| Pagina : 1 ... 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Bestelling |
Bosazza, V.I., 1946.: | The petrography and petrology of South African clays. | Johannesburg: V.L. Bosazza, 1946. | Small 4to. Pp. xvi,313, frontisp., 17 photogr. plates, 15 figs., bibliogr., index. Orig. cloth. Bind... | € 35.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Delvaux, E., 1891.: | Etude stratigraphique et paléontologique du sous-sol de la Campine. (Extrait des Annales de la Soc. géol. de Belg., t. XVIII, Mémoires.) | Liège: H. Vaillant-Carmanne. | Small 4to. Pp. 54, tabs., notes refs. Plain new wrs., uncut. - "D'après des documents nouveaux pro... | € 12.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Dussault, L/. 1925.: | Etude géologiques dans la chaîne annamitique septentrionale. [Bull. Serv. Géol. Indochine, 14(4).] | Hanoi 1925. | Small 4to. Pp. 44,[12], 4 plates of photogr. views, 1 large golf. colourd geological map in pocket, ... | € 35.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Freudenthal, M., (et al.), 1989.: | [ Volume of collected papers on micromammals, contents as below.] [Script Geol., 89.] | Leiden. | Small 4to. Pp. 100, several photos on 8 pls., many drawings in 30 figs., refs. Orig. stiff wrs. - Co... | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MEDLICOTT, Henry Benedict (1829-1905).: | On the geological structure and relations of the Southern portion of the Himalayan Range between the rivers Ganges and Ravee. [Mem. Geol. Surv. India, Vol. III, Art. IV.] | Calcutta: Government of India, 1865. | Small 4to. Pp. viii,1-206,[2],207-209, 3 tinted lithographed plates of landscape views, 1 large fold... | € 275.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MICHEL, Hermann.: | Die künstlichen Edelsteine. Eine zusammenfassende Darstellung ihrer Erzeugung, ihrer Unterscheidung von den natürlichen Steinen und ihrer Stellung im Handel. [...] Zweite wesentlich erweiterte Auflage. | Leipzig: W. Diebener, 1926. | Small 4to. Pp. viii,477, 2 col. pls., 180 illus. in text, index. Orig. cloth. Binding epertly reback... | € 120.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Popescu-Voitesti, I., 1910.: | Contribution l'étude stratigraphique du Nummulitique de la dépression gétique (Roumanie occidentale). | Bucharest. | Small 4to. Pp. iv,96,[14], several photos of invertebrate fossils on 5 pls., 2 fold. col. maps (one ... | € 17.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Rathbun, M.J., 1910.: | Brachuyra. (The Danish Expedition to Siam 1899-1900. V.) [Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Skrift., 7. R., Nat. Afd., 5(4).] | Copenhagen 1910. | Small 4to. Pp. 68, 37 photos on 2 plates, 1 map, 44 figs. and photos in text. Plain new wrappers. | € 16.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Kemner, N.A., 1931.: | Die Termitenfauna von Amboina. Ergebnisse der Sumatra-Expedition der Notgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft 1929/30. [Lunds Univ. Arsskr., N.F., Avd. 2, Bd. 27 Nr. 13.] | Lund. G.W.K. Gleerup, 1931. | Small 4to. Pp. 53, 2 photogr. plates, 16 figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrappers, uncut.... | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Ostaijen, Paul van: | Verzameld werk / Poëzie. | Den Haag: Bert Bakker / Daamen, 1965. | Small 4to. Vol. 1: pp. 303; vol. 2: pp. 280. Orig. stiff wrs. Good. | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Runcorn, S.K. (et al., editors).: | International dictionary of geophysics. Seismology, geomagnetism, aeronomy, oceanography, geodesy, gravity, marine geophysics, meteorology, the Earth as a planet ant its evolution. | Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1967. | Small 4to. Vol. 1: pp. xii,1-784; vol. 2: pp. xii,785-1728, numerous illus. in text, refs., index; v... | € 70.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
ACCIAIUOLI, Luiz de Menendez.: | Geologia de Portugal. Ensaio bibliográfico. [Segunda edição refundida e aumentada.] | [Lisboa:] Direcção-Geral de Minas e Serviços Geologicos, 1957. | Small 4to,24.3cm, two volumes bound in one. Vol. l: pp. xlviii,l-363,[3]; vol. 2: pp.365-675, index.... | € 50.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Macurda, D.B., Jr., 1963.: | Systematics of the fissiculate Blastoidea. [Pap.. Paleont., 22.] | Ann Arbor, Mi.: The Museum of Paleontology, University of Michigan. | Small 4to,24.6cm. Pp. vi,291, numerous photos on 49 plates, 35 tables. Hardbound, new cloth, orig. w... | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Krumbiegel, G., Krumbiegel, B., 1981.: | Fossilien der Erdgeschichte. | Stuttgart: Enke. | Small 8vo, 19cm. Pp. 406, 194 (27 col.) photos, 144 figs., 17 tabs., bibl., indexes. Orig. wrs. | € 14.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
NAUROY, Charles (1846-1919).: | Bibliographie des impressions microscopiques. | Paris: Charavay Frères Edieurs, 1881; facsimile reprint Utrecht; The Catharijne Press, [n.d., ca. 1980?]. | Small 8vo, 14cm. Pp. 125,[3]. Orig. gilt-letytered cloth. Fine, as new. | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MORITZI, Alexander (1806-1850).: | Die Flora der Schweiz, mit besonderer Berücksischtigung ihrer Vertheilung nach allgemein physischen und geologischen Momenten. | Zürich Winterthur: Verlag des Literarischen Comptoirs, 1844. | Small 8vo, 15.2cm. Pp. xxii,640, 1 fold. lithogr. geol. map coloured by hand, index. Contemp. plain ... | € 140.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
TRIPIER, Louis (1816-1877) MONNIER, Henri .: | Les Codes Français collationnés sur les textes officiels. Codes et lois usuelles. Soixante-cinquième édition. | Paris: Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1915. | Small 8vo, 15.3cm. Pp. [8],iv,294,236,106,138,96,64,1670,43 (total of 2674), index. Hardbound, conte... | € 75.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Matthes, S., Okrusch, M., 1965.: | Spessart. [Samml. Geol. Führer, 44.] | Berlin: Borntraeger, 1965. | Small 8vo, 15.5cm. Pp. xiv,220, 1 large fold. col. map and 1 small fold. map and 2 sections in pocke... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Het Lantrecht van Drenthe van 1712. Facsimilé uitgave door het Provinciaal Bestuur van Drenthe. | [Assen] 1979. | Small 8vo, 15.5cm. Pp. [viii],123,[61],[ii],58,[6]. Orig. imit. leather. Presentation card tipped-in... | € 30.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Souvenir. O frage nicht! Illustrirt von Georgy, Füllhaas u. A. Sechste Auflage. | Leipzig: C.F. Amelang's Verlag, [n.d., ca. 1900]. | Small 8vo, 15.5cm. Pp. [iv],80,[4], several nice wood-engr. illustr. in text, title index. Orig. ric... | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Fischer, Emil.: | Taschenbuch für Schmetterlingssammler. Vierte Aufkage. [Bibliothek nützlicher Taschenbücher.] | Leipzig: Oskar Leitner, [ca. 1890?]. | Small 8vo, 15.5cm. Pp. xii,292,viii, many figs. on 14 chromolithogr. plates, few figs. in text. Orig... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
DEVIES, Lucien, LALOUE, Maurice: | Guide du Massif des Ecrins. 2e édition. [Groupe de Haute Montagne (G.H.M.).] | Paris Grenoble: B. Arthaud, 1951. | Small 8vo, 15.7cm. Vol. 1: pp. 475,[5], 56 figs., index; vol. 2: pp. 427,[5], 61 figs., index. Hardb... | € 22.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
MONDINI, A.E.: | Praktischer Leiter für die Stadt Genua und Umgebung. | Milano c.: A. Scrocchi, [n.d., ca. 1920?]. | Small 8vo, 15.7cm. Pp. xiv,145, photos in text, fold. plan (32x44cm), index to plan. Paperbound, ori... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
STAR, P. van der.: | Descriptive catalogue of the simple microscopes in the [...] National Museum of the History of Science at Leyden. [Communication No. 89.] | Leiden 1953. | Small 8vo, 15.8cm. Pp. 89, 17 photos on 8 plates, 14 figs., bibliogr. Paperbound, orig. printed wrap... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HERTZ, Henrik (1797-1870).: | Stemminger og Tilstande. Scener og Skildringer af et Ophold i Kjøbenhavn. Andet Oplag. | Copenhagen: C.A. Reitzel Forlag, 1839. | Small 8vo, 16.3cm. Pp. 444. Old half calf, marbled boards, backstrip with gilt lettering and small d... | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
[ Teenstra, Marten Douwes (1795-1864) ]: | Hans Hannekemaaijer's kluchtige lotgevallen en ontmoetingen op zijne reis naar en door Holland. Vierde druk. | Groningen: R.S. Schaank, [n.d., c. 1835?]. | Small 8vo, 16.4x10.5cm. Pp. 48. Orig. printed wrappers. Some light foxing and traces of use to exter... | € 120.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
SABBE, Maurits.: | Plantin. De Moretussen en hun werk. Het Museum Plantin-Moretus. | Brussel: L.J. Kryn, 1926. | Small 8vo, 16.5cm. Pp. 113,[5], frontisp., 20 photogr. plates. Orig. decor. wrappers, uncut. Very go... | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | De zingende Kruijer. Zich vermakende met een aantal fraaije Liederen, welke veel gezocht en gezongen worden. Alle op bekende en aangename wijzen. | Amsterdam: F.G.L. Holst, [n.d., c. 1850]. | Small 8vo, 16.5cm. Pp. 64, wood-engraved vignette of singer on title-page.Old plain blue wrappers. S... | € 150.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
DE WITT TALMAGE, Rev. Thomas (1832-1902): | Crumbs swept up. | Wakefield: William Nicholson and Sons, [n.d., c. 1872/1873?]. | Small 8vo, 16.5cm. Pp. 156,[2], title with typographical border. Orig. blind-stamped cloth, gilt let... | € 45.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
TOTTMANN, Albert: | Führer durch den Violin-Unterricht. Ein kritisches, progressiv geordnetes Repertorium der instructiven, sowie der Solo- und Ensemble-Werke für Violine. Nebst einem kurzgefassten Verzeichniss der Bratschenliteratur und einem bibliographischen A... | Leipzig: J. Schuberth Co., 1874. | Small 8vo, 16.5cm. Pp. xii,312, several musical scores in text, bibl., index of personal names. Orig... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Kort Begrip der Algemeene Geschiedenis loopende van den Jare 1795 tot 1820; strekkende ten vervolge op het Kort Begrip der Algemeene Geschiedenis, gevolgd naar H. Curas en J.M. Schrock. Uitgegeven door de Maatschappij tot Nut van 't Algemeen. | Leiden: D. Du Mortier en Zoon; Deventer: J.H. de Lange; Groningen: J. Oomkens, 1821. | Small 8vo, 16.7cm. Pp. viii,99. Old marbled wrs., uncut. Browned, spine neatly mended, good otherwis... | € 35.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Conci, C., 1974.: | Guida del Museo Civico di Stodie Naturale di Milano. V edizione. | Milano 1974. | Small 8vo, 16.7cm. Pp. 140, 12 colour plates, black white photos intext, bibliogr. Paperbound, orig... | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
KIPLING, Rudyard.: | Something of myself for my friends known and unknown. | London: Macmillan and Co., 1937. | Small 8vo, 16.7cm. Pp. x,237, frontisp. portr. Hardbound, orig. blue cloth, gilt vignette (elephant'... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
DELNOTTE, L. Paul, NOLEN, Th.: | Dictionnaire des idiotismes (gallicismes, batavismes), proverbes et expressions proverbiales, fugurées et familières de la langue française et de la langue hollandaise. Français-Hollands. | Amsterdam: Uitgevers-Maatschappij "Elsevier", 1892. | Small 8vo, 16.8cm. Pp. viii,390 printed in double columns. Contem. half cloth, gilt-lettered title t... | € 40.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Environs de Bruxelles. Guide de l'excursionniste. | Bruxelles: A. De Boeck, [n.d., c. 1900]. | Small 8vo, 17.3cm. PP. [iv],103,[3], 1 large folding map loosely inserted, several charming pen-and-... | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Académie Royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique. NOTICES BIOGRAPHIQUES bibliographiques concernant les Membres, les Correspondants les Associés. 1896 - 4e Edition. | Bruxelles: Hayez, 1897. | Small 8vo, 17.5cm. Pp. viii,852, index of pers. names. Contemp. half cloth, marbled boards, ,gilt-le... | € 30.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Watteau, L.: | Catalogue raisonné du Musée Wiertz précédé d'une biographie du peintre. | Bruxelles Leipzig: A. Lacroix, 1861. | Small 8vo, 17.7cm. Pp. 287. Contemp. quarter cloth, marbled boards. Top of backstrip a bit rubbed, c... | € 75.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Royal Gardens, Kew. Official Guide to the Royal Botanic Gardens and Arboretum. Twenty-ninth edition.. | London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1885. | Small 8vo, 17.7cm. Pp. 184, 2 folding detailed plans, 54 figures in text, index. Plain new wrappers,... | € 45.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
EURINGER, Richard: | Die letzte Mühle. Westfälische Geschichten. | Hamburg: Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, 1939. | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. 110,[2]. Orig. pictorial boards. Name on front endpaper, very good otherwise.... | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
NATHUSIUS, Maria.: | Tagebuch einer Reise nach der Provence, Italien und der Schweiz. Aus dem Nachlasse. [Gesammelte Schriften, Band 10.] | Halle: Julius Fricke, 1860. | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. [vi],370. Old plain quarter cloth, title label on backstrip. Stamp on front e... | € 40.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PIPPING, Knut Theodor (1826-1885).: | Om ichroit. Akademisk Afhandling [...] under inseende af D:r Adolf Edvard Arpe, Professor i Kemien, til offentlig granskning utgifven [...] | Helsingfors: J.C. Frenkell Søn. | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. 31. Old cloth-backed plain boards. With old library stamp, very good otherwis... | € 45.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Thibault, J.Cl., Rives, Cl., 1975.: | Oiseaux de Tahiti. | Papeete, Tahiti: Les Editions du Pacifique, 1975. | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. 112, numerous colour photos throughout (partly full-page(, index. Paperbound,... | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
SQUIRE, Peter Wyatt (1847-1919).: | Methods and formulae used in the preparation of animal and vegetable tissues for microscopical examinations including the staining of bacteria. | London: J. A. Churchill, 1892. | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. vi,[2],93,[3], index. Hardbound, orig. gilt-lettered red cloth. Fine. - Brace... | € 30.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
ZITTEL, Karl Alfred von (1839-1904).: | Beiträge zur Geschichte der Paläontologie. [Extracted from: Historisches Taschenbuch, Fünfte Folge, V.] | [Leipzig: F. Brockhaus,, 1875.] | Small 8vo, 17.8cm. Pp. 139-180. Plain modern wrappers. Fainly browned due to paper quality, good oth... | € 35.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HAUSMANN, Johann Friedrich Ludwig.: | Versuch einer geologischen Begründung des Acker- und Forstwesens. Aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt von Franz Körte. | Berlin: August Rücker, 1825. | Small 8vo, 17cm. Pp. 62. Contemp. plain grey boards. | € 60.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
FOX, Frank.: | The British Army at war. | London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1917. | Small 8vo, 18.2cm. Pp. 144, photogr. frontisp., 4 fold. maps, 14 photogr. plates, notes, "diary of e... | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
[ Anon. ]: | Jardin des Glaciers près le Monument du Lion à Lucerne. | [No pl., no year but prob. c. 1880?] | Small 8vo, 18.3cm. Pp. 14, 1 double-page wood-engraved plate (view) by I. Weber, 9 wood-engr. figs. ... | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Djia Lan-po, 1976.: | Die Heimat des Peking-Menschen. | Peking: Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur. | Small 8vo, 18.4cm. Pp. [iv],63, 32 pls. of photos (few col.), 1 diagr. Orig. stiff wrs. | € 9.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
BAPTISTA GUMUCIO, Mariano, SAAVEDRA WEISE, Augustin.: | Antologia geopolitica de Bolovia. [Enciclopedia Boliviana.] | La Paz - Cochabamba: Ediciones Los Amigos del Libro, 1978. | Small 8vo, 18.4cm. Pp. 389,[3], 9 sketch maps. Paperbound, orig. decor. stiff wrappers. Fine. | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Suess, Eduard.: | Über die Structur Europas. Vortrag, gehalten den 6. November 1889. [Vorträge des Vereines zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse in Wien, XXX. Jahrgang, Heft 1.] | Wien: Ed. Hölzl, 1890. | Small 8vo, 18.5cm. Pp. 21, 1 folding map. Orig. printed wrappers, uncut. Faint remains of old stamp ... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |