Alle boeken van DeBoekenBoom uit Amsterdam


DeBoekenBoom heeft in totaal 7027 boeken

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Afbeelding Schrijver Titel Uitgever Bijzonderheid Prijs Bestelling
The Tripartite Nature of Ma... Heard, Rev J.B. The Tripartite Nature of Man, Spirit, Soul, and Body, Applied to Illustrate and Explain the Doctrines of Original Sin, the New Birth, the Disembodied State, and the Spiritual Body T. T. Clark Edinburg 1868, 363pp. Hardcover, cloth, gold lettering to spine, some damage to edges and corners, some foxin... € 42.50
€ 3,50
The Gift of the Spirit / A ... Mulford, Prentice The Gift of the Spirit / A Selection from the Essays of Prentice Mulford William Rider Son 1919, 267pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, Bookplate partially removed, spine bumped, some yellowin... € 42.50
€ 3,50
De parel van het Soefisme /... Azmayesh, Seyed De parel van het Soefisme / Over Jezus, Roemi en Hafez Panta Rhei 2009, 171pp, paperback, enkele koffievlekjes op de rand, goed € 42.00
€ 3,50
Arunachala Shiva / Commenta... Premananda / John David Arunachala Shiva / Commentaries on Sri Ramana Maharshi's Teachings, Who am I? Open Sky Press 2009, 1st ed. 370pp. Hardcover + dvd in the back, like new € 40.00
€ 3,50
Jesus Purusha / A Vedanta-b... Davie, Ian Jesus Purusha / A Vedanta-based Doctrine of Jesus Inner Traditions - Lindesfarne Pess 1985, 159pp. Paperback, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
De Duitsch-Fransche oorlog ... Rüstow, W. De Duitsch-Fransche oorlog van 1870/71 Vrij vertaald uit het Hoogduitsch door H.M.F. Landolt E.H. Brouwer. (meer info) Erven F. Bohn 1871/1782, 460+456pp. in 1 band. met 7 uitvouwbare kaarten achterin (Kaart 5 ontbreekt), conditie re... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Resolving Social Conflicts Lewin, Kurt Resolving Social Conflicts Souvenir Press - A Condor Book 19783, 230pp. Paperback, a few pencil underlings, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Chilean miracle / Patri... Peppelenbos, L.P.C. The Chilean miracle / Patrimonialism in a Modern Free-Market Democracy Bibliotheek Wageningen UR 2005, 269pp. Paperback, randen papier iets verkleurd, goed € 40.00
€ 3,50
Olsen, John - Drawn From Life Olsen, John Drawn From Life Duffy Snellgrove 1997, 354pp. Good hardcover, slight yellowing of pages, minor damage to dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
What all the world's A-seek... Trine, Ralph Waldo What all the world's A-seeking. The vital law of true life, true greatness, power and hapiness Gay and Bird 1903, 253pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, a few small stains (foxing), some wear, inscription on e... € 40.00
€ 3,50
LSD en de psychiatrie in Ne... Snelders, S.A.M. LSD en de psychiatrie in Nederland - proefschrift Snelders 1999, 226pp. Paperback A4-formaat, koffievlekken op het boekbok en achterzijde, slijtage kaft wat ve... € 40.00
€ 3,50
San Spirituality / Roots, E... Lewis-Williams, David J. Pearce, David San Spirituality / Roots, Expression and Social Consequences Double Storey 2004, 267pp. Paperback, small damage to edges of the cover, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Knowth and the Passage-Tomb... Eogan, George Knowth and the Passage-Tombs of Ireland - New Aspects of Antiquity Thames Hudson 1986, 247pp. Good hardcover with some wear to dust jacket, ramainder mark (markering met stift) to t... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Das Adolf Hitler - Psychogr... Langer, Walter C. Das Adolf Hitler - Psychogramm. Eine Analyse seiner Person und seines Verhaltens, verfaßt 1943 für die psychologischen Kriegsführungen der USA Molden 1973, 272pp. Good hardcover, damaged dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
Chance or Creation? / God's... Al-Jahiz / M. A. S. Abdel Haleem - Introduction, Translator Chance or Creation? / God's Design in the Universe Garnet 1995, 130pp. Good hardcover, slight yellowing of page edges, wear to the dust jacket, glue stain to ... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Piktogramme und Icons / Pfl... Abdullah, Rayan Hübner, Roger Piktogramme und Icons / Pflicht oder Kür? Schmidt Hermann Verlag 2005, 243pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Creed of Saint Vinoba Nargolkar, Vasant Sadashiv The Creed of Saint Vinoba Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan 1963, 307pp. Paperback, damaged spine and corners, some stains to the first pages € 40.00
€ 3,50
Sämtliche Werke - Bände I-V... Schopenhauer, Arthur Sämtliche Werke - Bände I-V (compleet) (meer info) Cotta - Insel 1960-1965, 735 / 853 / 872 / 622 / 998 pp. Dundruk, gebonden linnen met goudopdruk, leeslint met sto... € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Making of the Doomsday ... Galbraith, V.H. The Making of the Doomsday Book Clarendon Press 1961, 241pp. Very good hardcover, some yellowing of the dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
Progress and Prospects in E... Powell, Jeffrey R. Progress and Prospects in Evolutionary Biology / The Drosophila Model Oxford University Press 1997, 576pp. Hardcover, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Jim Rakete - Photographien ... Rakete, Jim / Vorwort von Peter Lindbergh Jim Rakete - Photographien 1970 - 1997 Schirmer / Mosel 1997, 216pp. Very good hardcover, some yellowing of the spine side of the dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
An Economic Theory of Democ... Downs, Anthony An Economic Theory of Democracy Harper and Row 1957, 310pp. Paperback, kaft wat verkleurd, lichte slijtage, goed € 40.00
€ 3,50
European Cinema and Interte... Mazierska, Ewa European Cinema and Intertextuality / History, Memory and Politics Palgrave Macmillan 2011, 285pp. Hardcover, illustrated cover, without dust jacket, library stamps and stickers. some we... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Experiential Psychotherapy ... Kempler, Walter Experiential Psychotherapy Within Families Brunner/Mazel 1981, 274pp. Good hardcover, some wear to the dust jacket, signature on the titlel page € 40.00
€ 3,50
On the Road - Text and Crit... Kerouac, Jack / Scott Donaldson - editor On the Road - Text and Criticism edited by Scott Donaldson - The Viking Critical Library (meer info) Penguin - Viking 1979, 605pp. Paperback, vouwen in de rug, binding fragiel, wat verkleuring en wat slijtage van de ka... € 40.00
€ 3,50
MH17 de doofpotdeal Niemöller, Joost MH17 de doofpotdeal Uitgeverij Van Praag 2014, 194pp. Paperback, zeer goed € 40.00
€ 3,50
Psychology as self-knowledg... Rappard, Hans V. Psychology as self-knowledge / The development of the concept of the mind in German rationalistic psychology and its relevance today Van Gorcum 1979, 195pp. Paperback, damage to the bottom edge, slight yellowing, acceptable € 40.00
€ 3,50
Neue Sachlichkeit und Surre... Koella, Rudolf - Hsg. Neue Sachlichkeit und Surrealismus in der Schweiz 1915-1940 Benteli Verlag 1979?, 222pp. Very good hardcover, some wear to the dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
Dada 21/22 Musikalische. Fi... Schrott, Raoul Dada 21/22 Musikalische. Fischsuppe mit Reiseeindrücken. Eine Dokumentation über die beiden Dadajahre in Tirol Ein Fortsatz: Dada und danach Haymon Verlag 1988, 240pp. Hardcover, some wear to the edges, small tear in the dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943 ... Epstein, Barbara The Minsk Ghetto 1941-1943 / Jewish Resistance and Soviet Internationalism University of California Press 2008, 351pp. Hardcover met stofomslag, inscriptie naam/datum voorin, goed € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Miracle That Heals Holland, David The Miracle That Heals Croydon House 1956, 279pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, wear/discolration/waterdamage to boards, d.j. very worn, so... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Slaughterhouse-Five Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Slaughterhouse-Five (meer info) A Seymour Lawrence Book / Delacorte Press - Book Club Edition 1969, 190pp. Good hardcover, light blue cloth, gold and black lettering to the spine, slight yellowi... € 40.00
€ 3,50
The Further Education of Ov... Roberts, Jane The Further Education of Oversoul Seven Prentice Hall 1979, first printing, Good hardcover, small damage to the edge of the dust jacket € 40.00
€ 3,50
Seeking Spirit Vision / Ess... Klocek, Dennis Seeking Spirit Vision / Essays on Developing Imagination Rudolf Steiner College 2001, 309pp, paperback, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
English Parliamentary Enclo... Turner, Michael Edward English Parliamentary Enclosure: Its Historical Geography and Economic History Dawson - Archon Books 1980, 247pp. Hardcover zonder stofomslag, bibliotheekstempels voorin, zeer goed € 40.00
€ 3,50
Planning the Twentieth-Cent... Ward, Stephen V. Planning the Twentieth-Century City / The Advanced Capitalist World John Wiley Sons Inc 2002, 470pp. Paperback, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Reading Parfit Dancy, Robert (editor) Reading Parfit Blackwell 1997, 352pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, small damage to front cover, ex library, very good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Die antithetische Struktur ... Hofmann, Paul Die antithetische Struktur des Bewußtseins Georg Reimer 1914, 421pp. Bound softcover, damage to spine, pages unopened, acceptable € 40.00
€ 3,50
Images that Injure / Pictor... Lester, Paul Martin Images that Injure / Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media Praeger 1996, first ed. 282pp, Hardcover without dust jacket, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Alas, Leopoldo - The Moral Tales Alas, Leopoldo The Moral Tales George Mason University Press 1988, 199pp. good hardcover, black cloth with gold lettering to the spine, damaged dust jacket, d.j.... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Culture and Cognition / Rea... Berry, J.W. Dasen P.R. editors Culture and Cognition / Readings in Cross-Cultural Psychology Methuen Co. 1974, 487pp. Paperback, some discolration of back cover and spine, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Dream Interpretation: A Com... Fosshage, James L. Loew, Clemens editors Dream Interpretation: A Comparative Review SP Medical Scientific books 1978, 303pp. Hardcover without dust jacket, some wear to the cover, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Advances in Chinese Medicin... Chang, H.M. / Yeung, H.W. / Tso, W-W / Koo, A Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research (meer info) World Scientific 1985, 742pp. Hardcover with dust jacket, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Manav Mootra / Auto-Urine T... Patel, Raojibhai Manibhai Manav Mootra / Auto-Urine Therapy / A Treatise on Urine Therapy for Universal Health (meer info) Bharat Sevak Samaj Publications - Bankornaka 1973, 2nd. Revised ed. 290pp. Paperback, cover in poor condition, see more info € 40.00
€ 3,50
Thought and Emotion / Devel... Bearison, David j Zimiles, Herbert Thought and Emotion / Developmental Perspectives Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 1986, 254pp. Hardcover with dust jacket. Old library book with usual stamps and markings on end pape... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis Brown, Daniel Hypnotherapy and Hypnoanalysis Erlbaum Associates 1986, 374pp. Hardcover, discoloration of dust jacket, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Charcot Un grand médecin da... Bonduelle, Michel Charcot Un grand médecin dans son siècle Éditions Michalon 1995, 397pp. Paperback, some yellowing of pages, good € 40.00
€ 3,50
Het onstaan van het heelal ... Rulof, Jozef Het onstaan van het heelal / Deel I Het stoffelijk organisme / Deel II Het zieleleven / Deel III de wedergeboorte op aarde (meer info) Geestelijk Wetenschappelijk Genootschap "De Eeuw van Christus" 1939, 504pp. 3 delen in 1 band, linnen hardcover, wat kleine vlekjes op de rand van de kaft, goed, s... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Geschiedenis van de ethiek ... Macintyre, Alasdair Geschiedenis van de ethiek / 25 eeuwen moraalfilosofie in kort bestek Boom 1974, 286pp. Paperback, veel aanstrepingen met pen op alleen de eerste 40 bladzijden, wat vergeeld, ... € 40.00
€ 3,50
Trance, Art, and Creativity... Gowan, John Curtis Trance, Art, and Creativity: A Psychological Analysis of the Relationship between the Individual Ego and the Numinous Element in Three Modes: Prototaxic, Parataxic, and Syntaxic Creative Education Foundation 1975, 448pp. Paperback, small burn to front cover and front end paper, discoloration of cover, pages... € 40.00
€ 3,50

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