| Pagina : 1 ... 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
Afbeelding | Schrijver | Titel | Uitgever | Bijzonderheid | Prijs | Bestelling |
Smolar, G., 1913.: | Die Pyritzwillinge. | Zeitschr. Krystallogr. Miner., 52(2): | pp. 461-500, 72 figs. on 6 plates. 8vo. Plain new wrappers. Fine. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Zyndel, F., 1913.: | Über Quarzzwillinge mit nichtparallelen Hauptaxen. | Zeitschr. Krystallogr. Miner., 52(5): | pp. 51-52, 31 figs. on 3 plates (1 folding),, refs. Plain new wrappers. Fine. | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Bowman, H.L., 1902.: | Über das Mineralvorkommen zu Haddam Neck in Connecticut (Ver. St.). | Zeitschr. Krystallogr., 37(2): | pp. 97-119, 9 figs. on 1 pl. Offprint, orig. wrs. | € 6.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Krenner, Jos. A., 1877.: | Ueber Ungarns Angesite. [Offprint from:] | Zeitschr. Krystallogr., 1(4): | pp. 321-334, 19 figs. on 2 lithogr. pls. Orig. printed wrs., uncut. | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Soellner, J., 1909.: | Beiträge zur Kenntnis des Cossyrits von Pantellaria. | Zeitschr. Krystallogr., 46(6): | pp. 518-560, 14 figs. on 1 pl., 2 figs. in text, refs. Offprint, orig. wrs. | € 6.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Rzehak, A., 1904.: | Das Liasvorkommen von Freistadl in Mähren. | Zeitschr. Mähr. Landesmus., 4: | pp. 989-152, 1 pl. of figs., 8 photos in text. Offprint, orig. wrs. Spine neatly mended. - Stratigra... | € 13.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Schubert, R.J., 1908.: | Die Fischotolithen des Pausramer Mergels. | Zeitschr. Mähr. Landesmus., 8(1): | pp. 102-120, many figs. in text. Offprint, orig. wrs. | € 5.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Beier, M., 1928.: | Die Milben in den Biocönosen der Lunzer Hochmoore. | Zeitschr. Morph. Ökol. Tiere, 11(1/2): | pp. 161-183, 1 sketch map, tabs., refs. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 4.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
[ Abel ] Schwalbe, G., 1913.: | Über O. Abel's Grundzüge der Paläobiologie der Wirbeltiere. | Zeitschr. Morph. Anthrop., 16(1): | pp. 177-196. Offprint, orig. wrs. - Review. | € 5.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1930.: | Zur Geographie, Ökologie und Systematik südalpenländischer Chilognathen. (116. Diplopoden-Aufsatz). | Zeitschr. Morph. Ökol. Tiere, 18(4): | pp. 575-668, 43 figs. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Herschenz, Otto, 1888.: | Untersuchungen über Harzer Baryte. | Zeitschr. Naturwiss., 61: | pp. 143-205, 5 figs. on 1 pl., tabs. in text. Wrs. - Also published separately as the author's docto... | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Wetzig, B., 1906.: | Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Huelvaner Kieslagerstätten. | Zeitschr. Prakt. Geol., 14(6): | pp. 173-186 printed in double columns, 14 figs. 4to. Journal issue, orig. wrappers. Faint trace of v... | € 7.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Schumacher, F., 1912.: | Die Golderzlagerstätten und das Braunkohlvorkommen der Rudaer Zwölf-Apostel-Gesellschaft zu Brád in Siebenbürgen. | Zeitschr. prakt. Geol., Jg. 1912: | S. 1-86, 2 Fotos auf 1 Taf., 1 gefalt. farb. geol. Karte, 1 gefalt. Lageplan, 1 gefalt. Höhenplan, ... | € 45.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Stone, J.R.: | The volcanoes of Southern Chile. | Zeitschr. Vulkanol., 16(2): | pp. 81-97, 12 photos on 6 plates, 2 maps, biblogr. Extract, journal issue wrappers/ | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Friedländer, I., 1929.: | Die Azoren. / ESENWEIN, P. Zur Petrographie der Azoren. | Zeitschr. Vulkanol., 12(2/3): | pp. 77-107;108-227, 58 photos on 29 plates, 1 map, 19 figs., refs., bibl. Journal issue, orig. wrapp... | € 40.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Pannekoek van Rheden, J.J.: | Einige Notizen über die Vulkane der Insel Flores. | Zeitschr. Vulkanol., 5 (1920): | pp. 109-163, 6 plates of photos, 1 fold. map, 51 figs. Small square 4to. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Huber, H. Burri, C., 1922.: | Grundzüge der Geologie von Burma, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des jungen Vulkanismus. | Zeitschr. Vulkan., 15(1): | pp. 153-179, 3 photogr. plates, 1 fold. map, 4 figs., refs. Paperbound, journal issue in orig. print... | € 12.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Rohleder, Herbert P.T.: | Das Giants Causeway Gebiet (Co. Antrim in Nordirland). | Zeitschr. Vulkan., 10 (1927): | pp. 232-267, 20 photos on 10 plates, 1 fold. map, 8 figs. in text, bibiogr.,, notes. Small 4to. Offp... | € 17.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Winkler, A., 1915.: | Die tertiären Eruptiva am Ostrande der Alpen, ihre Magmabeschaffenheit und ihre Beziehung zu tektonischen Vorgängen. | Zeitschr. Vulkanol., 1: | pp. 167-196, 1 fold. map. Small 4to. Offprint, orig. wrs. | € 6.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Hasselwander, A., 1903.: | Untersuchungen über die Ossification des menschlichen Fussskeletts. | Zeitshr. Morph. Anthrop., 5(3): | pp. 438-508, 34 figs. in text and on 1 fold. lithogr. pl., refs. Offprint, plain new wrs. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Titanic. Maandblad. [Stripblad / Comics] | Zelhem 1987-1988. | Nrs. 37 t/m 50 (ontbr. alleen nr. 47). Orig. afleveringen, in goede toestand. Prijs voor lot van 13 ... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
RIJSDORP, Gerrit.: | 12 Eeuwen Lambertikerk. Geworteld in de gemeenschap van Zelhem. | Zelhem: [Protestantse Gemeente,] 2007. | 4to, 29.6cm. 336 blz., talr. illustr. in tekst, bibliogr., woordverkl., bronverm. Paperback, geïllu... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Sprechmann, P., 1978.: | The paleoecology and paleogeography of the Uruguayan coastal area during the Neogene and Quaternary. | Zitteliana, 4: | pp. 3-72, many photos of foraminifera on 6 plates, 16 figs and maps in text, bibliogr. 4to. Plain ne... | € 16.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Leanza, H.A., 1980.: | The Lower and Middle Tithonian ammonite fauna from Cerro Lotena, Province of Neuquen, Argentina. | Zitteliana, 5: | pp. 3-49, several photos on 9 plates, 10 figs., refs. Journal issue wrappers. One corner a bit bumpe... | € 16.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PÖSCHKA, Andr.: | Die Meinauer Naturlehre und das Buch der Natur. [Printed in:] Programm des kaiserl. königl. Gymnasiums zu Znaim für das Studien-Jahr 1862. | Znaim: M.F. Lenck, 1862. | 8cim 21.4cm. Pp. 25, 1 fold. plate. Contemp. plain half cloth. - Rare, | € 25.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PLAISIER, B.: | Over bruggen en grenzen. De communicatie van het evangelie in het Torajagebied (1913-1942). | Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1993. | 8vo, 23.8cm. XIV,701,[3[ blz., 46 foto's naar oude originelen, 3 kaartjes, talr. noten, bibliogr., r... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
McFAGUE, Sallie.: | Modellen voor God. Nieuwe theologie in een bedreigde wereld. Derde druk. | Zoetermeer: De Horstink, 1994. | 8vo, 23.4cm. 197 blz., noten refs. Ingen., orig. omslag. Als nieuw. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
SEXSON, Lynda.: | Gewoon heilig. De sacraliteit van het alledaagse. | Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Meinema, 1997. | 8vo, 19.8cm. 169 blz., noten. Paperback, geïllustr. omslag. In nieuwstaat. | € 9.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
HOOGSTRATEN, Renée van (red.).: | Als steeds Uw Samuel. Brieven van ds. S.A. van Hoogstraten op Jave (1927-1945). Bewerkt door Renée van Hoogstraten. | Zoetermeer: Uitgeverij Boekencentrum, 2001. | 8vo, 24cm. 400 blz., talr. foto's, noten, refs., bibliogr., register. Nieuw exemplaar. | € 17.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
: | Kaart van den Wilhelmina en Oostbeveland Polder. Schaal 1 op 18 000. | [Zonder plaats, zonder uitgever] Maart 1921. | Gelithogr. kaart, gedetailleerd, met kadasternummers van percelen, op linnen opgeplakt, plano. Goede... | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Tembrock, G., 1967.: | Probleme der Phylogenie der Lautgebung der Säugetiere. | Zool. Beitr., N.F., 12(2/3): | pp. 409-439, 5 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. | € 5.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Pejler, B., 1962.: | On the taxonomy and ecology of benthic and perophytic Rotatoria. Investigations in northern Swedish Lappland. | Zool. Bidr. Uppsala, 33: | pp. 327-422, 138 figs., refs. Orig. printed wrappers. Very good. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
PEJLER, B., 1957.: | On variation and evolution in plakntonic Rotatoria. | Zool. Bidr. Uppsala, 32: | pp. 1-66, 105 figs., bibliogr. Offprint, orig. wrappers. - With author's presentation inscription to... | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Stingelin, Th.,, 1904.: | Untersuchungen über die Cladocerenfauna von Hinterindien, Sumatra und Java, nebst einem Beitrage zur Cladoceren-Kenntnis der Hawaii-Inseln. (Reise von Dr. Walter Volz.) | Zool. Jahrb., 21(3): | pp. 1-44, 38 figs. on 3 tinted double-page lithogr. pls., tab., bibl. Offprint, orig. wrs. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Storch, O., 1928.: | Der Nährungserwerb zweier Copepodennauplien (Diaptomus gracilis and Cyclops strenuus). | Zool. Jahrb., Abr. Allg. Zool., 45: | pp. 385-436, 4 figs., refs. Offpring, orig. wrappers. | € 6.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1932.: | Diplopoden-Beiträge. (12. Diplopoden-Aufsatz.) | Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 62(5/6): | pp. 469-524, 48 figs. on 3 double-page plates. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1932.: | Diplopoden, besonders aus den östlichen Apenninen. (125. Diplopoden-Aufsatz.) | Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 63(3): | pp. 300-351, 39 figs. on 3 plates. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 9.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1927.: | Beiträge zur Systematik, Morphologie und Geographie europäischer Ascospermophoren [Diplopoda]. | Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 54: | pp. 241-314, 63 figs. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 10.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1929.: | Über neue, ostalpine Copeognathen. (113. Diplopoden-Aufsatz.) | Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 58: | pp. 481-520, 52 figs. on 2 double-page plates. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 8.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Verhoeff, K.W., 1930.: | Über Diplopoden aus Italien, namentlich Piemont. (114. Diplopoden-Aufsatz.) | Zool. Jahrb., Abt. Syst., 59: | pp. 387-446, 64 figs. on 4 double-page plates. Offprint, orig. wrappers. | € 12.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Rieger, R.M., 1971.: | Die Turbellarienfamilie Dolichomacrostomidae Rieger. II. Teil. Dolichomacrostominae 1. | Zool. Jahrb., Syst., 98(4): | pp. 569-703, many dAwings and photos on 65 illus. in text, refs. Journal issue wrs. | € 17.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Ryland, J.S. (editor), 1084.: | Biology of marine invertebrates. Proceedings of a meeting held in homour of Wyn Knight-Jones on 16 December in the Rooms of the LinneanSociety of London. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 80(2-3): | pp. 101-367, 1 portrait, many illustr. in text, refs.Journal issue, orig. printed wrappers. - Contai... | € 30.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Wheeler, A., 1985.: | The Linnaean fish collection in the Linnaean Society of London. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 84(1): | pp. 1-76, 5 full-page photos, refs. Extract, plain new wrappers. Fine. | € 12.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Kevan, D.K.McE., 1975.: | The synonymy and distribution of the crenulata- and psittacina-groups of Atractomorpha Saussure 1862 (Orthoptera: Acridoidea: Pyrgomorphidae). | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 57(2): | pp; 95-154, 4 figs., refs. Plain wrappers. | € 9.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Legg, G., 1976.: | The external morphology of a new species of ricinuleid (Arachnida) from Sierra Leone. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 59(1): | pp. 1-58, 46 microphotos on 6 plates, many drawings in 43 figs., refs. Journal issue wrappers. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Cannatella, D.C., Trueb, L., 1988.: | Evolution of pipoid fogs: intergeneric relationships of the aquatic frog family Pipidae (Anura). | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 94(1): | pp. 1-38, 13 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. Fine. | € 7.50 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Ritchie, L., 1975.: | A new genus and two new species of Coniostomatidae (Copepoda) parasitic on two deep sea isopods. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc. London, 57(2): | pp. 155-178, 1 plate, 13 figs. Plain new wrappers. | € 6.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Harrison, K., Holdich, D.M., 1984.: | Hemibranchiate sphaeromatids (Crustacea, Isopoda) from Queensland, Australia, with a world-wide review of the genera discussed. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 81(4): | pp. 275-387, numerous drawings in 38 figs., refs. Journal issue, orig. wrappers. | € 15.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Dojiri, M., Humes, A.G., 1982.: | Copepods (Poecilostromatoidea: Taeniacanthidae) from sea urchins (Echinoidea) Iin the southwest Pacific. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 74(4): | PP. 381-436, Mpp. 381-436, many drawings and 1 map in 34 figs., refs. Plain new wrappers. | € 8.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |
Brusca, R.C., 1981.: | A monograph on the Isopoda Cymothoidae (Crustacea) of the Eastern Pacific. | Zool. Jour. Linn. Soc., 73(2): | pp. 117-199, many drawings in 28 figs., refs. Journal issue, orig. wrappers. | € 20.00 |
Aquila Antiquariaat |