine copy. Pictures on re... € 118.75
€ 3,95
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Tacita Dean et autres artis... DEAN, Tacita Tacita Dean et autres artistes: Coffret 7 volumes : Ecrits choisis ; 12/10/02 - 21/12/02 ; WG. Sebald ; The Russian Ending ; Boots ; Oeuvres et filmographie 1991-2003 ; Textes (meer info) Steidl / Arc Musée d'Art moderne de la ville de Paris 2003. 7 books in slipcase, not paginated. Fine copy. Pictures on request. € 115.00
€ 3,95
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Verklarend woordenboek van ... BACKER, C.A. Verklarend woordenboek van wetenschappelijke plantennamen / Verklarend woordenboek der wetenschappelijke namen van de in Nederland en Nederlandsch-Indië in het wild groeiende en in tuinen en parken gekweekte varens en hoogere planten P. Noordhoff N.V., Groningen 1936, 664 pp, linnen hardcover band zonder stofomslag, in zeer goede staat, op de rug wat versleten ... € 115.00
€ 3,95
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Verhaal van de middelen tot... PAAUW, S. van der Verhaal van de middelen tot verversching van het water in de grachten der stad Leyden, gedurende eene reeks van bijna tweehonderd en vijftig jaren L. Herding en zoon 1828, 162 pp, dun gekartonneerd met gemarmerde platten en titelpapiertje op de rug, compleet met de ... € 112.50
€ 3,95
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Exactitudes: Arie Versluis ... VERSLUIS, A. UYTTENBROEK, E. Exactitudes: Arie Versluis and Ellie Uyttenbroek (meer info) 010 Publishers First printing! 2002, (128) pp, 58 series of photographs, 8 portraits each page/project, hardcover b... € 112.00
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Exposé de la méthode d'éduc... JULLIEN, Marc-Antoine (de Paris) Exposé de la méthode d'éducation de Pestalozzi, telle qu'elle a été suivie et pratiquée sous sa direction pendant dix années (de 1806 à 1816) dans l'Institut d'Yverdun, en Suisse (meer info) L. Hachette Rare and important 2nd edition! 1842, xl, 568 pp, half leather hardcover of later date. Book is in ... € 112.00
€ 3,95
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Misteri e culti mistici di ... GASPARRO, Giulia Sfameni Misteri e culti mistici di Demetra (meer info) L'Erma di Bretschneider 1986. Storia delle religioni 3. Collana direttada Ugo Bianchi e Giulia Piccaluga. Small stamp of for... € 112.00
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Third International Monumen... WEBER, Raymond (dir.) Third International Monuments Photographic Experience / 1998 : Troisième Expérience Photographique Internationale des Monuments / 1998 (meer info) Generalitat de Catalunya Departament de Cultura 1998, Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 155 € 112.00
€ 3,95
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ROSENKRANZ, K. - Tatra ROSENKRANZ, K. Tatra (meer info) J.E. Purkyne / Auto Album Archiv 1987. Original paperback. Tatra oborovy podnik 742 21 Koprivnice CSSR. Nice history of this motor ca... € 110.00
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Gott Natur und Mensch: in d... GAREWICZ, Jan HAAS, Maria Gott Natur und Mensch: in der Sicht Jacob Böhmes und seiner Rezeption (meer info) Harrassowitz Verlag 1994, viii 279pp, hardcover, in fine condition. Pictures on request. € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Transformation Processes in... GAUBE, Heinz GANGLER, Anette (ed.) Transformation Processes in Oasis Settlements of Oman (meer info) Al Roya Press Publishing House 2012. ix, 335 pp. Original paperback. On Balad Seet - Misfat al-Abriyin - al-Hamra - Maqta - Ibra - ... € 110.00
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Atlas de la France Romane LA MALÈNE, Pauline De Atlas de la France Romane (meer info) Zodiaque 1995. Original cloth with dustjacket in slipcase. Slipcase slightly stained but else an excellent co... € 110.00
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History of Roman legal science SCHULZ, Fritz History of Roman legal science (meer info) Clarendon Press 1967.xvi, 358, (1) pp. Original cloth. Minimal traces of use. No remarks or underlinings. This editi... € 110.00
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Wappenbuch des Heiligen Rom... SIEBMACHER, Johann Wappenbuch des Heiligen Romischen Reichs Orsinidemarzo, Milaan (2005), (560 pp), gebonden, als nieuw, ex-libris op schutblad, zeldzame facsimile editie € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Animal Ghosts [Original] O'DONNELL, Elliott Animal Ghosts [Original] (meer info) William Rider Son 1913. xii, 302, (1) pp. Original green/blue pictorial cloth. Binding worn and a bit damaged especial... € 110.00
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Wali Sanga - de Javaansche ... HIEN, H.A. van Wali Sanga - de Javaansche Geheime Leer Batavia, G. Kolff 1932, 2e verbeterde druk, gekartonneerd, 101 pp., rug los en gerepareerd, verkleurd, zeer zeldzaam € 110.00
€ 3,95
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Chinesische Heldinnen; Frau... WONG, Felix (ed.) Chinesische Heldinnen; Frauengestalten aus Geschichte, Märchen und Mythologie - The Paintings of Annie Wong Leung Kit Wah (meer info) Frauen Museum / Gravity Design 1999. Unpaginated with 35 (folding) plates. Original softcover. Published on the occasion of the exh... € 108.00
€ 3,95
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Les Ecoles de Cavalerie Le Baron de Vaux Les Ecoles de Cavalerie (meer info) J. Rothschild 400 pp, hardcover without dust jacket. Damaged spine, besides that in near fine condition. Pictures ... € 108.00
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Chuang-Tzu: Textual Notes t... GRAHAM, A. C. Chuang-Tzu: Textual Notes to a Partial Translation (meer info) School of Oriental African Studies University of London 1982, Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 78 € 105.60
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Nul; Armando - Henk Peeters... ARMANDO PEETERS, Henk SCHOONHOVEN, Jan e.a. Nul; Armando - Henk Peeters - Schoonhoven / Zero; Mack - Piene - Uecker (meer info) Haags Gemeente Museum 1964, Near Fine, Soft cover, 1st Edition, 16 € 105.60
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L'Ordre Divin aux origines ... SÜSSMILCH, Johann Peter HECHT, Jacqueline L'Ordre Divin aux origines de la démographie [3 tomes COMPLETE] (meer info) Institut National d'études Démographiques 1979/1984. xvi, 278,I-X; xiv, 279-608; viii, 609-824 pp. Original paperbacks with paper wrappers. So... € 105.00
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Den Haag - geschiedenis van... SMIT, J.G. (eindred.) Den Haag - geschiedenis van de stad - 3 delen in cassette Waanders, Zwolle 2004/2005, 368; 366; 400 pp., linnen met stofomslagen in originele cassette, minimale sporen van geb... € 105.00
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Excavations at Sepphoris: V... STRANGE, James F. LONGSTAFF, Thomas R.W. GROH, Dennis E. Excavations at Sepphoris: Volume 1, University of South Florida Probes in the Citadel and Villa (meer info) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden 2006, xvii (3) 170 pp, hardcover, als nieuw. € 105.00
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The Story of the Navajo Hai... REICHARD, Gladys A. The Story of the Navajo Hail Chant (meer info) Barnard College, Columbia University 1944.xii, 155 pp. Original wrappers. 28 figures in the text. A little discolored but overall in very... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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The Cid and His Spain PIDAL, Ramon Menendez SUNDERLAND, Harold (translator) The Cid and His Spain (meer info) Frank Cass Co 1971, new impression. xiv, 474 pp. Original red cloth. Some b/w illustrations and a folded table. A ... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Textiles of the Andes: Cata... AMANO, Yoshitaro TSUNOYAMA, Yukihiro Textiles of the Andes: Catalog of Amano Collection (meer info) Heian / Dohosha 1979, 248pp, cloth binding with dust jacket, in slipcase, in near fine condition, dust jacket is dam... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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Sprache und Denken: Grundla... POSNER, Roland MEGGLE, George Sprache und Denken: Grundlagen der Kommunikation und Kognition / Language and Thought: Foundations of Communication and Cognition (meer info) Walter de Gruyter 1997, vi 384 pp, hardcover cloth binding, in fine condition, name on front page, some notes/markings... € 100.00
€ 3,95
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